View component information in the Data Dictionary

The Data Dictionary allows you to view information about a component, including the component description, similar components, other components a component is frequently used with, and more.

To view information about a component in the Data Dictionary:

  1. Go to the Analysis Workspace project that contains the component that you want to view.

  2. Select the Data Dictionary icon in the left rail of Analysis Workspace. (Alternate ways of accessing the Data Dictionary are described in “Access the Data Dictionary” in Data Dictionary overview.)

    The Data Dictionary window displays.


  3. Ensure that the Report Suite that contains the component you want to view is selected in the drop-down menu. By default, the report suite that you are already in is displayed.

  4. (Optional) In the search field, begin typing the name of the component you want to view.

    The type of component can be identified by both color and icon. Dimensions Dimension icon are orange, Segments Segment icon are blue, Date ranges Date range icon are purple, and Metrics Metric icon are green. The Adobe icon indicates either a calculated metric template or a segment template, and the calculator icon Calculator icon indicated a calculated metric that was created by an Analytics administrator in your organization.

  5. (Optional) Select the Filter icon Data Dictionary Filter icon , then select any of the following filter options to filter the list of components:

    table 0-row-2 1-row-2 2-row-2 3-row-2 4-row-2 5-row-2 6-row-2 7-row-2 8-row-2 9-row-2 10-row-2 11-row-2 12-row-2 layout-auto
    Option Function
    Approved Show only components that are marked as Approved by an administrator.
    Favorites Show only components that are in your list of Favorites. For information about adding components to your list of favorites, see Components overview.
    Dimensions Show only components that are Dimensions. (This option is also available in the Quick filters tab when you first access the Data Dictionary.)
    Metrics Show only components that are Metrics. (This option is also available in the Quick filters tab when you first access the Data Dictionary.)
    Segments Show only components that are Segments. (This option is also available in the Quick filters tab when you first access the Data Dictionary.)
    Date ranges Show only components that are Date Ranges. (This option is also available in the Quick filters tab when you first access the Data Dictionary.)
    Show all Show all components. This option is available only for administrators.
    Unapproved Show only components that are not yet marked as Approved by an administrator. As an administrator, this is helpful when identifying components that require your review and approval. This option is available only for administrators.
    Missing Description Show only components that do not yet have a description in the Description field. This option is available only for administrators.
    Show duplicates

    Show only components that have either the same name or the same definition as that of another component in the selected Report Suite. Names or definitions must be exact matches in order to show as duplicates.

    This option is available only for administrators.

    NOTE: For definitions, this includes components you create as well as those provided by Adobe. For names, this currently includes only components you create and not those provided by Adobe. Showing duplicate names for Adobe-provided components will be added in a future release.

    No recent data Show only components that have not collected any data in the past 90 days. This option is available only for administrators.
    Created by Adobe Show only components that were created by Adobe. Components that were created by an administrator or another user in your organization are not shown.
  6. (Optional) Select the Sort icon Sort components icon , then select any of the following filter options to sort the list of components:

    table 0-row-2 1-row-2 2-row-2 3-row-2 layout-auto
    Option Function
    Recommended Sorts components with those that are recommended at the top of the list. Components that are used most frequently and most recently by you or by others in your organization are shown higher in the list.
    Alphabetical Sorts components alphabetically.
    Categorical Sorts components according to component type (dimension, metric, segment, date range).
  7. From the list of components, select the component you want to view.

    The following information about the component is displayed:

    table 0-row-2 1-row-2 2-row-2 3-row-2 4-row-2 5-row-2 6-row-2 7-row-2 8-row-2 9-row-2 10-row-2 layout-auto
    Option Function

    Indicates that the component has been reviewed and approved by the administrator.

    After a component is approved, administrators can remove approval by selecting the Approved button.

    Approval needed

    Indicates that the component has not yet been reviewed and approved by the administrator.

    Administrators see an option to Approve. Selecting this option marks the component as “Approved” to users.

    Description Describes the intended function of the component. (This information is added by the Analytics administrator, as described in Add component descriptions.)
    Frequently used with

    Shows components that are most commonly used with the component you are viewing.

    Up to 5 components are shown across the 5 primary component types: Metric, Calculated Metric, Dimension, Segment, and Date Range.

    This list is based on data from the past 90 days. Only components that you have access to view are shown.

    Administrators can curate the components that users see in this section by selecting the desired components in the Always Include and Always Exclude drop-down fields. Before you curate the components that users see, first apply the Show all filter to ensure you are seeing any components that are not shared with you.

    Similar to

    Shows components with similar names to the component you are viewing.

    Up to 5 components are shown across the 5 primary component types: Metric, Calculated Metric, Dimension, Segment, and Date Range.

    Only components that you have access to view are shown.

    Any duplicate components in your report suite also display here. Analytics administrators should identify and remove all duplicate components, as described in Monitor Data Dictionary health.

    Administrators can curate the components that users see in this section by selecting the desired components in the Always Include and Always Exclude drop-down fields. Before you curate the components that users see, first apply the Show all filter to ensure you are seeing any components that are not shared with you.

    NOTE: Currently, the Similar to section includes only components you create and not those provided by Adobe. Adobe-provided components will be added in a future release.

    Tags Shows all tags that are applied to the component. Users with administrator access can add tags when editing the component.
    Component type Lists the type of component it is, whether a Dimension, Metric, Segment, or Date Range.
    Created by Displays the name of the user who created the component.
    Preview Shows a preview of how the component looks in Analysis Workspace.
    Date last modified Displays the day the component was last modified. This section is displayed when viewing Segments, Calculated metrics, and Date ranges.
  8. (Optional) Drag a component from the Data Dictionary into Analysis Workspace.
