Create a Language Copy create-language-copy

Explore how to create a Language Copy for your AEM site using the Create Language Copy wizard.


In this video, we’re going to use the create language copy wizard in order to create a French language copy for our WKND site. For that, let’s go into the WKND site, language masters, and select the English language master, and then going to the upper left corner, click create language copy.

And these will kickoff the create language copy wizard. First we’re presented with the options of what is going to be the scope of the language copy. For that, we’d have to select the source, in this case, the root of the English language master, as we can see. Currently we’re including all of the subpages. I could choose not to select the subpages and just create a language copy for the root page. And if I do that, I can also go specific and click here on add pages and go select specific pages that I may want to add to the translation, sorry, to the language copy.

Cancel that. And in this case, we’re actually going to include all of the subpages of the root page, so I’m going to once again, select that. Now click on next. In the next step, we have to select what’s going to be the target language. In this case, French, So I’m going to go scroll all the way down where we find French.

There it is, select French. Now, you are able to select more than one language if you were going to create more than one language copy. In this case, I’m just creating the French language copy, so that’s okay. Now, on the right-hand side, I have several important configurations to think about. First, the cloud configuration. This is where we have to start. The cloud configuration is where we get the translation provider, the cloud configuration so that we can actually integrate into that translation provider to do the translation, and with a cloud configuration, we also get the translation integration framework configuration, which will control how the actual translation will happen using a particular translation provider.

Now, in this case, we are neither choosing a specific cloud configuration, nor do we have any settings within our site structure that would yield a cloud configuration specific to our site that we want to use. Rather, here we are relying on the default translation configurations, which come from the cloud configuration within leaps in AEM. Now, in this case, what we’re getting, then, is the default, which is the demo translation vendor, which is Microsoft Translator Trial License. This will allow us to do some basic machine translation for demoing. And additionally, we’re also getting this default configuration, which is the translation integration frameworks configuration that we are using to actually execute the translation in a particular way. Now, this translation integration framework configuration can be modified if I click here on configure translation settings, open that. And then the first thing that I see is three tabs. In the first tab, the sites tab, this is where I can configure how pages of the site will get translated. So here I can choose from the different translation providers that I have associated. I can pick the translation methods that are available.

I can also pick the content category if I’m using machine translation so that the semantics for the translation are more catered to a particular topic.

And then we have the, how we want to translate the page assets. So there are assets associated to the page, and I can choose whether I want to use the sites translation workflow to translate those or some other workflow like the assets translation workflow, or to not translate those assets. Additionally, you can choose whether or not to translate the strings generated by the components. Basically, all of the textual content that components are storing on pages that you can actually see and read on a particular language, you want to translate that. Of course, in this case, we want translate tags, so if you have tags associated to your pages, whether those tags will also get translated. And whether you want to execute the translation or not. This is in the case in which you don’t want to review the translation job. You just want it to execute automatically after you go through the wizard.

This is not going to be our case. The next tab is assets, the assets tab. This allows us to determine how assets will get translated with its own options. And then we have communities where we have options specifically to how we may want to translate user-generated content in AEM communities.

Let me go ahead and cancel these so I can go back into the wizard. The next step is selecting how we want to do the translation. What project are we going to use? Here we have three options. First, create the structure only. In this case, no project will be created for translation, but rather, we’re just going to create the structure of the site for the French language copy. It is still going to be in English, but then you can later update it so you can actually start a translation project afterwards. Or you can also select your create translation project option, which will automatically create a project with a translation job for French. Now, if you had selected more than one language, as opposed to how we did with where we just selected French, but if you selected French, Spanish, and German, for example, if you select this create translation projects option, what will happen in this case is that you will have multiple translation projects, one corresponding to each language that you selected here on the wizard. And the last option is to create multi-language translation project. Now, in this case, instead of having multiple projects, each one corresponding to a language, you’re going to have a single translation project where you have multiple translation jobs, each job corresponding to one of the selected languages. In our case, we’re going to pick create translation project. And we’re going to call this project Create French Language Copy.

Click on create. Now it’s done.

And now we can notice that the structure for the French language copy has been created. It is still in English, but in addition to the structure having been created, now we also have a project for the translation. the translation project. So for that, let’s go ahead and go into the AEM projects, click on the main navigation, projects, and now you can see this folder Create French Language Copy was created by the wizard. If I go in, now you can see that we have a translation project, which is meant to do the translation into French. It will hold what is necessary to start that translation and allow us to review the translation and approve it. -
