Cloud 5 Introduction

Welcome to the Cloud 5 Series from AEM Engineering. One of the primary problems in the implementation phase of any product is having enough code samples and/or live demonstrations of those samples, tool, or APIs. The goal of this series is to deliver useful information about AEM as a Cloud Service in 5 minutes or less.

We’ve come to notice that many of the people interested in implementing or learning about Adobe Experience Cloud solutions don’t like to sit through long videos or read reams of text to decode some sort of use case that you’re trying to accomplish. Initially, the series that we’ve created is going to be focused on Experience Manager and the various services that integrate with it. Eventually, we’d like to add some of the other Adobe Experience Cloud solutions as demand dictates. But right now, currently, we’re going to stick with AEM as our core product. This is how we came up with the idea for Cloud 5. My name is Darren. I’m a cloud architect with Adobe with over 10-plus years of experience with Adobe. I’ve been building and architecting countless product and customer features over that time. Some of you may know me from the various sessions at Summit or other in-person events when the world was still doing those. And my name is James Talbot. I’ve worked for Adobe for about 20 years in various different roles. I’ve worked in pre-sales, I’ve worked in enablement, and now I’m working on the AEM engineering team. Many of you may also know me from different events, just like Darren from Summit and through enablement videos, other events that have been done throughout the years, such as Evolve for AEM. But we’re very excited about this series because Darren and I are going to distill useful information about AEM as a cloud service that you can use. And again, working in AEM engineering, this is something that we see every single day. We see problems that customers are having, we see issues, and we want to be able to distill these to you so you can quickly solve them and you can use these videos as a reference guide when you’re actually on a project. That’s really what this series is all about. Cloud5 is you being able to get answers to your cloud questions in five minutes or less. We’re going to try to explain the answers to your questions as best we can with diagrams, illustrations, and different scenarios that we see here in AEM engineering. If there is demonstrable demand for a particular topic, you can be sure that we’re going to cover it. Some of the content will be serialized. You can follow these in sequence or you can just drop in and use a video that is relevant to you or that interests you. So again, very, very exciting. And AEM as a cloud service really lends itself to this kind of thing because Adobe releases updates weekly. So again, new features, new functionalities, new ways of doing things are coming out all the time. And using this video, we’ll be able to keep you guys up to date. That’s what we’re excited about it and be able to give you insight into these problems that we see. And again, we’re going to be covering a wide range of topics and we’re going to kick off with learning about the AEM CDN, which is again, something that we see all of the time and you’ll be able to take this information. And when you’re actually out on a project or answering a question from a customer, you’ll be able to access that information quickly. We’re going to actively monitor forums and social media channels, your typical Twitters and LinkedIns of the world, as well as the Experience Manager forums to identify common asks or things that could benefit from being demoed or cleared up. Each video will contain the latest method for posting the idea or contacting us directly. Like here on the screen, you’ll have James and I’s direct contact through Twitter. Yep. And just remember, we’re here using the same methods of production that many of you are using during this working environment, i.e. we’re working from our home offices, as you can tell. Once the world opens back up, our ambitions are to do these events in person and to invite special guests to the series once it’s safe to do so. So again, thank you for joining us on this adventure and we look forward to many, many months of Cloud5 videos. Thank you.