Google AdWords

When you create your ads in Google AdWords, you are encouraged to tag your campaigns in one of three ways–manual tagging, automatic tagging, or by creating a Tracking Template. Manually tagging your AdWords URL relies on you defining and adding the parameters at the end of the ads’ URLs. Manual tagging allows any non-Google platform to easily read the data collected by the parameters.

The Tracking Template is a tool Google provides to add what it calls ValueTrack parameters. They work in the same manner as UTMs and other tagging parameters.

What Happens When Auto-tagging is Enabled

Marketo Measure Searches for Tracking Templates in your AdWords account:

  • Option A: Tracking Template is found. Marketo Measure adds its parameters to the template.

  • Option B: Third-party redirect is found. If a third-party redirect is found in the Tracking Template, Marketo Measure cannot take any action. You will need to manually add the Marketo Measure tags to the third-party system. An example of a third-party redirect would be a bid management tool like Kenshoo or Marin. Learn more about how bid management tools affect Marketo Measure.

  • Option C: No Tracking Template is found. Marketo Measure will scan all of your Ad Destination URLs for the Marketo Measure parameters. Based on the scan, if:

    • Parameters are found: the setup is complete!
    • Parameters are not found: Marketo Measure will append its parameters to the end of the Ad Destination URLs. Marketo Measure appends new ads within two hours after they are created. Keep in mind that the parameters will not be added to a template.

How to Enable Marketo Measure Auto-tagging for Adwords

Before enabling Marketo Measure auto-tagging, ensure that you have a tracking template enabled at the Account, Campaign or Ad Group level within your Adwords account. This is required for any Adwords account that will have Marketo Measure auto-tagging enabled. Enabling a tracking template prevents any loss in ad performance history data. Note that enabling tracking templates at the Keyword, Sitelink, or Ad level will cause the ad to go through the review and approval process and can potentially restart your ads’ performance history. If there is no tracking template enabled at all, Marketo Measure will append the Marketo Measure tracking parameters directly to the ad’s “Final URL” which can also result in loss of ad history data.

Once you have a tracking template in place, follow the instructions below to enable Marketo Measure Auto-tagging. Note: Marketo Measure will also auto-tag any paused ads in your account.

  1. Sign in to your Marketo Measure account at

  2. Go to My Account > Settings > Integrations > Connections.

  3. Click the Pencil Icon next to the Adwords Account that will be have Marketo Measure auto-tagging enabled.

  4. In the top right-hand corner, toggle the Autotagging switch to Yes. At the bottom of the page, click Learn More to expand the text box and click Save. Auto-tagging setup is complete.

How to Set up a Tracking Template in AdWords with Marketo Measure Parameters

Keep in mind that you should add tracking templates at the Account, Campaign or Ad Group level in AdWords. If you add Tracking Templates to the Keyword, Sitelink or Ad level, your ad will need to go through the review and approval process and you risk restarting your ads’ performance history. Learn more about creating tracking templates.

  1. Log-in to your Google AdWords Account.

  2. Go to your Campaigns view from the left-hand navigation bar

  3. Navigate to “Settings”, also in the left-hand nav bar

  4. Toggle to the “Account Settings” view across the top

  5. Expand the “Tracking” section

  6. Paste one of the following strings of text in the tracking template to set the template’s value:

    • If you have question marks in ALL of your URLs, then use the following URL text:


    • If you do not have question marks on any of your URLs, then add the following URL text:


    To prevent errors from taking place when you manually tag your URLs, it’s typically recommended to generate the UTM parameters automatically. This doesn’t have to mean auto-tagging with AdWords or Marketo Measure parameters, there are multiple tools that simplify the process by automatically generating the parameters for the URL based on the information you provide.

    If you are getting an error saying that the Tracking Template is invalid, try clearing your browser cache and trying again - this often solves the issue.

How to Automatically Generate UTM Tags for Google AdWords

UTM tags can appear difficult to create at first but there are many tools available to easily build URLs with UTM parameters. You can use any one of the following resources or search the web for more tools. Keep in mind that Marketo Measure does not endorse or guarantee anything with these platforms and tools.

Google URL Builder

Google URL Builder is standard tool for building correctly-formatted URLs with UTM tags. Enter the URL and the desired value of each parameter and click “Generate URL”. This is an ideal tool to use if you only have a handful of URLs to tag. Access the tool here.

Google Spreadsheet generated by EpikOne

This spreadsheet has a formula that will automatically generate tagged destination URLs. This is a great tool to use if a large number of links need to be tagged. Access the spreadsheet here.

Rafflecopter Link Tagging Tool

The spreadsheet created by Rafflecopter is a modified version of EpikOne’s spreadsheet. It also contains a formula that will auto-generate tagged destination links for you to use.

Each of these tools has detailed instructions on how to use and modify it to fit your needs. The tool is available here.

Effin Amazing UTM Builder

This tool is a Chrome extension that allows you to quickly generate UTM tags. Find it here.

Bing Ads

Bing Ads is an integrated platform that allows you to enable auto-tagging for URLs or use a third-party tool, such as Marketo Measure, to tag ads. Bing Ads relies on UTM parameters as well.

Our integration supports the below ad types:

  • Text Ad
  • Mobile Ad
  • Expanded Text Ad

Bing Ads’ auto-tagging feature adds the following UTM parameters:

  • Utm_source
  • Utm_medium
  • Utm_term

Bing Ads’ auto-tagging also adds the following custom parameter:


The string would look like this:


It’s important to note that Bing Ads allows you to add even more parameters by using their custom tags in your final URLs to gain more granularity, if you would like.

A tracking template can be used if wanted but it is not necessary for Bing Ads and Marketo Measure to integrate. This is because Bing allows ads to be edited without changing history, so Marketo Measure is able to update the Destination URL.

Auto-tagging should be enabled through Marketo Measure so that the custom Marketo Measure parameters can be automatically appended. There is no risk of losing past ad performance history with Bing Ads.

Visit the Bing Ads website for more information on adding tags on their platform.

Facebook Ads

The Marketo Measure integration with Facebook allows it to automatically download ad information and tag the URL with its parameters. Marketo Measure will pull in the Campaign and Ad Set information through our auto-tagging. The Ad Set will populate our Ad Group Name field. For more information on setting up URL tags on the Facebook platform, visit the Facebook business page.

Before enabling auto-tagging with Facebook Ads, it is important to export the previous performance history as a CSV. At this point, when Marketo Measure tags Facebook Ads with its _bf parameter, Facebook reads the ads as brand new and erases the performance history. Therefore it is important to export a record of the previous performance if that is something of value to you and your organization.

Note that you may connect your Facebook account at any time to the Marketo Measure app and no data will be lost–it is only when auto-tagging is enabled that the performance history is wiped.

See this article from Facebook for more information about exporting Facebook Ad reports.

LinkedIn Sponsored Content

The LinkedIn integration allows Marketo Measure to tag destination URLs on LinkedIn Sponsored Content, which ultimately allows Marketo Measure to follow a user through their entire touchpoint journey and map the activity back to the specific LinkedIn Campaign and Creative. This provides insights to customers about the ROI of their LinkedIn activity. Marketo Measure will search for creatives with a unique LinkedIn Share and add a ?_bl={creativeId} parameter to the end of it.

Because LinkedIn Shares can be used across multiple Campaigns and Creatives, we ask that customers do not copy/clone/duplicate existing Creatives so that it can maintain its uniqueness. If Shares are found and are detected to only be used on one Creative, Marketo Measure can tag the Share as is without having to recreate any Creatives or Shares and all ads history (impressions, clicks, shares) will remain.

As soon as a Share is found to be shared across multiple Creatives, Marketo Measure will have to run through a process of pausing, copying, and re-tagging in order to make a unique set. Marketo Measure will pause and archive live creatives, which means the creative containing the impressions, clicks, and social shares are also archived.

Non-integrated Platforms

For platforms that are not integrated with Marketo Measure, the Marketo Measure auto-tagging functionality cannot be used. The parameters will need to be added manually.

Marketo Measure