Customizing Component Icons developing-component-icons-in-aem-sites
Component Icons allow authors to quickly identify a component with icons or meaningful abbreviations. Authors can now find locate the Components required to build out their Web experiences faster than ever.
The Component browser now displays in a consistent grey theme, displaying the:
Component Group
Component Title
Component Description
Component Icon
- The first two letters of the Component Title (default)
- Custom PNG image (configured by a developer)
- Custom SVG image (configured by a developer)
- CoralUI icon (configured by a developer)
Component icon configuration options component-icon-configuration-options
Abbreviations abbreviations
By default, the first 2 characters of component title ([cq:Component]@jcr:title) are used as the abbreviation. For example, if [cq:Component]@jcr:title=Article List the abbreviation would display as “Ar”.
The abbreviation can be customized via the [cq:Component]@abbreviation property. While this value can accept more than 2 characters, it is recommended to limit the abbreviation to 2 characters to avoid any visual disturbance.
- jcr:primaryType = "cq:Component"
- abbreviation = "AL"
CoralUI Icons coralui-icons
CoralUI icons, provided by AEM, can be used for component icons. To configure a CoralUI icon, set a [cq:Component]@cq:icon property to the desired CoralUI icon’s HTML icon attribute value (enumerated in the CoralUI documentation.
- jcr:primaryType = "cq:Component"
- cq:icon = "documentFragment"
PNG Images png-images
PNG images can be used for component icons. To configure a PNG image as a component icon, add the desired image as a nt:file named cq:icon.png under the [cq:Component].
The PNG should have a transparent background, or a background color set to #707070.
The PNG images are scaled to 20px by 20px. However to accommodate retina displays 40px by 40px might be preferable.
- jcr:primaryType = "cq:Component"
+ cq:icon.png
- jcr:primaryType = "nt:file"
SVG Images svg-images
SVG images (vector-based) can be used for component icons. To configure a SVG image as a component icon, add the desired SVG as a nt:file named cq:icon.svg under the [cq:Component].
SVG images should have a background color set to #707070 and a size of 20px by 20px.
- jcr:primaryType = "cq:Component"
+ cq:icon.svg
- jcr:primaryType = "nt:file"