Adding metadata for experimentation in Edge Delivery Services

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Explore adding metadata for experimentation in Edge Delivery Services document authoring.

As soon as you have your challengers ready to go, all you need to do is to go back to the control page and add some metadata indicating that this page is now part of a test. There are two metadata rows that need to be added for an experiment variant. Experiment, containing your experiment ID. Experiment variants, containing URLs for all the challengers of this page, separated by line breaks if you have more than one challenger. Here is an example. For an experiment variant the traffic split between all the variants, control plus challengers, is automatically set to an even distribution. If you have one challenger, there will automatically be an even 50 50th split between control and the challenger. If you have two challengers, you will automatically see a third of the traffic allocated to control and each challenger and so on. You can override the traffic split via metadata. As soon as you are ready to preview and stage your experiment you can preview the control page with the additional metadata. Whenever you are previewing a page that has a running experiment, you will see the experimentation overlay in your preview environment that lets you switch between the variants and gives you confidence that your test is set up correctly and ready to be launched. Authors can get quick insights on the performance of experiments being run on the production site. These insights are helpful in making a decision about the duration of the experiment, but also about which variant is best suited for production. The data collection to measure the effectiveness of each variant is based on real user monitoring. To send your experiment to production and collect data about the performance of each variant, the only step left is to publish the control page as well as each of the challenger pages.