How to set up Rapid Development Environment

Learn how to set up Rapid Development Environment (RDE) in AEM as a Cloud Service.

This video shows:

  • Adding an RDE to your program using Cloud Manager
  • RDE login flow using Adobe IMS, how it is similar to any other AEM as a Cloud Service environment
  • Setup of Adobe I/O Runtime Extensible CLI also known as the aio CLI
  • Setup and configuration of AEM RDE and Cloud Manager aio CLI plugin using non-interactive mode. For interactive mode, see the setup instructions
To create an RDE in your Cloud Manager program, you must have a business owner or deployment manager or developer role. Let’s get started. I’m currently logged into my Cloud Manager program and I’m going to use the add environment button to launch the wizard. By providing the necessary details such as the name and region, I can create an RDE. As you can see, the environment section now shows the new RDE with the coming up status. This process takes a few minutes to be ready. I have fast forwarded the video and my RDE is now ready for use. The login flow is the same as any other cloud environment flow, meaning you will use Adobe IMS. In the top left corner, there is an RDE environment indicator to help us know which cloud environment we are on. Let’s click around the key items from the navigation and tools menu. It’s exactly the same as any other AEM cloud environment. And that’s it. This completes the RDE creation in your program. Next, to deploy code and content onto this RDE from the developer’s local machine, we have to set up a command line interface or CLI for short. This is a one-time activity. You might be familiar with Adobe IOS CLI if you have used Adobe IOS runtime before. Which is Adobe serverless computing platform. But if you haven’t used it before, don’t worry. All you need to know is that to interact with an RDE from a developer’s machine, we need AEM RDE plugin which is part of the Adobe IOS CLI family. So without further ado, let’s get started with the AEM RDE plugin setup process on a local machine. Firstly, make sure you have a compatible version of Node and npm install for the Adobe IOS CLI and plugins installation. You can find more details about the compatibility on the Adobe IOS documentation page. Next, install the Adobe IOS CLI, also known as the AIO CLI by typing the npm install –g at the rate adobe slash aio-cli command into your terminal window. This might take a few minutes to install, so be patient. Now using the AIO CLI’s plugin install command, let’s install two plugins. The first one is the Cloud Manager plugin which allows developers to interact with the Cloud Manager from the command line. This will be useful for reviewing and managing programs, environments and pipeline related details. The second plugin is the AEM RDE plugin which we’ll be using to deploy code and content from the local machine. And we’ll be using it extensively in this and related videos. In case, if you already installed the AIO CLI and plugins earlier, make sure to update them to the latest version before proceeding. Alright, this completes the AEM RDE plugin installation. So, before we can use the AEM RDE plugin, we need to configure it by setting the organization ID, program ID and environment ID. To do this, we need to collect these details using the Cloud Manager UI. The organization ID, also known as the ARIA ID, can be found under the My User Profiles, Account Info menu item. Simply copy the value and we’ll use it shortly. The program ID and environment ID can be copied from the RDE’s AEM URL or the environment details URL. To use the environment details URL, simply copy the first part from the URI, which is the program ID and the last part which is the environment ID. However, if you decide to use the RDE’s AEM URL, the program ID is the numbers after the letter P and the environment ID is the numbers after the letter E in the AEM hostname. Now, we have collected these values, let’s set the config values using the AIO config set command. The syntax is straightforward, simply use the command AIO space config colon set space key name space key value. I have set the org ID, program ID and environment ID as you can see. To verify the config values, simply use the AIO space config colon list command. This is helpful when you need to switch between programs, environments or organizations. It is important to note that during initial setup or if the IMS tokens have expired from the AIO CLI session, you will need to log in to the developer console using the AIO space login command. And if you want to know which organization you are currently logged in, you can use the AIO space where command. To verify the AEM RDE plugin installation and configuration, simply run the AIO space AEM colon RDE colon status command. If everything is set up correctly, you should see the environment status displayed. Before we dive into how to use the RDE, there are a few important details to note. Number one, in the sandbox programs, RDEs are hibernated just like any other development or staging environment. Number two, every program is provisioned with one RDE, but additional RDEs can be purchased for production programs. Number three, ideally at any given time, a single developer should use the RDE. After its use, the RDE can be reset to its default state. We will cover this in more details in later video. And that’s it. Your RDE is now set up and ready for use.


The following should be installed locally:

Local setup

To deploy the WKND Sites Project’s code and content onto the RDE from your local machine, complete the following steps.

Adobe I/O Runtime Extensible CLI

Install the Adobe I/O Runtime Extensible CLI, also known as the aio CLI by running the following command from the command line.

$ npm install -g @adobe/aio-cli

Install and setup aio CLI plugins

The aio CLI must have plugins installed and setup with the Organization, Program, and RDE Environment ID to interact with your RDE. Setup can be performed via the aio CLI using the simpler interactive mode or non-interactive mode.

Interactive mode

Install andd setup the AEM RDE plugins by using the aio cli’s plugins:install command.

  1. Install the aio CLI’s AEM RDE plugin using the aio cli’s plugins:install command.

    code language-shell
    $ aio plugins:install @adobe/aio-cli-plugin-aem-rde
    $ aio plugins:update

    The AEM RDE plugin, allows developers to deploy code and content from the local machine.

  2. Log in to the Adobe I/O Runtime Extensible CLI by running the following command to get the access token. Make sure to log in to the same Adobe Org as your Cloud Manager.

    code language-shell
    $ aio login
  3. Run the following command to set up RDE using interactive mode.

    code language-shell
    $ aio aem:rde:setup
  4. The CLI prompts you to enter the Organization ID, Program ID, and Environment ID.

    code language-shell
    Setup the CLI configuration necessary to use the RDE commands.
    ? Do you want to store the information you enter in this setup procedure locally? (y/N)
    • Choose No if you are only working with a single RDE, and want to store your RDE configuration globally on your local machine.

    • Choose Yes if you are working with multiple RDEs, or want to store your RDE configuration locally, in the current folder’s .aio file, for each project.

  5. Select the Organization ID, Program ID, and RDE Environment ID from the list of available options.

  6. Verify the correct Organization, Program and Environment are setup by running the following command.

    code language-shell
    $ aio aem rde setup --show
Non-interactive mode

Install and setup the Cloud Manager and AEM RDE plugins by using the aio cli’s plugins:install command.

code language-shell
$ aio plugins:install @adobe/aio-cli-plugin-cloudmanager
$ aio plugins:install @adobe/aio-cli-plugin-aem-rde
$ aio plugins:update

The Cloud Manager plugin, allows developers to interact with Cloud Manager from the command line.

The AEM RDE plugin, allows developers to deploy code and content from the local machine.

The aio CLI plugins must be configured to interact with your RDE.

  1. First, using the Cloud Manager, copy the values of the Organization, Program, and Environment ID.

    • Organization ID: Copy the value from Profile Picture > Account info(internal) > Modal Window > Current Org ID

    Organization ID

    • Program ID: Copy the value from Program Overview > Environments > {ProgramName}-rde > Browser URI > numbers between program/ and /environment

    Program and Environment ID

    • Environment ID: Copy the value from Program Overview > Environments > {ProgramName}-rde > Browser URI > numbers after environment/

    Program and Environment ID

  2. Use the aio cli’s config:set command set these values by running the following command.

    code language-shell
    $ aio config:set cloudmanager_orgid <ORGANIZATION ID>
    $ aio config:set cloudmanager_programid <PROGRAM ID>
    $ aio config:set cloudmanager_environmentid <ENVIRONMENT ID>
  3. Verify the current config values by running the following command.

    code language-shell
    $ aio config:list
  4. Switch or review which Organization you are currently logged in to:

    code language-shell
    $ aio where

Verify RDE access

Verify the AEM RDE plugin installation and configuration by running the following command.

$ aio aem:rde:status

The RDE status information is displayed like environment status, the list of your AEM project bundles and configurations on author and publish service.

Next Step

Learn how to use an RDE to deploy code and content from your favorite Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for faster development cycles.

Additional resources

Enabling RDE in a program documentation

Setup of Adobe I/O Runtime Extensible CLI also known as the aio CLI

aio CLI usage and commands

Adobe I/O Runtime CLI plugin for interactions with AEM Rapid Development Environments

Cloud Manager aio CLI plugin
