Standard settings

These settings apply to the standard mode overlay.

Dynamic Data Filtering

This drop-down list lets you show overlays for

  • (default) All the links on the page
  • The top (highest) or bottom (lowest) # of ranked links on the page, where # can be a choice of 1, 10, 50, or 100.
Hide overlays for links that received no hits.

A checkbox that toggles the visibility of overlays for links that have no data.

  • (default) If the checkbox is checked, then no overlay is shown when a link has no ActivityMap link data.
  • If the checkbox is unchecked, then if a link has no ActivityMap link data, an overlay is displayed and it has a label of “-”, which means N/A (not applicable).

Live settings

These settings apply to the live mode overlay.

Display TopTo display the Gainers or Losers (or both) as overlays, select the number of links.
Exclude bottom (%)Select to eliminate Gainers-Losers links with sparse data. Filter out the bottom percentage of link changes to view only the links with enough data to show relevant gains or losses. The percentage is computed based on the number of links on that page. For example, filtering out the bottom 10% of a list of 200 links would filter out the bottom 20 links.
Auto Update DataLets you decide whether or not the Analytics data shown in the interface automatically updates when a new period is computed.
Auto Update PeriodWhen checked, refreshes the web page with each new data retrieval so the links in the page can be more closely synced with the collected data.