Setup Experience Fragments and Adobe Target Integration set-up-experience-fragments-and-adobe-target-integration

Adobe Experience Manager 6.4 re-imagines the personalization workflow between AEM and Target. Experiences created within AEM can now be delivered directly to Adobe Target as HTML Offers. It allows Marketers to seamlessly test and personalize content across different channels.

Hey everyone, in this - video we’re going to be discussing - a new capability that lets marketers - create experiences within Adobe - Experience Manager, using Experience - Fragments and how it could be exported - to Adobe Target for delivering personalized - offers for different audiences. This feature is currently - available with AEM 6.4, and would be available as a - feature pack for AEM 6.3 users. Let’s watch quick - setup instructions before we explore - the capability. From your AEM 6.4 homepage - you can easily access Experience Fragments from - the Navigation section. I’m using a new instance of - AEM 6.4 and we do not have any Experience Fragments - created in this instance. As a first step let’s create - a folder to store our Experience Fragments and - name it as We.RetailSummer. We will be using We.retail sample - reference site for this video. It is best to create - separate folders to organize your - Experience Fragments. One more step before we - create an Experience Fragment is to - configure your AEM and Target Integration using - Legacy Cloud Services. Open a new tab and navigate - to your AEM homepage. Under tools, select - Cloud Services and then click on the Legacy - Cloud Services option. Search for Adobe Target - and you can notice it under the Adobe Search - and Promote section. Click on Show - Configurations and then set up to Create a - New Configuration. Provide a Title and - Name for your Target Configuration and - then click Create. Target API Username - and Password can be obtained by - submitting a request to Client Care for - enabling the Experience Fragment and Target - integration. As a result, you will - be provided with the Target API - Username and Password. To obtain the Client - Code, let’s open a new tab and navigate to - our Experience Cloud. Log in using your credentials - and then select Adobe Target from the - list of solutions. Launch Adobe Target. To obtain the client - Code, click on the Setup tab and then - select Implementation. Implementation Method - should be using ad.js and then click on the - Edit Settings option. Copy your Client Code and - then switched your Target Configuration tab and paste - your Client Code here. Provide your Target API Username - and Password provided by Client Care and select - your API type as REST. Uncheck to Use Accurate - Targeting option and check to use DTM to - deliver a client library. We recommend using - at.js client library and the best - practice is to use Tag management solutions - like Launch by Adobe or Adobe DTM or any third party - Tag management solutions to add Target libraries - to your site pages. Click on Connect to - Adobe Target option to make sure a connection - is successful. Let’s navigate back to our - Experience Fragment tab. Set up the folder we created and - open to view its properties. Select the Cloud Services tab - and then select Adobe Target from the Cloud - Services Configuration. Select the We.Retail Demo - Configuration that we created in the previous step and - save and close your changes. Point to note here is that - any Experience Fragment that you create directly under - the We.RetailSummer folder, would also inherit - the Target Cloud Service Configuration - which we created. However, if we have a nested - folder under We.RetailSummer and Experience Fragments - are stored in it, you might need to add - your Cloud Service Configuration again - to the nested folder. Cloud Service Configuration - is applied directly to the folder and does not support - or inherit to sub folders. We are all set to create our - first Experience Fragment. -
Recommended to use at.js client library and the best practice is to use tag management solutions like tags in Adobe Experience Platform or any 3rd party tag management solution to add target libraries to your site pages
  • Target Cloud service configuration applied to Experience Fragment folder inherits to all Experience Fragments created directly under the parent folder. Child folder doesn’t inherit the parent cloud services configuration.
  • Target Client code can be obtained from Adobe Experience Cloud > Launch Target > Under Set Up Tab > Implementation

    Edit at.js settings.

  • Target API username and password can be obtained by submitting a ticket to Client Care with a request to enable the Experience Fragment Target Integration capability.

Additional Resources additional-resources
