
[AEM Forms as a Cloud Service]{class="badge informative"}

An Azure storage account contains all of your Azure Storage data objects, including blobs, file shares, queues, tables, and disks. The storage account provides a unique namespace for your Azure Storage data that’s accessible from anywhere in the world over HTTP or HTTPS. Data in your storage account is durable and highly available, secure, and massively scalable.
The following video walks you through the process of configuring azure storage account.

Hi. Today, we’re going to look at generating PDF documents using the batch API in AEM Forms Cloud Service environment. So before we start generating PDF documents, we need to create appropriate storage account in the Microsoft Azure portal. So I’ve logged into my Azure portal account, and I’m going to click on Create a Resource. And the resource type is going to be storage account.
So here, we need to give a meaningful name to our storage account. We’re going to call it as formcs, and click on Review and Create by accepting the default values here.
And then click on Create here. So it’s creating the storage account. It takes a couple of minutes for a storage account to be active. And once the storage account is created, we can then go ahead and add the container to the storage account.
Once your storage account is created, you can access the storage account from the recent resources. If it is not listed in the recent resources, you can go to the Home menu here and open up all the storage accounts that you may have in your account by going here, Storage accounts. And that should show you the storage account. So this is the storage account that we just created, formcs. So click on that.
And we need to create a container in that storage account. So open or click on the Containers option here and create a new container by clicking on this + Container. So give a name here to it. We’re going to call it batchdemo and you can accept the default values here and click on Create.
So once the container is created, we need to create, or we need to upload our data files that will be used to generate our PDF documents. So to do that, drill down into the batch demo here and click on Upload and click on Advanced here and upload to a folder called datafiles. You can name any name to this folder, as long as you follow the naming convention enforced by the Microsoft Azure portal account. You can name this folder the way you want. And here I’m going to upload some data files that will be used to generate the PDF documents. So to do that, I clicked on the folder icon button.
And I’m going to select these three data files here. So these are the data file one, two, and three, and click on Open.
So the files will be uploaded to a folder called datafiles, okay. So this is the configuration that you would need whenever you are generating PDF documents using the batch API in conjunction with Microsoft Azure portal. So the data files are here in the Azure portal container. Next, we will see how to use the APIs to generate the PDF documents. -