Curator tasks
Last update: October 5, 2021
- Topics:
- Analytics Dashboards
- User
- Admin
Curators may be organizational administrators or persons in other roles who are responsible for setting up app scorecards. Scorecards allow executive users to view a broad rendering of important summary data quickly and easily on their own mobile devices. Executive users are the end-users for Analytics dashboards. As a curator, you should complete these tasks to effectively set up the app for executives:
- Analytics Tools Guide
- Analytics Release Notes
- Get started with Adobe Analytics
- Landing page
- Analysis Workspace
- Analysis Workspace overview
- Projects
- Reports
- Templates
- Components
- Visualizations
- Visualizations overview
- Manage data sources
- Freeform table
- Cohort Table
- Fallout
- Flow
- Area and area stacked
- Bar and bar stacked
- Bullet graph
- Combo chart
- Donut
- Histogram
- Horizontal Bar and Horizontal Bar Stacked
- Key metric summary
- Line
- Map
- Scatterplot
- Section header
- Summary Number and Summary Change
- Text
- Tree map
- Venn
- Panels
- Curate, Share, and Schedule projects
- Attribution
- Journey IQ
- Segment IQ
- Anomaly Detection
- User preferences
- Workspace FAQs
- Report Builder
- Legacy Report Builder
- Legacy Adobe Report Builder help
- Legacy Report Builder setup
- Report Builder toolbar
- Data requests
- Data requests - Request Wizard Step 1
- Create a data request
- Report suites
- Manage segments
- Report types
- Import bookmarked reports and dashboard reportlets
- Date ranges
- Interactive controls
- Layout - Request Wizard Step 2
- Layout overview
- Metrics and dimensions
- Anomaly Detection
- Configure an anomaly detection request
- Format the date
- Format display headers
- Hide or show headers
- Delete output mapping
- Name a request
- Prepend and postpend text to cells
- Configure the custom layout
- Map metrics and dimensions to cells
- Create a microchart
- Filter dimensions
- Manage requests
- Manage requests - definitions
- Diagnostic messages
- Sort ascending or descending
- Protected worksheet elements
- Edit multiple requests
- Edit metrics across multiple requests
- Refresh a request
- Refresh requests for all sheets
- Add dependent requests
- Classification
- Copy requests
- Save a workbook with requests
- Specify conditional formatting
- Offline mode for creating and editing requests
- Report Builder options
- Schedule report requests
- Schedule a workbook
- Scheduled Task Manager
- Workbook Library
- Publish to Power BI with Report Builder 5.5
- Visual Basic macros
- Report Builder troubleshooting
- Report Builder FAQ
- Activity Map
- Adobe Analytics dashboards
- Labs