Analyze test results analyze-test-results

Explore any compilation errors in your code and whether or not this code follows best practices for AEM as a Cloud Service


Hello everyone, my name is Varun Mitra and welcome to the video. In this particular lesson, we’re going to talk about analyzing the test results using Cloud Manager for AEM as a Cloud Service. After completing this training, you will be able to analyze the test results using Reports in Cloud Manager. So now let’s just quickly go ahead and see how you can leverage Cloud Manager for verifying test results and understanding them. So over here, I’m going to go to my Cloud Manager instance. Let me quickly go to the activity tab. Using the activity tab, I can view the status for different pipeline executions, that is I can verify the pipeline executions that took place further down the line. So, I can quickly go ahead and verify this particular pipeline execution which happened on December 12th, and this one passed successfully. I can click on details and I can see that the execution was successful. I can see that all of the stages or all of the steps passed successfully. I can download the building unit testing logs from here, and I can verify if all of the build dependencies were downloaded and if there were any compilations errors within my code. So, I can quickly go ahead and look over this particular page and then scroll here and then scroll file and I can pass it on to my developers if there are any errors. My developers will be able to correct those and they will be able to rectify these.

Now, similarly I can also view the code scanning results, if there are any errors, I can fix them. And once again, talk to my developers in order to fix these different errors. In order to get a detailed view, I can download the resource of course scanning steps in an Excel file. I can also download the build images step and have my Dev ops engineer go with them. Now I’ll go back to the activity tab and look into one of the pipeline executions that failed. So, I can see that right over here this particular pipeline execution failure at the core scanning step. Let me go in here and quickly verify what happened in here. So, I can see that my build & unit testing was successful. I can download the log file just to see if my code combined successfully.

So once again, I can see that all of my modules compiled successfully. So now going back in here, I can view or review the summary for code scanning, over here the security rating is C. That means that there are some security vulnerabilities that are present within my code. I can now download the details and have my developers go over them in order to fix these security vulnerabilities. Keep in mind, your code has to be compliant with good Cloud Manager pipeline in order for the code scanning step to go through. So once again, I can see that there are different vulnerabilities that are present and I will have to ask my developer to fix these in order for the pipeline execution to continue successfully. Once again, going back to the activity tab I can find another pipeline execution, which passed or which was able to complete itself successfully. So, this particular pipeline execution passed successfully. It lasted for 2 hours and 38 minutes.

And over here I can see that my code made it to production. This pipeline, even though it took 2 hours and 38 minutes doesn’t mean that my Cloud Manager instance was running slowly or there was an issue with my Cloud Manager. Sometimes it might take a while for the system administration to approve the particular execution of a deployment pipeline. Also, this particular instance or this particular pipeline execution took longer than expected. However, if I were to look over here I can see that the build & unit testing passed successfully. Since it was successful, I don’t need to download the logs, however, you can do that and you can have your developers give it a look. Once again, code scanning was successful however, I could see that there are still two open issues. I can download the details and, once again, I can have my developers give it a look or ask them to simply fix these.

Says these are minor issues, it says that the code scanning step was able to finish yourself successfully. Now, going back in here, I can see that the building step was also successful and deployment to staging went on successfully as well. After the staging deployment, my Cloud Manager was waiting for an approval, which was provided to it. You can verify the approval stages and once the approval is provided, production deployment starts and my code gets deployed onto the production as well. So, this is how you can verify the test results. This is how you can verify your pipeline execution and if it was successful or not. You can use the activity tab at any point to go over any of your pipeline executions that might have occurred in the past. If you have a current pipeline that is executing, you will see the status over here and you will be able to verify it. Also, you can directly go to the main screen or your home screen, and you can view the details of your pipelines. You will be able to directly do that by clicking on the button. It will show you the status of a different pipeline. Also, your pipeline execution will be reflected over here, in case your pipeline, and you can very easily verify. So, this is how you can leverage Cloud Manager to keep a track of your pipeline and verify the test results and verify the pipeline status at different lines. So now you should be able to analyze the test results using reports in Cloud Manager. Thank you very much for watching this video and have a great day. -
