Lead/Contact Velocity Over Time

The time series line chart displays the average time, in days, that leads/contacts spend at each sales stage across the specified timeframe.

  • Use the drill-down and up functionalities to categorize the data by Month, Quarter, or Year.
  • Hover over a line to reveal detailed information.

Questions the chart answers:

  • What are the trends in the time spent at each stage for leads/contacts throughout the observed months?
  • In which month did leads/contacts experience the fastest progression through the sales stages?

Lead/Contact Velocity by Channel

The bar chart displays the average duration, in days, that leads/contacts remain in each funnel stage, segmented by Channel.

Hover over a line to reveal detailed information.

Questions the chart answers:

  • Which channel shows the quickest lead progression through the funnel stages?
  • How does the lead velocity in the ‘MQL’ stage vary across different channels?

Filter Pane

This dashboard is equipped with the following settings and filters:

  • Date
    • Based on: Transition In Date
  • Stage
  • Channel
  • Subchannel
  • Campaign
  • Segment
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