Adding Marketo Measure Script via Google Tag Manager adding-marketo-measure-script-via-google-tag-manager

When installing the Marketo Measure JavaScript, it is recommended that you hard-coding the script directly into the site. If that is not possible, you can also use Google Tag Manager (GTM) to load the Marketo Measure JS. Note that Marketo Measure JS loaded through GTM is susceptible to latency. Latency causes a delay in script load times which can result in missing around 3-5% of all form submissions.

If you decide to add our script via GTM, set the Marketo Measure script to the highest priority in your firing order and ensure that there are no synchronous scripts in front of the Marketo Measure tag to reduce any effects from GTM latency.

Use this support article by Google to learn more.

How to Add Marketo Measure JS via Google Tag Manager how-to-add-marketo-measure-js-via-google-tag-manager

  1. Open GTM and add the Marketo Measure script on your website container. Be sure to select Custom HTML tag.

  2. Use the Marketo Measure script below and incorporate it in your container.

    <script type="text/javascript" src="" async=""></script>

  3. Click Add a Firing Rule so you can tell Google to load our snippet on All Pages.

  4. Go to the Container Draft Overview section on the left. Click the button to create a version of your container and publish the changes.
