Page metadata
Explore how document authoring deals with page level metadata and how authors can update this without any technical expertise.
Let’s talk about page-level metadata. The metadata block internally manages the incorporation of meta tags into the HTML markup provided by the Edge delivery service. Each page should have only one metadata block, typically positioned at the document’s bottom for convention. This block adheres to a name-slash-value pair structure, with names placed in the first column and corresponding values in the second column of a table. The well-known properties, aligned with HTML specifications and popular metadata schemes like OG and Twitter, encompass title, description, image, tags, and feed. There are additional semantics for theme and template. These semantics involve assigning classes to the body tag through the boilerplate code, commonly utilized for styling and auto-blocking. Moreover, projects can include any number of custom name-slash-value pairs, which are then appended as meta tags to the markup. These custom pairs offer project-specific semantics.