Set up local development environment
Learn how to download and set up a local development environment using the AEM as a Cloud Service SDK.
Hello and welcome everyone. My name is Abhishek Dwevedi, and in this video, we are going to set up local development environment for AEM as a Cloud Service.
After completing this video, you should be able to identify requirements for local development environment, and you should also be able to set up local development environment for AEM as a Cloud Service projects.
AEM can be run locally using AEM as a Cloud Services SDK Quickstart chart. This allows developers to deploy and to test custom code configuration and content prior to committing it to source control and deploying it to AEM as a cloud service environment. The first requirement for local AEM runtime is to download and install Java 11.
I already have set up Java 11 on my machine. We can quickly verify this by running command Java hyphen hyphen version. If you don’t have Java 11 SDK, you can go to software distribution panel and download store Experience And in the general section, you can find out the latest Oracle JDK, 11 dot O versions. The next requirement is to download AEM as a cloud service SDK. This step we have already done in our last video. So, if I go to downloads, I can find out, we have got this folder AEM SDK, and I have got this file, which is our Quickstart jar.
In order to use this as an author instance, I’ll just create a new folder headquarters author folder.
I will move on this file into this author folder and rename this to AEM hyphen author, and port number which is four five zero two. This is the port number that I want to give.
You also need to copy this license file in this author folder. Now you have your Quickstart ready with licensed or properties file. Now we can simply double-click this to run AEM author instance. You may get a warning like this and resolve this issue. You can go to system preferences and Mac machine.
Go to security and privacy, in general section.
Click on open anyway, and this should basically start your AEM jar file and start loading your author instance.
So now you can see a panel has come up here. It has already started to load AEM.
Similarly, you can create a published instance as well by simply naming the jar file as AEM hyphen publish hyphen P four five zero three, or any other port number that you want to give. The other requirements for your machine would be, you need Maven. So, I already have Maven installed on my machine, and you should be having Apache and Maven installed there. The other tool required for some development is an ID. So, in this training I’ll be using eclipse ID. You may use any other ID of your choice. Now you should be able to identify your requirements for local development environment and it should also be able to set up local development environment. Thank you for watching this video. Have a great day. -
shown in this video is no longer needed to run the AEM SDK.
Review these instructions to set up a complete local development environment using the AEM SDK.