Webhooks and AEM Events

Learn how to receive AEM events on a webhook and review the event details such as payload, headers, and metadata.

In this example, utilizing an Adobe-provided hosted webhook allows you to receive AEM events without the need to set up your own webhook. This Adobe-provided webhook is hosted on Glitch, a platform known for offering a web-based environment conducive to building and deploying web applications. However, the option to use your own webhook is also available if preferred.


To complete this tutorial, you need:

AEM as a Cloud Service Eventing is only available to registered users in pre-release mode. To enable AEM eventing on your AEM as a Cloud Service environment, contact AEM-Eventing team.

Access webhook

To access the Adobe-provided webhook, follow these steps:

  • Verify you can access the Glitch - hosted webhook in a new browser tab.

    Glitch - hosted webhook

  • Enter a unique name for your webhook, for example <YOUR_PETS_NAME>-aem-eventing and click Connect. You should see Connected to: ${YOUR-WEBHOOK-URL} message appearing on the screen.

    Glitch - create webhook

  • Make a note of the Webhook URL. You need it later in this tutorial.

Configure webhook in Adobe Developer Console Project

To receive AEM Events on the above webhook URL, follow these steps:

  • In the Adobe Developer Console, navigate to your project and click to open it.

  • Under Products & services section, click ellipses ... next to the desired events card that should send AEM events to the webhook and select Edit.

    Adobe Developer Console Project Edit

  • In the newly opened Configure event registration dialog, click Next to proceed to How to receive events step.

    Adobe Developer Console Project Configure

  • In the How to receive events step, select Webhook option and paste the Webhook URL you copied earlier from the Glitch hosted webhook and click Save configured events.

    Adobe Developer Console Project Webhook

  • In the Glitch webook page, you should see a GET request, it is a challenge request sent by the Adobe I/O Events to verify the webhook URL.

    Glitch - challenge request

Trigger AEM events

To trigger AEM events from your AEM as a Cloud Service environment that has been registered in the above Adobe Developer Console project follow these steps:

  • Access and login to your AEM as a Cloud Service author environment via Cloud Manager.

  • Depending on your Subscribed Events, create, update, delete, publish or unpublish a Content Fragment.

Review event details

After completing the above steps, you should see the AEM Events being delivered to the webhook. Look for the POST request in the Glitch webhook page.

Glitch - POST request

Here are key details of the POST request:

  • path: /webhook/${YOUR-WEBHOOK-URL}, for example /webhook/AdobeTM-aem-eventing

  • headers: request headers sent by the Adobe I/O Events, for example:

"connection": "close",
"x-forwarded-for": ",::ffff:,::ffff:",
"x-forwarded-proto": "https,http,http",
"x-forwarded-port": "443,80,80",
"host": "lovely-ancient-coaster.glitch.me",
"content-length": "826",
"x-adobe-public-key2-path": "/prod/keys/pub-key-IkpzhSpTw0.pem",
"x-adobe-delivery-id": "18abfb47-d24a-4684-ade8-f442a3444033",
"x-adobe-provider": "aemsites_7ABB3E6A5A7491460A495D61@AdobeOrg_acct-aem-p46652-e1074060@adobe.com",
"x-adobe-public-key1-path": "/prod/keys/pub-key-Ptc2pD9vT9.pem",
"x-adobe-event-id": "a0f3fb7d-b02c-4612-aac6-e472b80af793",
"x-adobe-event-code": "aem.sites.contentFragment.modified",
"user-agent": "Adobe/1.0",
"x-adobe-digital-signature-2": "zGLso15+6PV6X6763/x6WqgxDlEXpkv5ty8q4njaq3aUngAI9VCcYonbScEjljRluzjZ05uMJmRfNxwjj60syxEJPuc0dpmMU635gfna7I4T7IaHs496wx4m2E5mvCM+aKbNQ+NPOutyTqI8Ovq29P2P87GIgMlGhAtOaxRVGNc6ksBxc2tCWbrKUhW8hPJ0sHphU499dN4TT32xrZaiRw4akT3M/hYydsA8dcWpJ7S4dpuDS21YyDHAB8s9Dawtr3fyPEyLgZzpwZDfCqQ8gdSCGqKscE4pScwqPkKOYCHDnBvDZVe583jhcZbHGjk7Ncp/FrgQk7avWsk5XlzcuA==",
"x-adobe-digital-signature-1": "QD7THFJ1vmJqD/BatIpzO6+ACQ9cSKPR7XVaW0LI7cN/xs7ucyri6dmkerOPe9EJpjGoqCg8rxWedrIRQB3lgVskChbHH3Ujx5YG0aTQLSd1Lsn5CFbW1U0l0GqId9Cnd6MccrqSznZXcdW1rMFuRk8+gqwabBifSaLbu3r30G5hmqQd72VtiYTE4m23O3jYIMiv62pRP+a+p4NjNj1XG320uRSry+BPniTjDJ6oN/Ng7aUEKML8idZ/ZTqeh/rJSrVO95UryUolFDRwDkRn5zKonbvhSLAeXzaPhvimWUHtldq9M1WTyRMpsBk8BRzaklxlq+woJ2UjYPUIEzjotw==",
"accept-encoding": "deflate,compress,identity",
"content-type": "application/cloudevents+json; charset=UTF-8",
"x-forwarded-host": "lovely-ancient-coaster.glitch.me",
"traceparent": "00-c27558588d994f169186ca6a3c6607d4-a7e7ee36625488d4-01"
  • body/payload: request body sent by the Adobe I/O Events, for example:
  "specversion": "1.0",
  "type": "aem.sites.contentFragment.modified",
  "source": "acct:aem-p46652-e1074060@adobe.com",
  "id": "bf922a49-9db4-4377-baf4-70e96e15c45f",
  "time": "2023-12-12T20:36:43.583228Z",
  "dataschema": "https://ns.adobe.com/xdm/aem/sites/events/content-fragment-modified.json",
  "datacontenttype": "application/json",
  "data": {
    "user": {
      "imsUserId": "933E1F8A631CAA0F0A495E53@80761f6e631c0c7d495fb3.e",
      "principalId": "xxx@adobe.com",
      "displayName": "First LastName",
    "path": "/content/dam/wknd-shared/en/adventures/beervana-portland/beervana-in-portland",
    "model": {
      "id": "/conf/wknd-shared/settings/dam/cfm/models/adventure"
    "id": "9a2d3e6a-efda-4079-a86e-0ef2ede692da",
    "properties": [
        "name": "groupSize",
        "changeType": "modified"
  "event_id": "a0f3fb7d-b02c-4612-aac6-e472b80af793",
  "recipient_client_id": "f51ea733ba404db299fefbf285dc1c42"

You can see that the AEM event details have all the necessary information to process the event in the webhook. For example, the event type (type), event source (source), event id (event_id), event time (time), and event data (data).

Additional resources
