Cloud 5 - Fragments
A ‘versus’ take on what the differences are between an experience fragment and a content fragment
Content fragments and experience - fragments may seem similar on the surface, but each played very different roles - in the AEM Content Management System. At their core, content fragments - are designed to handle information and be able to structure that information - using a data model experience fragments - define the presentation, which creates an experience - using any available AEM component Now, in this episode, Darin is going to - play the role of an experience fragment, and I will be a content fragment, - and we’re going to have a little fun banter so that you can understand - the differences between the two.
So as an experience fragment, I mean, I can fully lay out content - and act like a mini web. So I mean, look at this. I don’t even need - I don’t think any content fragment could even work - this good. So look at this.
You know what? That does look pretty good, - but that’s not what I’m all about. I’m all about structuring data by building - an effective information architecture. I structure the data - and I define a data model. Information architects love me. Take a look at this really cool - model editor, which helps me define - an effective data schema. Pretty neat.
Well, that’s that’s pretty cool. But you’re not that cool. I mean, I can actually use context - fragments inside of experience fragments, so I can have both your data side - and the presentation side.
You know what? That’s true. But I’m data centric. I’m not presentation centric. Like you experience fragments - I’ll allow you to use all of my data - in your little experience fragments. But you know what? You still have to control the look - and the feel of my data. You know, the more I think about it, - that’s not even a job I’ve want before. You get too cocky, - don’t forget that it’s not just you. Any channel can control my look and feel. It doesn’t have to be an experience. It could be an iOS app, - it could be an Android app. It could be the entire Internet of things. Anyone can control the look and feel of me - for any purpose. You know, experience - fragments are just superficial. They just deal with the look and the feel - while I deal with the really important things like data oh yes. But how sweet my look and feel - is with that beautiful responsive layout and feel things - you can only dream of. My friends only dream of, you know, how are your A.I. capabilities? Can you do intelligent tech summarization of multi-line elements like I can? Hmm. I don’t think. So. I can do the translation and localization. I mean, can you do that stuff? Sure, I can do translation. And localization as well. - And you know what? none of that stupid markup - gets in the way. It’s just pure data. Do you allow authors - to do annotations like me? I mean, it really helps build - the team collaboration.
Yes, it does. And as a matter of fact, - I do my multi-line text component fully support annotation - and collaboration among team members.
Well, how is your personalization skills? I mean, I can export HTML to Adobe target - for personalized offers. I can even export it as JSON - to Adobe target for even more flexibility.
You know what? I can use any third party solution via AEM - Content Services, which allows me to export json - I can even exports via the AEM Assets API, which again provides even more flexibility - with any third party solution. You know, I guess you could be useful - in defining look in the feel and also creating personalized solutions - using Adobe Target. But data is my focus as this conversation shows, both content - fragments and experience fragments have useful places - in any content management system. Content fragments allow for data - flexibility while experience fragments allow you to build - beautifully authored presentations.
I can still do that though.
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