Default content and sections

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Perform a deep dive into the document authoring concepts of default content and sections, and how these help you make a better site.

Let’s talk about default content in sections when structuring a document. Simplicity and intuitiveness are crucial. Involve authors early on and allow them to input content in a Google Doc or Word document without any prior knowledge of how Edge delivery works. Make minor structural changes at sections and blocks only as needed when offering a page in Word or Google Docs. Use the familiar semantic model of headings, body text lists, images, links, etc., shared by HTML Markdown and Google Docs slash Microsoft Word. This default content should be maximized to align with how authors naturally treat documents. In addition to default content, include page sections denoted by horizontal rules to group elements together for both semantic and design purposes. For example, a section may have a different background color. Blocks also should be introduced, which are table-based elements with the heading in the first row identifying their type. Detailed information about blocks will be covered in the next video.