Digital Enrollment

Learn about how AEM Forms as a Cloud Service supports the Digital Enrollment use case.


Now we’ll look at the Use Case digital enrollment and how it can be served and handled using AEM Forms as a cloud service.

We’ll use WKND, That is basically a portal for adventure enthusiasts for this demo WKND is looking to modernize some of their forms and they have a team of with Camilla being the forms practitioner who starts to deliver the best entertainment experiences using AEM Forms. George was the line of business manager, and reviews and approves incoming leads or submitted applications. And John who is the forms developer supports development of workflows, custom components and forms data models. When required. In most cases, the forms practitioner is able to build simple to moderate forms without requiring a developer.

To start off the AEM admin at weekend is able to quickly self-provision AEM environments using the Adobe cloud manager and add the forms cloud service to them.

After this, John is able to log in and create workflow models and a form data model for the rest of the team to use. And we’ll see how. John logs into the AEM instance and starts to create a form data model.

It gives it a name it’s create and chooses SFDC as the data source, which is Salesforce and hits create.

Now that form data model is created, is able to actually edit it, to see that it contains the lead object with all the attributes and, is also able to test the connection using a test service that is built into the form data model editor.

Next, he proceeds to create a workflow model for the review and approval processes at the WKND.

It starts by creating the first step where it configures what should be reviewed as part of this review. Step the, it mentions the adaptive form that is submitted to the workflow is to be reviewed he is able to pick the user or group that is going to be assigning for the task.

And he’s able to set what are the actions they can take on the application without requiring any coding.

The next, add a step to send the lead to Salesforce, depending on the form data model that was created earlier.

And John also specifies what is the input for the service and what is the output for the service? Next John can configure the approve and reject branches.

He can set a variable, send an email once approval is done or send, and also ask the user to sign the document again, and also send the email when the application is rejected, that’s it. And he sinks that book for model that’s how easy it is to add workflow models that emulate business processes. In this case, didn’t do an approval business process for incoming applications.

Next we’ll look at how Camilla is able to convert a PDF form into an adaptive form. She is trying to optimize an existing PDF form, which is a form to sign up for a biking course offered by the WKND portal.

She starts by selecting the existing PDF form and it start automated conversion.

She picks a team to use during conversion and hits start conversion.

As you see, the form is getting converted, within a few seconds, almost always under a minute, Camilla is able to see a form which is created through the conversion. The PDF form has been converted to this adaptive form. She can start to configure the form. She can choose a different theme to apply to the form. Like in this case, she wants to try out the tranquil theme. For example, she chooses that one and then hits, select, as you can see the form changes its look and feel to the new theme in this case, she wants to stick to the WKND theme. So she goes back and selects that. And switches back to the WKND theme.

Next Camilla configures, what happens when the form is submitted? In this case, she wants to send it to any workflow, that John created and chose the workflow margin, she’s easily able to configure Adobe sign on the form and specify who is the signer, how will they be identified, which field then be used to identify them? That’s it she’s done configuring what happens on form submission and also filling the e-signature.

Camilla is able to easily add using a drag and drop interface, any component that is required to build a modern form.

She also has access to brand approved assets. In this case, she’s trying to add an image component. She chooses the image component to insert on top of the form and looks to the plan approved assets in the AEM repository and chooses an image to add to the form.

She’s also able to configure easy rules for implementing any business logic. Like in this case of the course location is San Jose. Then the post name changes to biking. She’s also able to easily preview the form on different devices using the built-in device emulator. She can pick iPhone, iPad, desktop, and see how the form will render itself beautifully on every device form factor. She then wants to embed this form into the visitor mountain biking page. She creates a signup tab that and adds the form there using the form container component.

It’s done. And that’s how easy it is for her to go from a static video form to a mobile responsive adaptive form that is integrated with sign, invokes a business workflow and is embedded into a nice site space, versus being assigned the experience for just data capture.

So Camilla is done creating the form and publishing it. Next Let’s look at Aya who’s the WKND adventure enthusiast and see her applying for a biking course on the WKND site. So Aya navigate to the WKND portal, she browses to the adventures that are available.

She’s a biking fan. So choose a cycling, chooses as Vista and mountain biking as the provider.

And she sees a sign up tab clicks on that and is presented with the form that Camilla created earlier and published.

She starts by entering the course location and you will see the course name auto-populate to trail biking based on the rule that was created earlier, AEM Forms allows much more complex rules to be built, to implement any business, logic and validations. She continues to fill the form specifies different options, and says she’ll bring her own bike, then she proceeds to pick the nice date that works for her.

And as she hits submit, she’s presented with the Adobe sign interface where she does an e-signature and then presses click to sign that’s it she’s done submitting the form for the biking course and is presented in a PDF representation of the form. She submitted in an email that you received as soon as she’s done signing.

and as you can see, this is a nice representation of everything she entered on on that form, and that’s it. Aya is done submitting the application for enrolling in the biking course through the WKND portal.

Now we will see, how the incoming applications can be easily reviewed. So we’ll see George maybe get to the inbox in AEM, which is easily customizable. Customers can add their own look and feel they can add custom columns and also search based on custom columns. So in this inbox, George is presented with all the applications and incoming tasks that he’s assigned for review. He clicks on the one that he just received, that I have filled. And as he clicks open on that task, he is presented with the entire form along with its data that I have submitted.

It’s very easy for him to look at everything that was entered on the form and also review any attachments. In this case, he approves the form and leaves a message for the rest of his team, that the application is approved.

That’s it. And then they’re also able to view the lead generated in Salesforce to have that occurred for the customer.

And as you can see, the lead has been generated here based on the step in the workflow, Margin.

And then you can go back to the inbox and review more applications.

That’s how easy it is to handle and implement digital enrollment most cases with AEM Forms.

Now we’re going to look at some additional features, new features that you have recently introduced. One of the features that’s coming soon to AEM Forms on cloud service is the ability to externalize workload data storage. What this allows is sensitive personal data to be not only transited to AEM Forms, but also process to workflows because all the local data that a workflow needs to process, any data that is submitted to the form that is required for processing can be stored externally and brought back just in time for the preview or for a step in the workflow that needs that data. This makes the whole processing much more secure. And the data persists in a customer managed secure data store and not in the Adobe AEM instance for any long period of time. The next feature that we want to highlight as we are making it easier by providing out of the box connectors to Azure blob store, we have a pre-configured data source available when you just need to plug in the credentials and it will help you store the form data in Azure. We’ll also provide an out of the box form data modern soon with default values. So we can even eliminate the need to create the form data model. Now we’ll see Girish, our product specialist, walk us through a set up where the form data can be submitted to Azure.

We now have the ability to store the form data in an Azure storage account. So to do that, all we need to do is to create a cloud services configuration and then create a form data model based on the cloud services configuration. So in the forms go to the cloud services and then you will see a new option called Azure storage, click on that, and select the container in which you want to create your cloud services configurations, and then click on create.

So here we need to provide a meaningful title. Let’s call it Azure storage and you need to give the details of the Azure storage account here. So for that I have created, and as your storage account, there’s a container here and the keys of the account can be accessed from here show keys. So we need to select the key, the connection string here and enter that connection string in the storage account section. And we need to enter the private key. So the private key is, over here, copy that and enter it into the Azure access key here.

So once you have done this and click on save, you have created a cloud services configuration connecting to your Azure storage account. The next thing we need to do is to create a form data model like you have done in the previous versions, connecting to various rest API or databases. In this case, we are going to connect our form data model to the Azure storage account, click on create, form data models.

Give a meaningful name, so here Azure storage, FDM and data source configuration, select global.

Click next to select the cloud services configurations here. So that goes the one that we had created Azure storage and click on create and click on edit to edit the form data model.

So every Azure storage back form data model, will have these services, which allow you to store data or fetch data from the Azure storage account. So to start using this first, we need to create an entity here. You can name entity, anything that you want. So let’s call it a form submission form submissions, click on add, and that’s the entity. Now under this entity, we need to create some child properties.

So let’s click on save here and select this entity and create a child property here. So here we’re going to call, let’s say what the form submissions. We want to capture the first name property here. So let’s call it first name. And then these are the various types of entities, types of properties that you’re allowed to create. So in our case is going to be of type string and click on that. So this way you can create as many child properties as you want to capture the various information. So we have gone ahead and added few more child properties to our entity called last name, telephone and email. The next thing we need to do is to configure a right service for this particular model. So select this model and click on edit properties. We’re not going to associate any lead service or select none from here and for the right service, select the save blob ID and Azure service here. And every right service needs few parameters. The first thing is the blob ID. That’s like a primary key for that particular entry that you’re going to store in the Azure storage. So you can select that.

So you can expand the blob ID here. and you can say that the telephone number that the user has entered in the form will act as a primary key. So for that, you’re going to select the binding to form submissions and the binding value is going to be telephone property of that particular entity. And then the container name. This is going to remain the same. So this is the container name that was created when I created a storage account in my Azure portal account. So that’s called credit application submitted. Binaries in line that determines how the attachments will be stored, whether they’ll be stored in line or not. So I’ve selected through here.

And then the actual data itself is the model form submissions is the model or the entity that we’re going to store. So once you do this click on done to save your settings, and we can now test our form data model submission here. So click select the entity, click contest, model object, and select the right model object from here. And it already populates some of the entity properties with some dummy values here. So the only thing that you need to worry about is the container name, make sure you give the valid or the correct continent name here. And then the telephone number is going to be a unique primary key. So primary key telephone number here. You can give a name here and then the email can be a valid email. So I can say, and now you can, when you hit the test button, a blob ID of 1 0 9, 3 8 will be created and stored in there as your storage account. So click on test. And this is the blob ID that was returned. So the blob ID was mapped to our telephone. That’s why the one zero nine three eight value, which corresponds to the, to the phone number field is returned in. The next thing we need to do is to see how we can perform a search against these particular values, which are stored in our Azure storage account, perform a search against the data that is stored in your actual storage account. We need to enable search on the entity by selecting this property here and click on edit properties and make sure you select the metadata key option here and click on that. So the moment a property is specified as a metadata property, you will see a small flag icon next to it indicating that this particular property can be searched again. So in my case, I have set metadata property against all these child entities of my form submissions object. Then you click on save to save your settings. The next thing we need to do was to make sure include this appropriate service, which allows you to fetch the storage data. This service called get from Azure and include it in the service here and here. We need to configure the search operations. So at the minimum, we need to specify the container name and a particular entity property that we need to search against. So the container name is always going to be credit application submitted because that is where our storage container name is created. And the data will be stored in that particular container. And we are going to search against the entity called telephone here. So before we search, we need to insert some data into the Azure storage account using these metadata keys. So click on this and click on test model object, right model object here. And remember, we need to select the container name here. The container name is credit application submitted credit submitted, and the telephone number is going to be say 3, 3, 3.

And then when you click on test, it should store the data and that’s the blob ID. So in the next screen, we will take a look at how to search for that particular data. So deselect this go to the services tab, click on this service here and click on test service. So here we need to provide the container name here and in the telephone field we need to provide double 3,3,3. So make sure there is no between your continuum name and also the telephone field has no spaces and click contest. And then it returns you the object, which has the telephone ID of double three double three, right? So once your form data model is created, you can associate this form data model with your form to store that data on form submission. And also you can use this service that we just saw to fetch the data from the data that was submitted and allow you to filter the data. Using our active forms.

Another feature we are adding is more out of the box themes like ultra Marine and many other themes, and also out of the box form data, modern samples to connect with Salesforce or Microsoft dynamics. And also Azure storage, like I mentioned on the previous slide, we have also added analytics integration in this quarter for integrating with analytics, to get insights on how the users are interacting with the form. How much time is spent on a field, what’s the conversion rate? What is the GEO, where the form is being filled? The most, all these insights can be easily obtained to the launch based integration with Adobe Analytics. That’s now enabled and available performs as a cloud service. Next, we’ll see a video by Girish. Who’s going to walk us through how to configure it and how to use it. We have made it even more easier to measure the performance of your form by integrating AEM Forms, cloud service with Adobe Analytics, using Adobe launch. So to integrate forms, cloud service with analytics, using Adobe launch, all you need to do is to create a cloud services configuration under Adobe launch here, and make sure it is placed in a separate container of its own in this case, it’s called forms and launch. And this is my launch configuration here. Now to use this in your form, all you need to do is to make sure that your form is using the same configuration container. So for that, you can open up the properties of your form here and make sure that it is using the appropriate configuration container in which you are launch configuration property is created. So in my case, there’s a form container configuration container called forms and launch. So once you have set this configuration container and a form is rendered. AEM Forms cloud service will then start sending data to the analytics using Adobe launch. So you can take a look at the inspect source here. And if I were to refresh the form again and go to the network properties, the last call that would have made is the call to the analytics. And if I were to open that, you would see the call made with the various data here, and these are the properties that I’m sending to my launch. So this way you can easily use analytics with your forms and to see the data in the analytics workspace. This is how it would look like. So this is my workspace, and these are the forms that are using the launch configuration. And the titles of the forms are shown here. There’s a credit application weekend application sign up form and analytics form. And these are the various details of the information that you’re tracking to Adobe Analytics.

We recently added Gov ID support and AcroForm based Document of Record capabilities to our Adobe sign integration with forms. We are continuing to improve this integration, and we are happy to share that. We now added the ability to have multiple roles, Adobe sign roles in the AEM Forms UI so far, we only supported signer as the role, but, but this feature as you’re configuring the form or e-signatures, you can specify more recipient roles like approver, acceptor, delegator, and so forth. Now we’ll see Girish walk us through this feature and how it is.

We have enhanced our integration with AEM Forms, cloud service, and Adobe sign by allowing you to specify recipe recipient rolls when assigning users to sign the particular form. So for example, in this form, there is the signer one, and I can specify what role this signer one will have. So for example, I want this person to be only the approver of this particular document. I can select the appropriate recipient role, and I can change this title for better readability. So I’ll call it approver and then save. So that person can only approve the document. And then if I want to add another recipient, who’s going to sign the document. I can click on the add recipient and select the appropriate role here. So these are the roles that I’ve provided to you. So I select the final role and the title. You can call it as signer here and save settings here. So when this form is filled and submitted, the approver will get the document to approve. And then once he approves the document, the second person in the workflow is the signer who would sign this particular document to complete the signing ceremony. And if you want to know more about the various roles, we encourage you to look at the official Adobe sign, recipient roles, documentation over, which is listed over here.

And that’s it for the digital enrollment use case and overview of new features. Thank you. - -
