Marketo Measure Ultimate Data Integrity Requirement marketo-measure-ultimate-data-integrity-requirement
Marketo Measure validates the incoming AEP datasets to ensure that the data is sufficient and coherent for attribution. Failing to meet the data integrity requirement causes the dataset to be rejected by the Marketo Measure system. This article details the data integrity requirement, provides query examples for data inspection, and recommends a solution for required fields with a null value.
Entity Object entity-object
Currency Conversion Data Requirements currency-conversion-data-requirements
Default Currency: In Marketo Measure, all revenue and cost are converted to a default currency at reporting time. There must be one record with the same date coverage for the target currency itself (e.g., USD to USD) with a conversion rate of 1.
Conversion Rates: Each (source currency, target currency) pair can have multiple conversion rates for different date periods. The rates must cover the entire time span from 0001-01-01 to 9999-12-31, as per the Salesforce DatedConversionRate object.
Date Range:
- No overlapping date ranges within a (source currency, target currency) rate set (e.g., 2023-01-01 to 2023-02-01 and 2023-01-01 to 2024-01-01).
- No gaps between date ranges. The start date is inclusive, and the end date is exclusive.
ExperienceEvent experienceevent
ExperienceEvent Type Supported experienceevent-type-supported
Use the “Interesting Moment” event type for event types not supported in the table above. Add a custom field to indicate the subtype “Interesting Moment”.
Query Examples for Data Inspection query-examples-for-data-inspection
The following is a list of query examples for inspecting ingested datasets in AEP data lake. To use them against your datasets, replace the table name in the query examples below with your actual dataset table name.
We expect all counts to be 0.
For personType field, we expect there are only “Lead” or “Contact” values, and there is no null value.
For all “Contact” person records, we expect there is an Account foreign key.
For “Lead” person records, an Account foreign key does not exist and is not required. If you choose to ingest “Lead” person records as “Contact” person records (which is recommended), an Account foreign key on such person records is not required.
XDM Business Account xdm-business-account
select 'account source id', count(*) from salesforce_account where accountKey.sourceId is null
union all
select 'account source type', count(*) from salesforce_account where accountKey.sourceType is null
union all
select 'account source instance id', count(*) from salesforce_account where accountKey.sourceInstanceId is null
union all
select 'account source key', count(*) from salesforce_account where accountKey.sourceKey is null
union all
select 'account name', count(*) from salesforce_account where accountName is null
union all
select 'created date', count(*) from salesforce_account where extSourceSystemAudit.createdDate is null
union all
select 'last updated date', count(*) from salesforce_account where extSourceSystemAudit.lastUpdatedDate is null;
XDM Business Campaign xdm-business-campaign
select 'campaign source id', count(*) from salesforce_campaign where campaignKey.sourceId is null
union all
select 'campaign source type', count(*) from salesforce_campaign where campaignKey.sourceType is null
union all
select 'campaign source instance id', count(*) from salesforce_campaign where campaignKey.sourceInstanceId is null
union all
select 'campaign source key', count(*) from salesforce_campaign where campaignKey.sourceKey is null
union all
select 'campaign name', count(*) from salesforce_campaign where campaignName is null
union all
select 'created date', count(*) from salesforce_campaign where extSourceSystemAudit.createdDate is null
union all
select 'last updated date', count(*) from salesforce_campaign where extSourceSystemAudit.lastUpdatedDate is null;
XDM Business Campaign Member xdm-business-campaign-member
select 'campaign member source id', count(*) from salesforce_campaign_member where campaignMemberKey.sourceId is null
union all
select 'campaign member source type', count(*) from salesforce_campaign_member where campaignMemberKey.sourceType is null
union all
select 'campaign member source instance id', count(*) from salesforce_campaign_member where campaignMemberKey.sourceInstanceId is null
union all
select 'campaign member source key', count(*) from salesforce_campaign_member where campaignMemberKey.sourceKey is null
union all
select 'campaign source id', count(*) from salesforce_campaign_member where campaignKey.sourceId is null
union all
select 'campaign source type', count(*) from salesforce_campaign_member where campaignKey.sourceType is null
union all
select 'campaign source instance id', count(*) from salesforce_campaign_member where campaignKey.sourceInstanceId is null
union all
select 'campaign source key', count(*) from salesforce_campaign_member where campaignKey.sourceKey is null
union all
select 'person source id', count(*) from salesforce_campaign_member where personKey.sourceId is null
union all
select 'person source type', count(*) from salesforce_campaign_member where personKey.sourceType is null
union all
select 'person source instance id', count(*) from salesforce_campaign_member where personKey.sourceInstanceId is null
union all
select 'person source key', count(*) from salesforce_campaign_member where personKey.sourceKey is null
union all
select distinct 'person type', b2b.personType from salesforce_campaign_member
union all
select 'member status', count(*) from salesforce_campaign_member where memberStatus is null
union all
select 'has responded', count(*) from salesforce_campaign_member where hasResponded is null
union all
select 'created date', count(*) from salesforce_campaign_member where extSourceSystemAudit.createdDate is null
union all
select 'last updated date', count(*) from salesforce_campaign_member where extSourceSystemAudit.lastUpdatedDate is null;
XDM Business Person xdm-business-person
select 'person source id', count(*) from marketo_person where b2b.personKey.sourceId is null
union all
select 'person source type', count(*) from marketo_person where b2b.personKey.sourceType is null
union all
select 'person source instance id', count(*) from marketo_person where b2b.personKey.sourceInstanceId is null
union all
select 'person source key', count(*) from marketo_person where b2b.personKey.sourceKey is null
union all
select 'email', count(*) from marketo_person where workEmail.address is null
union all
select 'Lead - person status', count(*) from marketo_person where b2b.personType = 'Lead' and b2b.personStatus is null
union all
select 'Lead - is converted', count(*) from marketo_person where b2b.personType = 'Lead' and b2b.isConverted is null
union all
select distinct 'person type', b2b.personType from marketo_person
union all
select 'created date', count(*) from marketo_person where extSourceSystemAudit.createdDate is null
union all
select 'last updated date', count(*) from marketo_person where extSourceSystemAudit.lastUpdatedDate is null;
select 'person source id', count(*) from salesforce_contact where b2b.personKey.sourceId is null
union all
select 'person source type', count(*) from salesforce_contact where b2b.personKey.sourceType is null
union all
select 'person source instance id', count(*) from salesforce_contact where b2b.personKey.sourceInstanceId is null
union all
select 'person source key', count(*) from salesforce_contact where b2b.personKey.sourceKey is null
union all
select 'email', count(*) from salesforce_contact where workEmail.address is null
union all
select 'Lead - person status', count(*) from salesforce_contact where b2b.personType = 'Lead' and b2b.personStatus is null
union all
select 'Lead - is converted', count(*) from salesforce_contact where b2b.personType = 'Lead' and b2b.isConverted is null
union all
select distinct 'person type', b2b.personType from salesforce_contact
union all
select 'account source id', count(*) from salesforce_contact where b2b.personType = 'Contact' and personComponents[0].sourceAccountKey.sourceId is null
union all
select 'account source type', count(*) from salesforce_contact where b2b.personType = 'Contact' and personComponents[0].sourceAccountKey.sourceType is null
union all
select 'account source instance id', count(*) from salesforce_contact where b2b.personType = 'Contact' and personComponents[0].sourceAccountKey.sourceInstanceId is null
union all
select 'account source key', count(*) from salesforce_contact where b2b.personType = 'Contact' and personComponents[0].sourceAccountKey.sourceKey is null
union all
select 'created date', count(*) from salesforce_contact where extSourceSystemAudit.createdDate is null
union all
select 'last updated date', count(*) from salesforce_contact where extSourceSystemAudit.lastUpdatedDate is null;
XDM Business Opportunity xdm-business-opportunity
select 'opportunity source id', count(*) from salesforce_opportunity where opportunityKey.sourceId is null
union all
select 'opportunity source type', count(*) from salesforce_opportunity where opportunityKey.sourceType is null
union all
select 'opportunity source instance id', count(*) from salesforce_opportunity where opportunityKey.sourceInstanceId is null
union all
select 'opportunity source key', count(*) from salesforce_opportunity where opportunityKey.sourceKey is null
union all
select 'account source id', count(*) from salesforce_opportunity where accountKey.sourceId is null
union all
select 'account source type', count(*) from salesforce_opportunity where accountKey.sourceType is null
union all
select 'account source instance id', count(*) from salesforce_opportunity where accountKey.sourceInstanceId is null
union all
select 'account source key', count(*) from salesforce_opportunity where accountKey.sourceKey is null
union all
select 'opportunity name', count(*) from salesforce_opportunity where opportunityName is null
union all
select 'opportunity stage', count(*) from salesforce_opportunity where opportunityStage is null
union all
select 'is won', count(*) from salesforce_opportunity where isWon is null
union all
select 'is closed', count(*) from salesforce_opportunity where isClosed is null
union all
select 'expected close date', count(*) from salesforce_opportunity where expectedCloseDate is null
union all
select 'opportunity amount', count(*) from salesforce_opportunity where opportunityAmount.amount is null
union all
select 'currency code', count(*) from salesforce_opportunity where opportunityAmount.currencyCode is null
union all
select 'created date', count(*) from salesforce_opportunity where extSourceSystemAudit.createdDate is null
union all
select 'last updated date', count(*) from salesforce_opportunity where extSourceSystemAudit.lastUpdatedDate is null;
XDM ExperienceEvent xdm-experienceevent
select 'id', count(*) from marketo_activity where _id is null
union all
select 'event type', count(*) from marketo_activity where eventType is null
union all
select 'timestamp', count(*) from marketo_activity where timestamp is null
union all
select 'person source id', count(*) from marketo_activity where personKey.sourceId is null
union all
select 'person source type', count(*) from marketo_activity where personKey.sourceType is null
union all
select 'person source instance id', count(*) from marketo_activity where personKey.sourceInstanceId is null
union all
select 'person source key', count(*) from marketo_activity where personKey.sourceKey is null
union all
select 'addToCampaign campaign id', count(*) from marketo_activity where eventType = 'leadOperation.addToCampaign' and leadOperation.addToCampaign.campaignKey.sourceId is null
union all
select 'addToCampaign campaign type', count(*) from marketo_activity where eventType = 'leadOperation.addToCampaign' and leadOperation.addToCampaign.campaignKey.sourceType is null
union all
select 'addToCampaign campaign instance id', count(*) from marketo_activity where eventType = 'leadOperation.addToCampaign' and leadOperation.addToCampaign.campaignKey.sourceInstanceId is null
union all
select 'addToCampaign campaign key', count(*) from marketo_activity where eventType = 'leadOperation.addToCampaign' and leadOperation.addToCampaign.campaignKey.sourceKey is null
union all
select 'statusInCampaignProgressionChanged campaign id', count(*) from marketo_activity where eventType = 'leadOperation.campaignProgression.campaignKey.sourceKey' and leadOperation.campaignProgression.campaignKey.sourceId is null
union all
select 'statusInCampaignProgressionChanged campaign type', count(*) from marketo_activity where eventType = 'leadOperation.campaignProgression.campaignKey.sourceKey' and leadOperation.campaignProgression.campaignKey.sourceType is null
union all
select 'statusInCampaignProgressionChanged campaign instance id', count(*) from marketo_activity where eventType = 'leadOperation.campaignProgression.campaignKey.sourceKey' and leadOperation.campaignProgression.campaignKey.sourceInstanceId is null
union all
select 'statusInCampaignProgressionChanged campaign key', count(*) from marketo_activity where eventType = 'leadOperation.campaignProgression.campaignKey.sourceKey' and leadOperation.campaignProgression.campaignKey.sourceKey is null;
select 'id', count(*) from salesforce_task where _id is null
union all
select 'event type', count(*) from salesforce_task where eventType is null
union all
select 'timestamp', count(*) from salesforce_task where timestamp is null
union all
select 'person source id', count(*) from salesforce_task where personKey.sourceId is null
union all
select 'person source type', count(*) from salesforce_task where personKey.sourceType is null
union all
select 'person source instance id', count(*) from salesforce_task where personKey.sourceInstanceId is null
union all
select 'person source key', count(*) from salesforce_task where personKey.sourceKey is null;
Conversion conversion
select 'conversion rate', count(*) from currency_conversion_rate where conversionRate is null
union all
select 'end date', count(*) from currency_conversion_rate where endDate is null
union all
select 'start date', count(*) from currency_conversion_rate where startDate is null
union all
select 'source ISO Code', count(*) from currency_conversion_rate where sourceISOCode is null
union all
select 'target ISO Code', count(*) from currency_conversion_rate where targetISOCode is null
union all
select 'source id', count(*) from currency_conversion_rate where extSourceSystemAudit.externalKey.sourceId is null
union all
select 'source type', count(*) from currency_conversion_rate where extSourceSystemAudit.externalKey.sourceType is null
union all
select 'source instance id', count(*) from currency_conversion_rate where extSourceSystemAudit.externalKey.sourceInstanceId is null
union all
select 'source key', count(*) from currency_conversion_rate where extSourceSystemAudit.externalKey.sourceKey is null
union all
select 'created date', count(*) from currency_conversion_rate where extSourceSystemAudit.createdDate is null
union all
select 'last updated date', count(*) from currency_conversion_rate where extSourceSystemAudit.lastUpdatedDate is null;
Recommended Solution for Required Fields with a NULL Value recommended-solution-for-required-fields-with-a-null-value
We recommend using a calculated field in field mapping to default the field to a non-NULL value. The following are two examples:
If opportunityName of some opportunity records are null, create and use the following calculated field in field mapping
iif(name != null && trim(name) != "", name, "Unknown")
If leadOperation.campaignProgression.campaignID of some experienceevent records are null, create and use the following calculated field in field mapping
iif(leadOperation.campaignProgression.campaignID != null && leadOperation.campaignProgression.campaignID != "" , to_object("sourceType", "Marketo", "sourceInstanceID", "123-abc-321", "sourceID", leadOperation.campaignProgression.campaignID, "sourceKey", concat(leadOperation.campaignProgression.campaignID,"@123-abc-321.Marketo")), iif(eventType == "leadOperation.statusInCampaignProgressionChanged", to_object("sourceType", "Marketo", "sourceInstanceID", "123-abc-321", "sourceID", "Unknown", "sourceKey", "Unknown@123-abc-321.Marketo"), null))