Configure Activity Map settings

The Activity Map setting panel lets you modify the settings and properties for all types of overlay visualizations.

Activity Map overlay > Show settings (gear icon) > Settings

General settings

Change general settings for the extension and overlays.

  • Companies: Shows the current Analytics organization that you are logged in to.

  • Page name: Shows the name of the current page.

  • Language: Changes the language for Activity Map extension labels. This setting does not change content on your web site or link names in reports. Supported languages include English, French, Chinese (simplified), Chinese (traditional), German, Japanese, Korean, Spanish, and Portuguese.

  • Label overlays with: Determines what the bubble or gradient text is. The default setting is Rank. Options include:

    • No label: No text within the labels, making them colored boxes
    • Value: Displays the number of link clicks (Occurrences)
    • Percent: Displays the proportion of link clicks compared to the total number of link clicks on the page
    • Rank: The numeric rank of the link by number of link clicks.
  • Label font size: Determines the size of the text within the bubble or gradient.

  • Gradient color: Allows you to change the gradient color when the visualization type is Gradient.

  • Bubble color: Allows you to change the bubble color when the visualization type is Bubble.

  • Color gradient based on: Determines which metric a link’s color intensity is based on when the visualization type is Gradient.

    • Top 30 rankings: Color intensity is normalized for the top 30 links.
    • Absolute metric value: Color intensity is a function of the absolute metric value.
  • Gradient transparency: Determines the transparency of gradient overlays when the visualization type is Gradient. This slider allows you to make the color overlay completely transparent, completely opaque, or anywhere in between.

Standard settings

Adjust settings for standard view.

  • Dynamic data filtering: Allows you to change which links are displayed.

    • Top: Displays the most popular links. Use the numeric drop-down list on the right to determine the number of top links to display. Options include 1, 10, 50, and 100.
    • Bottom: Displays the least popular links based on the number drop-down list. Use the numeric drop-down list on the right to determine the number of bottom links to display. Options include 1, 10, 50, and 100.
    • All links: Do not apply dynamic data filtering. The numeric drop-down list does not apply when this option is selected.
  • Hide overlays for links that received no hits: Links on the page with zero link clicks do not show an overlay. These links are excluded from dynamic data filtering.

Live settings

  • Display top: Display the top number of gainers or losers based on the numeric drop-down list on the left.
  • Exclude bottom (%): Filter out the bottom percentage of link changes to view only the links with enough data to show relevant gains or losses. The percentage is computed based on the number of links on that page. For example, filtering out the bottom 10% of a list of 200 links would filter out the bottom 20 links.
  • Auto update data: Determines if the Analytics data shown in the overlay automatically updates when a new period is computed.
  • Auto update period: When checked, refreshes the page with each new data retrieval so the links on the page are more closely synced with collected data.