Cloud 5 season 2

Welcome to season two’s Cloud 5 Series from AEM Engineering. One of the primary problems in the implementation phase of any product is having enough code samples and/or live demonstrations of those samples, tool, or APIs. The goal of this series is to deliver useful information about AEM as a Cloud Service in 5 minutes or less.
Suggestion Box
Visit the Suggestion Box for submitting topic ideas.
Season 2
Each season varies in length and is released on a fixed schedule. Season 2’s topics are primarily driven from past requests that we have come across in our day-to-day engagements with customers and partners. Visit this page for weekly updates or follow us on the social network of your choosing.
Fragments A colorful take on the differences between experience and content fragments. Spoiler: everyone wins. |
Repository Modernizer Quick insight into using the repository modernizer to restructure existing project packages to discrete packages compatible with AEM as a cloud service. |
Admin Console Darin and James discuss some common things that people should know about admin console, provisioning and access. |
Sling Jobs Darin and James discuss gotchas and things to look out for job scheduling and consumption in AEM as a cloud service. |
Sling Repository Initializer Learn a few tricks to unlock the power of using Sling Repository Initializer, a.k.a repoinit. |
Fix Your... Cache Explore areas to optimize your cache and speed up your site running on AEM as a Cloud Service. |
Fix Your... Rewrites Quick insight on things that will help speed up your rewrite development and optimization on AEM as a Cloud Service. |
Mysteries of Cloud Manager... Experience Audit Explore the basics of Cloud Manager and its Experience Audit capabilities. |
Mysteries of Cloud Manager... Unit Tests Darin and Bryan discuss how Cloud Manager integrates unit test execution and code coverage reporting into its CI/CD pipeline to help encourage and promote the best practice of unit testing AEM code. |
Mysteries of Cloud Manager... Functional Testswith Darin Kuntze & Bryan Stopp, Senior Cloud Architects Darin and Bryan discuss different types of functional testing built into the AEM as a Cloud Service deployment process to ensure quality and reliability of your code. |
Experience Manager as a Cloud Service
- Overview
- Playlists
- Introduction to AEM as a Cloud Service
- Experience Cloud integrations
- Underlying Technology
- Edge Delivery Services
- Cloud Manager
- Local Development Environment Setup
- Developing
- Debugging AEM
- Content Delivery
- Caching
- Accessing AEM
- Authentication
- Advanced Networking
- Security
- AEM Eventing
- Migration
- Content Transfer Tool
- Bulk Import of assets
- Moving to AEM as a Cloud Service
- Cloud Acceleration Manager
- Content Fragments
- Forms
- Developing for Forms as a Cloud Service
- 1 - Getting started
- 2 - Install IntelliJ
- 3 - Setup Git
- 4 - Sync IntelliJ with AEM
- 5 - Build a form
- 6 - Custom Submit Handler
- 7 - Registering servlet using resource type
- 8 - Enable Forms Portal Components
- 9 - Include Cloud Services and FDM
- 10 - Context aware cloud configuration
- 11 - Push to Cloud Manager
- 12 - Deploy to development environment
- 13 - Updating maven archetype
- Create Adaptive Form
- Custom submit service with headless form
- Create address block component
- Create clickable image component
- AEM Forms and Analytics
- Creating Countries Dropdown Component
- Creating Button Variations
- Using vertical tabs
- Using output and forms service
- Document Generation in AEM Forms CS
- Using Forms Document Services API
- Document Generation using Batch API
- PDF Manipulation in Forms CS
- Integrate with Marketo
- Store Form Submissions with Blob Index Tags
- Prefill core component based form
- Azure Portal Storage
- Save and Resume form filling
- Create Review Workflow
- Acrobat Sign with AEM Forms
- Integrate with Microsoft Power Automate
- Integrate with Microsoft Dynamics
- Integrate with Salesforce
- Store form submissions in one drive and sharepoint
- Developing for Forms as a Cloud Service
- Asset Compute Extensibility
- Multi-step Tutorials
- Expert Resources