Adobe Analytics overview

Adobe Analytics enables organizations to gather data and gain actionable insights from any digital customer interaction. With in-depth analysis, versatile reporting, and predictive intelligence, organizations get the insightful foundation they need to build better experiences for their customers.

Get started with Adobe Analytics

Use the following resources to learn the basics of Adobe Analytics:

Documentation resource
Get started (by role)
Provides detailed information explaining key features and tasks you need to be aware of, whether you are an administrator, analyst, end user, or developer.
Understand the Analytics interface
Outlines key areas of the Analytics interface.
Use cases
Explains some of the key ways that Adobe Analytics helps organizations gain critical insights in order to better serve their customers.
Which Adobe Analytics tool should I use?
Contains recommended use cases for each Adobe Analytics tool.
Analytics product comparison and requirements
Compares the various Adobe Analytics products that are available.
System requirements
Explains prerequisites and system requirements for implementing and using Adobe Analytics.

Video overview

To learn about Adobe Analytics basics, check out this Intro to Adobe Analytics - Skill Builder Webinar video. The video walks you through the basics of how data is captured, how data is sent to Adobe Analytics, and what visualization capabilities you can use within Adobe Analytics. The video provides a foundation for you to build, deploy, collect, and interpret data, allowing you to provide actionable insights and recommendations based on the collected data.


See VideoCheckedOut Intro to Adobe Analytics - Skill Builder for the webinar video.

For questions about which tool to use, see Which Adobe Analytics tool should I use?.

Go further with Customer Journey Analytics

Customer Journey Analytics is Adobe’s next-generation Analytics solution that lets you use the power of Analysis Workspace with data from Adobe Experience Platform. It can break down, filter, query, and visualize years’ worth of data, and is combined with Platform’s ability to hold all kinds of data schemas and types.

Following are some of the advantages of Customer Journey Analytics over Adobe Analytics:

  • Unlimited variables and events: The concepts of eVars, props, and events no longer exist. Data is primarily focused on dimensions and metrics. Datasets can have an unlimited number of unique dimensions and metrics.

  • Unlimited unique values: Adobe Experience Platform is not constrained to any unique limitations.

  • Alter historical data: Using Adobe Experience Platform, data can be removed or corrected.

  • Cross-report-suite data: Existing implementations from multiple datasets can be combined in Platform.

For more information, see Customer Journey Analytics overview.
