Configure people panel

Add spouse details fragment to the people panel.

In this video, we will configure our people panel of the form. So to do that, I have selected the people panel here and I am going to add a drop down list first. So this field will hold the list of county names and then I am going to add two more panels to my people panel. So I am going to select panel object here and I am going to add another panel object here. So we need to name these fields accordingly. So first let us name this drop down list. So the title is going to be What County Do You Live In? And the name is going to be County Name and the values here would be Alameda County, Buxar County, Buxar County and Contra Costa County. So these are the values in the drop down list, but it is quite possible to populate the values of a drop down list programmatically by making a rest service call. Save this settings and then we need to name these sections accordingly here. So let us name these sections. So the first section I am going to rename this here is going to be the Your Details section here. Your Details and the title also is going to be Your Details here. And the other section is going to be the Spouse Details section here. Spouse Details and the title is also going to be Spouse Details. So so far we have added one drop down list to our people panel section and two sections called Your Details and Spouse Details. So let us add some fields to the Your Details panel here. The first thing I need is a text field, text box. Then the second field I need is a numeric field. It is called the numeric box. And the third field I need to add here is going to be a radio button. It is a radio button. So these are the three fields in my panel. So as you see they are in one column. So if I want to arrange them in a three column layout, I go to the layout layer here and select the text box and select its parent, that is the Your Details panel and select the number of columns here. So here I am going to select three and as you see the fields are then arranged side by side in the three column layout. So then I want to rename those fields. I will go back to the edit layer and name these fields accordingly here. So I am going to select the configuration property sheet. I am going to call it Your Name here and this will be your name, your name. In the numeric box field, it is going to be the age of the person filling out the form. So here I am going to call it age and the title is going to be age. And this is going to be the marital status of the person. So we are going to call this marital status and the title is going to be marital status and the values here are going to be single and married. So we also have the option to specify them, the horizontal or vertical. So depending on the space that we have, they will arrange accordingly. So I have set that here. And in the spouse details, we are going to add what is our adaptive form fragment which we had created in the earlier videos. So we are going to add an adaptive form fragment. So to get to this, you need to select this assets section from the toolbar here and then select these spouse details fragment. That is the only fragment we have so far. So drag and drop that into the spouse details section here. So far we have added our people panel which has these three, which has these four fields here and it is showing up the spouse details. So let us go ahead and add some rules to the spouse details so that it shows up only when the user’s marital status is equal to married. So let us go back to the edit mode here. Select the spouse details section. Create a rule on the spouse details section so that it shows up only when the marital status is equal to married. Let us create a rule on that section. So select the spouse details section. Open up the rule editor. Click on create. And always make sure you see the form objects and functions on the left hand side here. So here we say show that particular section when the marital status is equal to this string object here and it is married. If marital status is equal to married, show else hide the spouse details section and then click on done and close your rule editor. And then you can do a preview of your form here. Go to the panels. You can enter some values here. You can enter some values and age 22. And if the person is married, it shows up the spouse details. So this is how we have configured our people panel. In the next video, we will configure the income panel of this particular form.