Adobe Analytics landing page
The landing page for Adobe Analytics brings together both Analysis Workspace and Reports & Analytics (end-of-lifed) in a single interface and access point under the Workspace umbrella. It features a project manager home page, a templates section, and a learning section to help you with getting started more effectively. Here is a video overview:
The Adobe Analytics landing page is comprised of the following subtabs: Projects, Templates, and Learning.
Projects are customized designs that combine data components, tables, and visualizations that you built or that someone else built and shared with you. Projects also refers to blank projects and blank mobile scorecards.
Templates includes templates provided by Adobe and any templates specific to your organization.
The Learning tab contains hands-on video tours, tutorials, and links to documentation.
Navigate the Projects tab navigate-projects
The Projects tab serves as the Workspace home page. It displays the Company folder, any personal folders you created, your projects, and Mobile scorecards. Use this page to view, create, and modify folders, projects, and mobile scorecards. For more information, see About Folders in Analytics.
Customize table columns
To customize column widths, drag the vertical bar that separates each column.
To add or remove columns from the list of projects, click the column icon ( ) in the top-right, then select or deselect column titles.
The available columns are:
Tables and visualizations within a panel derive data from the report suite selected in the top right of the panel. The report suite also determines what components are available in the left rail. Within a project, you can use one or many report suites depending on your analysis use cases. The list of report suites is sorted on relevance. Adobe defines relevance based on how recently and frequently the suite has been used by the current user, and how frequently the suite is used within the organization.
Helps determine whether a project is valuable to users in your organization by showing the date and time when the project was last opened by any user within the organization.
Consider the following when viewing this column:
- Usage information is available starting in September 2023.
- This column is available only to system administrators.
Other UI elements on the Projects page
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Navigate the Templates tab navigate-reports
For information about using templates in Adobe Analytics, see the following resources:
Use the Learning tab navigate-learning
The Learning page contains hands-on video tours, tutorials, and links to documentation.
Use the Learning page in Adobe Analytics to learn beginner, intermediate, or advanced features and use-cases in Adobe Analytics.
Access the Learning page
- In Adobe Analytics, select Workspace > Learning.
Learning page features
Filter content: The Filter icon in the left rail allows you to filter learning content by experience level (Beginner, Intermediate, or Advanced) and by content type (Document, Video, or Tours & tutorials).
Track progress: After you select a piece of content, a Viewed tag appears. This tag helps you track your progress through the learning content. You can select the Viewed tag to remove it from a piece of content.
View additional content: While viewing any video, select the Learn more button to view related documentation content on Experience League. Or, from the Learning page, select either of the following options to view additional content:
- Visit YouTube: View the full Analysis Workspace YouTube playlist.
- Visit Experience League: View the full suite of Adobe Analytics documentation on Experience League.
Fundamentals for new users: The Workspace Fundamentals tour is recommended for new users. This tour takes you directly to Workspace and walks you through the most common actions. This tour can also be relaunched any time in Workspace via the tooltip pop-over from the panel header.
Set your landing page set-landing
Users can set their preferred landing page.
Go to Analytics > Components > Preferences > General.
Check which landing page you would prefer:
Landing page FAQ landing-faq
No, the following reports were phased out, based on overall usage data:
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