Bulk metadata
Explore how bulk metadata is handled in document authoring, and how authors can update bulk metadata with no technical expertise.
Let’s talk about bulk metadata. Bulk metadata has various practical applications, such as customizing a specific website section with unique aesthetics or templates, applying default metadata like og image to multiple parts of the website, preventing indexing by robots for specific website sections using the robots meta tag with no index. To efficiently create metadata for multiple pages, you can utilize an Excel or Google Sheets workbook stored in the root folder of your SharePoint or Google Drive website. For Google Drive, name the file metadata and for SharePoint, name it metadata.xlsx. The workbook should contain a single worksheet with at least two column names. The URL column contains the URL pattern for pages requiring specific metadata. The asterisk can be used as a flexible prefix specific for the URL path name matching. Note, when utilizing the metadata sheet, the site-wide metadata entry with the value asterisk asterisk must precede more specific entries for each metadata property. Create a corresponding column in the worksheet and assign a name such as template theme or robots. Remember that page-level metadata added through a metadata block takes precedence over bulk metadata.