This article documents the Attribution panel in
See Attribution panel for the
The Attribution panel is an easy way to build an analysis comparing various attribution models. The panel provides you with a dedicated workspace to use and compare attribution models.
Adobe Analytics enhances attribution by letting you:
- Define attribution beyond paid media: Any dimension, metric, channel or event can be applied to models (for example, internal search), not just marketing campaigns.
- Use unlimited attribution model comparison: dynamically compare as many models as you want.
- Avoid implementation changes: With report-time processing and context-aware sessions, customer journey context can be built in and applied at run time.
- Construct the session that best matches your attribution scenario.
- Break down attribution by segments: Easily compare the performance of your marketing channels across any important segment (for example, New vs. Repeat customers, Product X vs. Product Y, Loyalty level or CLV).
- Inspect channel cross-over and multi-touch analysis: Use Venn Diagrams and Histograms, and trend attribution results.
- Analyze key marketing sequences visually: explore paths that led to conversion visually with multi-node flow and fallout visualizations.
- Build calculated metrics: use any number of attribution allocation methods.
To use an Attribution panel:
Create an Attribution panel. For information about how to create a panel, see Create a panel.
Specify the input for the panel.
Observe the output for the panel.
Panel input
You can configure the Attribution panel using these input settings:
Add a Success metric and a dimension from the Channel that you want to attribute against. Examples include Marketing Channels or custom dimensions, such as internal promotions.
Select one or more attribution models from Included models and a lookback window from the Lookback window that you want to use for comparison.
Select Build to build the visualizations in the panel.
Panel output
The Attribution panel returns a rich set of data and visualizations that compare attribution for the selected dimension and metric.
Attribution visualizations
The following visualization are part of the panel ouput.
- Total metric: The total number of conversions that occurred over the reporting time window, and are attributed to the dimension you selected.
- Attribution Comparison Bar: Visually compares the attributed conversions across each of the dimension items from your selected dimension. Each bar color represents a distinct attribution model.
- Attribution Comparison Table: Shows the same data as the bar chart, represented as a table. Selecting different columns or rows in this table filters the bar chart as well as several of the other visualizations in the panel. This table acts similar to any other Freeform table in Workspace - allowing you to add components such as metrics, segments, or breakdowns.
- Overlap Diagram: A Venn visualization showing the top three dimension items and how often they participate jointly in a conversion. For example, the size of the bubble overlap indicates how often conversions occurred when a person was exposed to both dimension items. Selecting other rows in the adjacent Freeform table updates the visualization to reflect your selection.
- Performance Detail: A scatter visualization to compare up to three attribution models visually.
- Trended Performance: Shows the trend of attributed conversions for the top dimension item. Selecting other rows in the adjacent Freeform table updates the visualization to reflect your selection.
- Flow: Lets you see which channels are interacted with most commonly, and in what order across a person’s journey.
Attribution models
An attribution model determines which dimension items get credit for a metric when multiple values are seen within a metric’s lookback window. Attribution models only apply when there are multiple dimension items set within the lookback window. If only a single dimension item is set, that dimension item gets 100% credit regardless of attribution model used.
, where t
is the amount of time between a touch point and a conversion. All touch points are then normalized to 100%. Ideal for scenarios where you want to measure attribution against a specific and significant event. The longer a conversion happens after this event, the less credit is given.At a high level, attribution is calculated as a coalition of players to which a surplus must be equitably distributed. Each coalition’s surplus distribution is determined according to the surplus that was previously created by each subcoalition (or previously participating dimension items) recursively. For more details, see John Harsanyi’s and Lloyd Shapley’s original papers:
Shapley, Lloyd S. (1953). A value for n-person games. Contributions to the Theory of Games, 2(28), 307-317.
Harsanyi, John C. (1963). A simplified bargaining model for the n-person cooperative game. International Economic Review 4(2), 194-220.
Lookback window
A lookback window is the amount of time a conversion should look back to include touch points. If a dimension item is set outside of the lookback window, the value is not included in any attribution calculations.
- 14 Days: Looks back up to 14 days from when the conversion happened.
- 30 Days: Looks back up to 30 days from when the conversion happened.
- 60 Days: Looks back up to 60 days from when the conversion happened.
- 90 Days: Looks back up to 90 days from when the conversion happened.
- Visit: Looks back up to the beginning of the visit where a conversion happened.
- Visitor (Reporting Window): Looks at all visits back up to the first of the month of the current date range. For example, if the report date range is September 15 - September 30, the visitor lookback date range includes September 1 - September 30. If you use this lookback window, you can occasionally see that dimension items are attributed to dates outside of your reporting window.
- Custom Time: Allows you to set a custom lookback window from when a conversion happened. You can specify the number of minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, or quarters. For example, if a conversion happened on February 20, a lookback window of five days would evaluate all dimension touchpoints from February 15 to February 20 in the attribution model.