Generate Variations - Use Adobe Firefly to create images in Edge Delivery Services
Explore how to use Adobe Firefly to create images used in the content variations to target the right audience in Edge Delivery Services document authoring.
After you have generated text variations, you can generate images in Adobe Express using the generative AI capabilities of Firefly. Generate Image is only available if you have an Adobe Express entitlement as part of your IMS organization and access granted to you in the admin console. Select a variation, followed by Generate Image, to directly open text to image in Adobe Express. The prompt is pre-populated based on your variant selection and images are automatically generated according to that prompt. You can make further changes. Write your own prompt in Adobe Express by describing what you would like to see, but just the text to image options. Then refresh the generated images. You can also use Explore More for further possibilities. When complete, select the desired image and save to close Adobe Express. The image is returned and saved with the variation. Here you can mouse over the image to show action items for. Copy the image to the clipboard for use elsewhere. Open Adobe Express so that you can make changes to the image. Download the image to your local machine. Remove the image from the variation.