Tagging pages using-page-tagging-with-aem-sites

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Learn how to maintain, and organize your web pages in Adobe Experience Manager by using tagging.


For AEM site’s content author some of the day-to-day activities involve creating, managing and organizing content. As your website content gets bigger it becomes difficult to search, maintain and organize all the content. In this video, let me show you how Adobe Experience Manager helps you tackle the problem using page tagging. Tags are a quick and easy method of classifying content within a website and are keywords or labels that can be attached to a page, an asset or content to enable searchers to find the content.

AEM content authors can perform a quick search for content that recites in an author instance by using the tags. Tags applied to content will automatically show up as associated metadata for a page and they’ll be visible to search engines.

Let’s see how to create and apply tags to site pages in an AEM author instance.

From your AEM home page, navigate to AM sites console and open the WKND Sample site. Let’s browse through the site’s content hierarchy to find the adventure and travels section. WKND site has different subcategories within the site.

Let’s open the Adventures section Select the River Rafting adventure page and click on the edit icon from the top toolbar. And let’s view its properties. In the page properties window, under the Basic tab, you can notice the page tag option for the site page. In this place, any pre-defined tags are applied to your site page and also provides an opportunity to add new tags to your site page.

We can browse through the existing tags directory to find a tag that’s most suitable for your page, like how you store site pages in the specific hierarchal pattern, we can organize tags for your site. WKND tag is the parent tag and you can create subtags underneath the parent tag. A tagging hierarchy is determined based on your business requirements. Let’s browse through the pre-defined tags hierarchy to find an activity tag that’s suitable for our page. Our page has content relevant to river rafting, however, we do not have a pre-defined tag for river rafting here, so let’s see how to create a new tag. Open your AEM instance in New Tab. From your AEM homepage click on tools, General, and select Tagging. Let’s browse through WKND site tags and select the Activity tag. Let’s create a new tag for River Rafting under the Activity tag structure.

Provide a name and title for your tag and then save your changes. You should now be able to see a new tag that gets added to your AEM tags for River Rafting. Click on the new tag that we just created and you can view the toolbar options. Just as with site pages, newly created tags will need to be activated before they become available on the publish environment.

Using the tool bar options for a tag, content authors can create, edit and manage AEM tags. Now that we have created a new tag for River Rafting, let’s navigate back to our page properties tab and do a quick refresh. Select the River Rafting tag and apply it to our site page. Multiple tags can be applied to a page at once. Applied tags gets displayed in the properties window and you can deselect a page tag by clicking on the delete icon. Save your changes and exit the page properties window.

Now let’s see how to perform a quick search for content using tags. From your AEM home page, navigate to AEM Sites and then click on the only search option.

Perform an empty keyword search and AEM displays all pages that reside in AEM Sites.

To filter the content using tags, click on the filters option and then select the filter by tag option. Using the tag browser option, browse and select the tag that we created in the previous check.

Applying the tag filter option displays all the pages that have the River Rafting tag applied to it. Choosing tags for filtering content gets added to the only search bar. Note that you can apply a single tag to multiple pages and content authors can quickly search for content and perform bulk operations with the help of page tags. Let’s perform a new search for all content that resides in AEM Sites that matches the keyword adventure.

We can find a list of pages that matches the keyword adventure that gets displayed here. As a content author you can select multiple pages from the list and perform bulk tag updates to pages that have a similar resource type. Select the WKND site adventure activity pages and select the view properties option from the top tool bar. Using the tag browser, find the activity tag and apply it to the selected pages. I hope this video helps you get an understanding of why it is essential to tag your site pages. Tagging pages improves the overall experience for content authors within an AEM author instance as well as for external site users in an AEM publish instance. -
