Translation Jobs translation-jobs
Learn how to add a translation job to an existing translation project.
In this video, we’re going to talk about translation jobs. Translation jobs are added to translation projects. Let’s go ahead and add manually one of those translation jobs to an already existing translation project. So I’ll have this Translate Multiple Language Copies project.
And to this project, I’m going to add a brand-new translation job. I’m going to use the Add button here. And now I’m presented with all the different tiles that I could use for the project. I’m going to choose Translation Job, click Submit.
And now I have an empty translation job. Let’s go back into the summary tile and notice that the languages that are allowed for this project are currently just German and Spanish. So I can switch that or change that.
Go into the summary, ellipsis there, then go into Advanced. And now I’m going to add a third target language. Let’s select Italian, for example.
Italian, there it is.
Okay. Save and close. And now I’m going to take my translation job and I’m going to make the target be Italian.
All right. Now, the translation job is a holder of resources that are going to be serialized on an XML or an XLIFF or a JSON file that is going to be used for the translation or the integration with the translation provider. Before we actually look at the details of these resources, we get the summary here at the tile level. But if we go into this, the ellipsis of the translation job, now we can actually look at the translation job details. What is the scope of the translation job so far? Currently it is empty. The first thing that we need to do is select what we want to translate. So, I still don’t have an Italian language copy so far. I just have this translation job. So what can I do? I’m going to create a language copy for Italian using this console. Now, I’m going to use Add, and Assets/Pages.
And now I’m going to go ahead and go into the WKND Site, Language Masters. And now I’m going to pick what is going to be the source for this translation job. It is going to be English. Click Select. And what is going to happen is that when I click here, I select Create Language Copy, and this is going to create the structure of the Italian language copy. Still not translating to Italian, but with all of the pages within English. So English becomes effectively the source page.
And here, there is already now an Italian language copy. You can see that there’s, on these roles, there’s references to those pages. So I can click, for example, on this checkbox and then click here on Preview in Sites, and this will open an Italian homepage, which is still in English, but it’s already the root or the language root for what will become the translated Italian language copy.
Let me now go back into the translation project so we can actually see what else we can do here.
So what we have here now is the list of resources that will get translated based out of the language copy that we just created for Italian. So, the language copy and the whole structure was created by copying all of the pages within language-masters, English, as it always happens with language copies when you create them. But what we have here is that the translation job has already been created. So the corresponding items or resources within the translation job already have a role for each one of them here. Now, you can see that on this console, you’re getting information about what each row actually is. So you can see the title of the resource, you can see the path of the resource within AEM, you can see the status of the resource, whether it is new, it has just been created in this case, or whether the job here is doing an update. In this case, the job for each one of these rows actually is basically performing a new translation for the first time. If you were to see update here, then it means that you already had that page and now you’re just doing an update.
Then you have State. This is related to the actual translation progress and the life cycle of the translation job going into the different states. Right now it’s on a draft state. Then you have the Resource Type. This is the type of resource that you’re going to translate. We have pages, we have assets metadata, tags metadata, I18n, that is internationalization dictionaries. Additionally, you can use these left hand side rail here so that you can perform filtering and search for resources by asset type or resource type. Translation status. All the different statuses for the translation.
Now, when you have pages that were added to the translation job that are referencing assets, like for example, take ski touring. So this is the translation job’s resource for the ski touring page. If I click on this, I will see all of the assets that that page is referencing. So here I have the translation job item for not only the ski touring page, but within it, as a folder, it is holding all of the assets that it is referencing. For instance, we’re referencing a bunch of assets. We have JPEGs and we also have a content fragment that we’re referencing.
All of that is getting added into the translation job. For example, even if the content fragment has associated collections of assets, those assets can be selected to be translated based on the translation integration configuration settings. Now, what if you want to add assets specifically, let’s suppose that, for example, after you created the job, you added a new image asset to the English edition of the site, and you want to have that asset also translate it. How do you add that asset to a translation? For that, once again we use the same feature here. We have Assets/Pages, okay? This is the one that will add a page and all of its child pages and all of the corresponding assets that the pages are referencing. A recursive type of operation. But then you also have a one-off type of operation which you just select a single page or asset without children. So I can go here and select a page or an asset. So I can go here into assets, the yin, and then go into English, and then I would have to find an asset. Well, the asset that I would have added after having created the translation job. Now, in this case, I actually don’t have any new assets. I actually have all of the assets already included in the translation job. So no need to actually add it. Just wanted to point this out. But what I want to also point out here is the fact that also as a result of having added assets to a translation job by means of references from pages, that resulted in the creation of assets’ language copy folders corresponding to the site’s language copies that we have. Now, what gets translated when you add an asset to a translation job? Well, an asset will have metadata, like descriptions, title, other standard metadata that you may have added. It will also have tags. And additionally, it has a binary. Now, what gets translated is always the tags and the metadata unless you specifically tell the translation job not to translate them.
But in the case of machine translation, the binary translation is not going to be done. And in the case of human translation, it will depend on the translation service provider, whether it will support binary translation. Additionally, if you have complex assets like PDFs or InDesign documents, those types of files have always sub-assets. And those sub-assets will not get translated.
So lastly, I’d like to add tags to our translation job. Once again, just click on the Add drop down here and then click Tags. And then you can select individual tags by navigating through this hierarchy and picking a tag specifically and selecting it and adding it.
All right. If I scroll down, you can see that a new item, a new translation job resource, has been added here. Additionally, I can select not just one tag, but I could select the whole namespace of tags here. Selecting the root WKND namespace, Select. And this will add all of the tags within the WKND namespaces. So you can see here at the bottom. So now I have a translation job with all of the resources that I need. -