[Integration]{class="badge positive"}

Create Acrobat Sign Cloud Configuration

[AEM Forms as a Cloud Service]{class="badge informative"}

Cloud services configuration in AEM allows you to create integration between AEM and other cloud applications.

The following video will walk you through the steps needed to create cloud services configuration to integrate AEM with Acrobat Sign


Once your Adobe API application is created the next step that we need to do is to create a cloud services configuration in AEM. So, I’ve logged into my cloud instance of AEM Forms, and I’m going into the tools menu here and I’m going to click on the configuration browser.

And I’m going to create a new container and that container will hold our cloud services configuration for Adobe sign. So, I’m going to call this container FormsCS here and make sure you select the cloud configuration option here and then click on create.

So now that our container is created, the next thing we need to do is to go back to our tools menu here and click on cloud services and drill down into the Adobe sign menu button here and select the configuration container that we had just created and here, click on create.

Give a title to your cloud services configuration. I’m going to call it FormsAndSign.

And before you click on next there are a couple of things that you need to take care of. The first thing is copy this URL that you see in your browser window. Copy that. And then go back to your Adobe sign application that we had created earlier. So, select your Adobe sign application, click on configure OAuth for application and paste the redirect paste the URL that you had copied in the previous step into the redirect URL field here.

The next thing you need to do is to make a note of the client ID and the client secret keys. We need this as we complete the process of creating the cloud services configuration and then save your settings.

Then go back to your AEM Forms where you’re creating the cloud services configuration and click on next here.

Here we need to provide the client ID and the client secret that we copied from the previous step. And those are I have copied it here. I’m going to select those. That’s the client ID.

That’s the client ID here and we need to copy the client secret as well. So copy the client secret copy the client secret and paste it here and also make sure you check the enabled Adobe sign for attachments, and then click on connect to Adobe sign.

Here, Adobe sign is now successfully connected but make sure you click on the create button to finish the process of the cloud services configuration. So, click on create.

So that completes the cloud services configuration creation. Now in the next video we will see how we can use that in an adaptive form. - -


If you get an error in configuring the Abobe Sign cloud clonfiguration, the following steps can be taken to trouble shoot

  • Make sure the re-direct url specified in the Acrobat Sign API application is in the following format
    <your instance name>/libs/adobesign/cloudservices/adobesign/createcloudconfigwizard/cloudservices.html/conf/<container>.
    For example - https://author-p24107-e32034.adobeaemcloud.com/libs/adobesign/cloudservices/adobesign/createcloudconfigwizard/cloudservices.html/conf/FormsCS. FormsCS is the name of the container that is going to hold the cloud configuration
  • Make sure the oAuth url is correct
  • Check your Client Id and Client Secret
  • Try incognito window mode