This article documents the Histogram visualization inAdobe Analytics. See Histogram for theCustomer Journey Analytics version of this article.
Histogram visualization is similar to a Bar visualization, but it groups numbers into ranges (buckets). Analytics automates the “bucketing” of numbers into ranges, but you can change the settings in Advanced Settings.
Histograms support only standard metrics, not calculated metrics.
In the example below, a histogram is used to bucket sessions for the number of persons. The histogram shows that most persons do have between 16-21 sessions for the selected date range.
Advanced settings
As part of the visualization, specific histogram settings are available.
Histogram settings
Starting bucket
Determines which bucket the histogram starts with. “1” is the default. You can set starting numbers from 0 to infinity (no negative numbers).
Metric buckets
Lets you increase/decrease the number of data ranges (buckets.) The maximum number of buckets is 50.
Metric bucket size
Lets you set the size of each bucket. For example, you can change the bucket size from 1 page view to 2 page views.
Counting method
Select from Person, Session, or Event. For example, page views per session, or page views per person, or page views per event.