Configuring Doubleclick Campaign Manager View Through Attribution configuring-doubleclick-campaign-manager-view-through-attribution

Measuring View Through Attribution measuring-view-through-attribution

Due to privacy concerns, third-party cookies are on the way out. Google Chrome’s announced Q3 2024 deprecation of third-party cookies effectively marks the end of this form of tracking. As a result, Adobe is deprecating Marketo Measure functions which rely on third-party cookies; specifically, Cross-Domain Tracking and View-through Attribution, which use the Google/DoubleClick impression cookie. No other functions of Marketo Measure will be impacted. First-party cookie usage is also not impacted. In light of Google’s schedule, the expected deprecation date for the two functions above is 6/1/2024. Related data collected before this date remains available to Adobe customers.
If you are using the Marketo Measure and DoubleClick Campaign Manager integration, we require an API connection so we can download details of the campaigns and creatives to resolve the ads.

To begin gaining more granular insight from view through tracking with Doubleclick Campaign Manager, our tracking pixel needs to be configured.

For more information about the Marketo Measure View Through Attribution functionality, refer to Marketo Measure View Through Attribution FAQ.

Marketo Measure is considered a piggyback tag because it’s a third party call through the DCM ad tag. Piggyback tags do not work with image tags, only iframe or javascript tags. According to DCM Support, this did not change recently and has always been the case. Standard tags were deprecated on Oct 2, 2017 but do not affect the ability of Marketo Measure to track the impressions.

In the event you use a Parent and Child hierarchy in DCM, we will need our tag applied to all levels for impression tracking.

How to add the Image Tag how-to-add-the-image-tag

Add the tag into Doubleclick under the Advertiser setting and create an Impression Event Tag.

  1. Add the following code as a 1x1 image pixel.!&a=%eaid!&c=%ecid!&s=%esid!&p=%epid!&m=%m&n=%n

  1. Once it’s added, confirm the delimiters are mapped as follows. This should be automatic once the tag is applied:

    v = %eadv! Expand Advertiser Id
    a = %eaid! Expand Ad Id
    c = %ecid! Expand Creative Id
    s = %esid! Expand Site Id
    p = %epid! Expand Placement Id
    m = %m Match Code Macro
    n = %n Random Number Macro

FAQ faq

Q: Is the image tag secure?

A: Yes. It is not a JavaScript tag, it is an image tag.

Q: What permissions does the connected user need?

A: dfatrafficking, dfareporting,

Q: How long can it take to import spend data?

A: Up to 6 hours

Q: How long can it take to import ad data?

A: Up to 6 hours
