

Accounts imported from the source system.

ColumnData TypeDescriptionSample Data
IDvarcharThe Account Id from the source system.0013100001kpAZxAAM
CREATED_DATEtimestamp_ntzThe created date of the Account, from the source system.2016-08-28 00:32:55.000
MODIFIED_DATEtimestamp_ntzThe last modified date of the Account, from the source system.2018-08-01 17:38:30.000
NAMEvarcharThe Account Name from the source system.Marketo Measure
WEB_SITEvarcharWebsite for the Account, as recorded in the source system, used for Lead to Account
ENGAGEMENT_RATINGvarcharA letter grade (A, B, C, D, N/A) that is generated from the Marketo Measure Machine Learning model. This will be null if ABM is disabled.B
ENGAGEMENT_SCOREnumber(38,19)A numerical score calculated by Marketo Measure Machine Learning to generate the Predictive Engagement Score (Engagement_Rating). This will be null if ABM is disabled.0.1417350147058800000
DOMAINvarcharThe parsed down version of the website, only storing the domain.adobe
IS_DELETEDbooleanWhether or not the record is deleted in the source system.false
CUSTOM_PROPERTIESvarcharCustom properties that Marketo Measure has imported from the source system, in JSON format.{"Account_Type__c": "Security", "Foo":"Bar"}
_CREATED_DATEtimestamp_ntzDate the record was created in Snowflake.2020-01-01 01:01:00.000
_MODIFIED_DATEtimestamp_ntzDate the record was last modified in Snowflake.2020-01-01 01:01:00.000
_DELETED_DATEtimestamp_ntzDate the record was marked as deleted in Snowflake.2020-01-01 01:01:00.000
INDUSTRYvarcharPrimary business of the Account.Retail, Telecommunication
COUNTRYvarcharCountry portion of the Account's address.USA, Canada

Only available in Marketo Measure Ultimate


Mapping table between known Lead/Contact email addresses and Accounts. This table will be empty if ABM is disabled.

ColumnData TypeDescriptionSample Data
IDvarcharA unique Id for the|2022-01-05 17:22:13.000
ACCOUNT_IDvarcharSource system Account Id.0013100001phrBAAAY
EMAILvarcharEmail address that has been mapped to the Account, either through Contact relationships or Lead to Account
MODIFIED_DATEtimestamp_ntzThe last modified date of the Account, from the source system.2018-08-31 23:53:39.000
CREATED_DATEtimestamp_ntzThe created date of the Account, from the source system.2018-08-18 22:01:32.000
IS_DELETEDbooleanWhether or not the record is considered deleted.false
_CREATED_DATEtimestamp_ntzDate the record was created in Snowflake.2020-01-01 01:01:00.000
_MODIFIED_DATEtimestamp_ntzDate the record was last modified in Snowflake.2020-01-01 01:01:00.000
_DELETED_DATEtimestamp_ntzDate the record was marked as deleted in Snowflake.2020-01-01 01:01:00.000


Activities imported from a source system or connected Ad Account.

ColumnData TypeDescriptionSample Data
IDvarcharThe Activity Id from the source system.1678625515
LEAD_IDvarcharId for the Lead associated with the Activity.15530482
CONTACT_IDvarcharId for the Contact associated with the Activity.13792552
ACTIVITY_TYPE_IDvarcharId for the Activity Type, from the source system.104
ACTIVITY_TYPE_NAMEvarcharThe Activity Name, from the source system.change status in progression
START_DATEtimestamp_ntzStart Date of the Activity, from the source system.2020-01-01 01:01:00.000
END_DATEtimestapm_ntzEnd Date of the Activity, from the source system.2020-01-01 01:01:00.000
CAMPAIGN_IDvarcharId for the Campaign the Activity is a part of, from the source
SOURCE_SYSTEMvarcharIdentifies the source system type.Marketo
CREATED_DATEtimestamp_ntzDate the row was created in the source system.2020-01-01 01:01:00.000
MODIFIED_DATEtimestamp_ntzDate the row was last modified in the source system.2020-01-01 01:01:00.000
IS_DELETEDbooleanWhether or not the record is considered deleted in the source system.false
AD_FORM_IDvarcharId for the Ad Form the Activity is part of, from the source
_CREATED_DATEtimestamp_ntzDate the record was created in Snowflake.2020-01-01 01:01:00.000
_MODIFIED_DATEtimestamp_ntzDate the record was last modified in Snowflake.2020-01-01 01:01:00.000
_DELETED_DATEtimestamp_ntzDate the record was marked as deleted in Snowflake.2020-01-01 01:01:00.000


Ads imported from any connected Ad Account.

ColumnData TypeDescriptionSample Data
IDvarcharA unique Id for the Ad.fb.106851586409075.6052044288804.6052044290004.6053457066804
DISPLAY_IDvarcharThe Ad Id from the source system.6053457066804
AD_ACCOUNT_UNIQUE_IDvarcharId for the Ad Account from which the Ad was imported.fb.106851586409075
AD_ACCOUNT_NAMEvarcharName of the Ad Account from which the Ad was imported.Marketo Measure Account
ADVERTISER_UNIQUE_IDvarcharId of the Advertiser for the Ad, specifically for Doubleclick.300181641
ADVERTISER_NAMEvarcharName of the Advertiser for the Ad, specifically for Doubleclick.Marketing Analytics
AD_GROUP_UNIQUE_IDvarcharId of the Ad Group for the Ad.fb.106851586409075.6052044288804.6052044290004
AD_GROUP_NAMEvarcharName of the Ad Group for the Ad.Ad Set for Ad B
AD_CAMPAIGN_UNIQUE_IDvarcharId of the Campaign for the Ad.fb.106851586409075.6052044288804
AD_CAMPAIGN_NAMEvarcharName of the Campaign for the Ad.Lead generation Campaign
IS_ACTIVEbooleanWhether or not the Ad is still active in the source system.false
IS_DELETEDbooleanWhether or not the Ad has been deleted in the source system.false
MODIFIED_DATEtimestamp_ntzDate the record was last modified.2018-08-02 06:35:59.000
FIRST_IMPORTEDtimestamp_ntzDate the record was first imported from the source system.2018-08-02 06:35:59.000
NAMEvarcharName of the Ad, from the source system.Ad 2

Whether or not the Ad needs to be updated for Marketo Measure tagging.

(Diagnostic field, used by internal processing.)

GROUPING_KEYvarcharDiagnostic field, used for internal processing.fb.106851586409075.6052044288804.6052044290004
ENTITY_TYPEvarcharThe main object or entity for this table. In this case, "Ad".Ad
PROVIDER_TYPEvarcharName of the Ad Provider for the Ad.Facebook

The URL for the landing page.

(Diagnostic field, for internal processing.)


Previous value for URL_CURRENT.

(Diagnostic field, for internal processing.)


What the URL will be decorated with Marketo Measure parameters.

(Diagnostic field, for internal processing.)


Imported from the source system.

(Diagnostic field, for internal processing.)

ROW_KEYnumber(38,0)Foreign Key to the Biz_Facts view.6008900572523230000
_CREATED_DATEtimestamp_ntzDate the record was created in Snowflake.2020-01-01 01:01:00.000
_MODIFIED_DATEtimestamp_ntzDate the record was last modified in Snowflake.2020-01-01 01:01:00.000
_DELETED_DATEtimestamp_ntzDate the record was marked as deleted in Snowflake.2020-01-01 01:01:00.000


Advertisers imported from any connected Ad Account.

ColumnData TypeDescriptionSample Data
IDvarcharA unique Id for the Advertiser.dc.6114.9143143
DISPLAY_IDvarcharThe Advertiser Id from the source system.9143143
AD_ACCOUNT_UNIQUE_IDvarcharId for the Ad Account from which the Ad was imported.fb.106851586409075
AD_ACCOUNT_NAMEvarcharName of the Ad Account from which the Ad was imported.Marketo Measure Account
ADVERTISER_UNIQUE_IDvarcharId of the Advertiser, specifically for Doubleclick.300181641
ADVERTISER_NAMEvarcharName of the Advertiser, specifically for Doubleclick.Marketo Measure Marketing Analytics
AD_GROUP_UNIQUE_IDvarcharExpected to be null since there is no Ad Group above the Advertiser in any ads hierarchy.null
AD_GROUP_NAMEvarcharExpected to be null since there is no Ad Group above the Advertiser in any ads hierarchy.null
AD_CAMPAIGN_UNIQUE_IDvarcharExpected to be null since there is no Ad Campaign above the Advertiser in any ads hierarchy.null
AD_CAMPAIGN_NAMEvarcharExpected to be null since there is no Campaign above the Ad Advertiser in any ads hierarchy.null
IS_ACTIVEbooleanWhether or not the Advertiser is still active in the source system.true
IS_DELETEDbooleanWhether or not the Advertiser has been deleted in the source system.false
MODIFIED_DATEtimestamp_ntzDate the record was last modified.2018-08-02 06:35:59.000
FIRST_IMPORTEDtimestamp_ntzDate the record was first imported from the source system.2018-08-02 06:35:59.000
NAMEvarcharName of the Advertiser, from the source system.Marketo Measure Marketing Analytics

Whether or not the Advertiser needs to be updated for Marketo Measure tagging.

(Diagnostic field, used by internal processing.)

GROUPING_KEYvarcharDiagnostic field, used for internal processing.
ENTITY_TYPEvarcharThe main object or entity for this table. In this case, "Advertiser".Advertiser
PROVIDER_TYPEvarcharThe Ad Provider for the Advertiser.Doubleclick
ROW_KEYnumber(38,0)Foreign Key to the Biz_Facts view.6008900572523230000
_CREATED_DATEtimestamp_ntzDate the record was created in Snowflake.2020-01-01 01:01:00.000
_MODIFIED_DATEtimestamp_ntzDate the record was last modified in Snowflake.2020-01-01 01:01:00.000
_DELETED_DATEtimestamp_ntzDate the record was marked as deleted in Snowflake.2020-01-01 01:01:00.000


Ad Accounts imported from any connected Ad Account.

ColumnData TypeDescriptionSample Data
IDvarcharA unique identifier for the Ad
DISPLAY_IDvarcharThe Ad Account Id from the source system.6601259029
AD_ACCOUNT_UNIQUE_IDvarcharExpected to be null since this is the record for the Ad Accounts in the ads hierarchy.null
AD_ACCOUNT_NAMEvarcharExpected to be null since this is the record for the Ad Accounts in the ads hierarchy.null
ADVERTISER_UNIQUE_IDvarcharExpected to be null since there is no Advertiser above the Ad Accounts in any ads hierarchy.null
ADVERTISER_NAMEvarcharExpected to be null since there is no Advertiser above the Ad Accounts in any ads hierarchy.null
AD_GROUP_UNIQUE_IDvarcharExpected to be null since there is no Ad Group above the Ad Accounts in any ads hierarchy.null
AD_GROUP_NAMEvarcharExpected to be null since there is no Ad Group above the Ad Accounts in any ads hierarchy.null
AD_CAMPAIGN_UNIQUE_IDvarcharExpected to be null since there is no Ad Campaign above the Ad Accounts in any ads hierarchy.null
AD_CAMPAIGN_NAMEvarcharExpected to be null since there is no Ad Campaign above the Ad Accounts in any ads hierarchy.null
IS_ACTIVEbooleanWhether or not the Ad Account is still active in the source system.true
IS_DELETEDbooleanWhether or not the Ad Account has been deleted in the source system.false
MODIFIED_DATEtimestamp_ntzDate the record was last modified.2018-09-06 12:54:37.000
FIRST_IMPORTEDtimestamp_ntzDate the record was first imported from the source system.2018-08-02 06:35:58.000
NAMEvarcharName of the Ad Account, from the source system.Marketo Measure Ad Account

Whether or not the Advertiser needs to be updated for Marketo Measure tagging.

(Diagnostic field, used by internal processing.)

GROUPING_KEYvarcharDiagnostic field, used for internal processing.
ENTITY_TYPEvarcharThe main object or entity for this table. In this case, "Account".Account
PROVIDER_TYPEvarcharThe name of the Ad Provider for the Ad Account.AdWords
ACCOUNT_CURRENCY_UNITvarcharThe currency code used for the Ad Account, from the source system.USD
COMPANY_IDvarcharUsed for internal processing.1933789
SOURCEvarcharParsed from the URL from utm_source.Social
MEDIUMvarcharParsed from the URL from utm_medium.lisu07261601
LAST_30_DAYS_COSTnumber(38,19)The amount of spend imported for the last 30 days, only applicable to AdWords.17260.000000000000000000
LAST_30_DAYS_IMPRESSIONSnumber(38,0)The number of impressions from the last 30 days, only applicable to AdWords.730060
LAST_30_DAYS_CLICKSnumber(38,0)The number of clicks from the last 30 days, only applicable to AdWords.3400
LAST_30_DAYS_CONVERSIONSnumber(38,0)The number of conversions reported from the last 30 days, only applicable to AdWords.180
TRACKING_URL_TEMPLATEvarcharUsed for internal diagnostics.{lpurl}&_bt={creative}&_bk={keyword}&_bm={matchType}
TRACKING_URL_TEMPLATE_OLDvarcharUsed for internal diagnostics.
TRACKING_URL_TEMPLATE_REQUESTEDvarcharUsed for internal diagnostics.
TRACKING_URL_TEMPLATE_APPLIEDvarcharThe tracking template added on the Ad Account level for AdWords or Bing for tagging landing pages.{lpurl}&_bt={creative}&_bk={keyword}&_bm={matchType}
ROW_KEYnumber(38,0)Foreign Key to the Biz_Facts view.-4609512587744160000
_CREATED_DATEtimestamp_ntzDate the record was created in Snowflake.2020-01-01 01:01:00.000
_MODIFIED_DATEtimestamp_ntzDate the record was last modified in Snowflake.2020-01-01 01:01:00.000
_DELETED_DATEtimestamp_ntzDate the record was marked as deleted in Snowflake.2020-01-01 01:01:00.000


Campaigns imported from connected Ad Accounts, source systems, utm, and self reported.

ColumnData TypeDescriptionSample Data
IDvarcharUnique Id for the
DISPLAY_IDvarcharThe Campaign Id from the source system.285114995
AD_ACCOUNT_UNIQUE_IDvarcharId for the Ad Account from which the Campaign was
AD_ACCOUNT_NAMEvarcharName for the Ad Account from which the Campaign was imported.Marketo Measure
ADVERTISER_UNIQUE_IDvarcharId of the Advertiser for the Campaign, specifically for Doubleclick.300181641
ADVERTISER_NAMEvarcharName of the Advertiser for the Campaign, specifically for Doubleclick.Marketing Analytics
AD_GROUP_UNIQUE_IDvarcharExpected to be null since there is no Ad Group above the Campaign in any ads hierarchy.null
AD_GROUP_NAMEvarcharExpected to be null since there is no Ad Group above the Campaign in any ads hierarchy.null
AD_CAMPAIGN_UNIQUE_IDvarcharUnique Id for the Campaign, use the Id field instead.
AD_CAMPAIGN_NAMEvarcharName of the Campaign, use the Name field instead.
IS_ACTIVEbooleanWhether or not the Campaign is still active in the source system.true
IS_DELETEDbooleanWhether or not the Campaign has been deleted in the source system.false
MODIFIED_DATEtimestamp_ntzDate the record was last modified.2018-08-02 06:35:58.000
FIRST_IMPORTEDtimestamp_ntzDate the record was first imported from the source system.2018-08-02 06:35:58.000
NAMEvarcharName of the Campaign.Partner Retargeting

Whether or not the Campaign needs to be updated for Marketo Measure tagging.

(Diagnostic field, used by internal processing.)

GROUPING_KEYvarcharDiagnostic field, used for internal processing.
ENTITY_TYPEvarcharThe main object or entity for this table. In this case, "Campaign".Campaign
PROVIDER_TYPEvarcharName of the Ad Provider for the Campaign.AdWords
DAILY_BUDGETnumber(38,19)The daily budget that's set in the Ad Platform for the Campaign.0.0000000000000000000
TRACKING_URL_TEMPLATEvarcharUsed for internal diagnostics.
TRACKING_URL_TEMPLATE_OLDvarcharUsed for internal diagnostics.
TRACKING_URL_TEMPLATE_REQUESTEDvarcharUsed for internal diagnostics.
TRACKING_URL_TEMPLATE_APPLIEDvarcharThe tracking template added on the Campaign level for AdWords or Bing for tagging landing pages.{lpurl}&_bt={creative}&_bk={keyword}&_bm={matchType}
ROW_KEYnumber(38,0)Foreign Key to the Biz_Facts view.-6008900572523230000
_CREATED_DATEtimestamp_ntzDate the record was created in Snowflake.2020-01-01 01:01:00.000
_MODIFIED_DATEtimestamp_ntzDate the record was last modified in Snowflake.2020-01-01 01:01:00.000
_DELETED_DATEtimestamp_ntzDate the record was marked as deleted in Snowflake.2020-01-01 01:01:00.000


Ad Forms imported from any connected Ad Account.

ColumnData TypeDescriptionSample Data
IDvarcharA unique Id for the Ad
AD_ACCOUNT_UNIQUE_IDvarcharId for the Ad Account from which the Ad Form was
AD_ACCOUNT_NAMEvarcharName of the Ad Account from which the Ad Form was imported.Marketo Measure
IS_DELETEDbooleanDeleted status from the source system. Set to deleted if the status is Draft, Archived, or Canceled.false
MODIFIED_DATEtimestamp_ntzDate the record was last modified.2018-08-02 06:35:58.000
FIRST_IMPORTEDtimestamp_ntzDate the record was first imported from the source system.2018-08-02 06:35:58.000
NAMEvarcharName of the Ad Form.NSPA Ebook LGF (May 2020)
ENTITY_TYPEvarcharThe main object or entity for this table. In this case, "AdForm".AdForm
PROVIDER_TYPEvarcharName of the Ad Provider for the Ad Form.LinkedIn
DESCRIPTIONvarcharDescription of the Ad Form.Learn how intelligent automation can increase process efficiency in mortgage refinance loan applications.
HEADLINEvarcharHeadline of the Ad Form.It's Time to Automate the Refinancing Application Process
LANDING_URLvarcharLanding URL of the Ad Form.
QUESTIONSvarcharList of Questions for the Ad Form.First name:Last name:Email address:Country/Region:Job title:Company name
STATUSvarcharStatus of the Ad Form.submitted
_CREATED_DATEtimestamp_ntzDate the record was created in Snowflake.2020-01-01 01:01:00.000
_MODIFIED_DATEtimestamp_ntzDate the record was last modified in Snowflake.2020-01-01 01:01:00.000
_DELETED_DATEtimestamp_ntzDate the record was marked as deleted in Snowflake.2020-01-01 01:01:00.000
SOURCE_IDvarcharId for the Source from which the record


Ad Groups imported from any connected Ad Account.

ColumnData TypeDescriptionSample Data
IDvarcharA unique Id for the Ad
DISPLAY_IDvarcharThe Ad Group Id from the source system.23105326115
AD_ACCOUNT_UNIQUE_IDvarcharId for the Ad Account from which the Ad Group was
AD_ACCOUNT_NAMEvarcharName for the Ad Account from which the Ad Group was imported.Marketo Measure
ADVERTISER_UNIQUE_IDvarcharExpected to be null since there is no Ad Group in the Doubleclick ads hierarchy.null
ADVERTISER_NAMEvarcharExpected to be null since there is no Ad Group in the Doubleclick ads hierarchy.null
AD_GROUP_UNIQUE_IDvarcharExpected to be null since this is the record for the Ad Group in the hierarchy.null
AD_GROUP_NAMEvarcharExpected to be null since this is the record for the Ad Group in the hierarchy.null
AD_CAMPAIGN_UNIQUE_IDvarcharId of the Campaign for the Ad
AD_CAMPAIGN_NAMEvarcharName of the Campaign for the Ad Group.Revenue Attribution
IS_ACTIVEbooleanWhether or not the Ad Account is still active in the source system.true
IS_DELETEDbooleanWhether or not the Ad Account has been deleted in the source system.false
MODIFIED_DATEtimestamp_ntzDate the record was last modified.2018-08-02 06:36:14.000
FIRST_IMPORTEDtimestamp_ntzDate the record was first imported from the source system.2018-08-02 06:36:14.000
NAMEvarcharName of the Ad Group.Revenue Attribution - Account Based

Whether or not the Advertiser needs to be updated for Marketo Measure tagging.

(Diagnostic field, used by internal processing.)

GROUPING_KEYvarcharDiagnostic field, used for internal processing.
ENTITY_TYPEvarcharThe main object or entity for this table. In this case, "AdGroup".AdGroup
PROVIDER_TYPEvarcharName of the Ad Provider for the Ad Group.AdWords
AD_NETWORK_TYPEvarcharThe medium(s) that the Ad Group is running on.Search, Display, YouTube_Search, YouTube_Watch
TRACKING_URL_TEMPLATEvarcharUsed for internal diagnostics.
TRACKING_URL_TEMPLATE_OLDvarcharUsed for internal diagnostics.
TRACKING_URL_TEMPLATE_REQUESTEDvarcharUsed for internal diagnostics.
TRACKING_URL_TEMPLATE_APPLIEDvarcharThe tracking template added on the Ad Account level for AdWords or Bing for tagging landing pages.{lpurl}&_bt={creative}&_bk={keyword}&_bm={matchType}
ROW_KEYnumber(38,0)Foreign Key to the Biz_Facts view.-5594512713562690000
_CREATED_DATEtimestamp_ntzDate the record was created in Snowflake.2020-01-01 01:01:00.000
_MODIFIED_DATEtimestamp_ntzDate the record was last modified in Snowflake.2020-01-01 01:01:00.000
_DELETED_DATEtimestamp_ntzDate the record was marked as deleted in Snowflake.2020-01-01 01:01:00.000


Ad Providers from any connected Ad Account, including an entry for self reported if applicable.

ColumnData TypeDescriptionSample Data
IDvarcharA unique Id for the Ad Provider.Bing
NAMEvarcharName of the Ad Provider.Bing
ROW_KEYnumber(38,0)Foreign Key to the Biz_Facts view.4783788151269206864
_CREATED_DATEtimestamp_ntzDate the record was created in Snowflake.2020-01-01 01:01:00.000
_MODIFIED_DATEtimestamp_ntzDate the record was last modified in Snowflake.2020-01-01 01:01:00.000
_DELETED_DATEtimestamp_ntzDate the record was marked as deleted in Snowflake.2020-01-01 01:01:00.000


Buyer Attribution Touchpoints, all touchpoints associated with an Opportunity.

ColumnData TypeDescriptionSample Data
IDvarcharA unique Id for the Buyer Attribution Touchpoint (BAT).



MODIFIED_DATEtimestamp_ntzDate the record was last modified.2018-09-01 04:53:53.000
OPPORTUNITY_IDvarcharId for the Opportunity the BAT is attributed to.0060Z00000lFHtOQAW
CONTACT_IDvarcharId for the Contact associated with the BAT.0030Z00003K5bpKQAR
EMAILvarcharEmail address associated with the
ACCOUNT_IDvarcharId for the Account the BAT is attributed to.0013100001otbIAAAY
USER_TOUCHPOINT_IDvarcharId for the User Touchpoint which generated the BAT.person@adobe.com_00v1B00003ZbWzHQAV
TOUCHPOINT_DATEtimestamp_ntzDate of the touchpoint.2017-06-20 01:05:20.000
VISITOR_IDvarcharId for the visitor associated with the BAT.v_277d79d01678498fea067c9b631bf6df
MARKETING_TOUCH_TYPEvarcharThe type of activity, Web Visit, Web Form, Web Chat, Phone Call, [CRM] Campaign, or [CRM] Activity. Referred to in the CRM as "Touchpoint Type."Web Form
CHANNELvarcharThe channel the touchpoint falls into, as defined in the custom channel definitions within the Marketo Measure App. Referred to in the CRM as "Marketing Channel - Path."Social.LinkedIn
CATEGORY1varcharThe segment value for the 1st Category the touchpoint falls into, as defined in the segment definitions within the Marketo Measure App. Referred to in the CRM as "Segments."ABC
CATEGORY2varcharThe segment value for the 2nd Category the touchpoint falls into, as defined in the segment definitions within the Marketo Measure App. Referred to in the CRM as "Segments."Yes
CATEGORY3varcharThe segment value for the 3rd Category the touchpoint falls into, as defined in the segment definitions within the Marketo Measure App. Referred to in the CRM as "Segments."SMB
CATEGORY4varcharThe segment value for the 4th Category the touchpoint falls into, as defined in the segment definitions within the Marketo Measure App. Referred to in the CRM as "Segments."New Business
CATEGORY5varcharThe segment value for the 5th Category the touchpoint falls into, as defined in the segment definitions within the Marketo Measure App. Referred to in the CRM as "Segments."
CATEGORY6varcharThe segment value for the 6th Category the touchpoint falls into, as defined in the segment definitions within the Marketo Measure App. Referred to in the CRM as "Segments."
CATEGORY7varcharThe segment value for the 7th Category the touchpoint falls into, as defined in the segment definitions within the Marketo Measure App. Referred to in the CRM as "Segments."
CATEGORY8varcharThe segment value for the 8th Category the touchpoint falls into, as defined in the segment definitions within the Marketo Measure App. Referred to in the CRM as "Segments."
CATEGORY9varcharThe segment value for the 9th Category the touchpoint falls into, as defined in the segment definitions within the Marketo Measure App. Referred to in the CRM as "Segments."
CATEGORY10varcharThe segment value for the 10th Category the touchpoint falls into, as defined in the segment definitions within the Marketo Measure App. Referred to in the CRM as "Segments."
CATEGORY11varcharThe segment value for the 11th Category the touchpoint falls into, as defined in the segment definitions within the Marketo Measure App. Referred to in the CRM as "Segments."
CATEGORY12varcharThe segment value for the 12th Category the touchpoint falls into, as defined in the segment definitions within the Marketo Measure App. Referred to in the CRM as "Segments."
CATEGORY13varcharThe segment value for the 13th Category the touchpoint falls into, as defined in the segment definitions within the Marketo Measure App. Referred to in the CRM as "Segments."
CATEGORY14varcharThe segment value for the 14th Category the touchpoint falls into, as defined in the segment definitions within the Marketo Measure App. Referred to in the CRM as "Segments."
CATEGORY15varcharThe segment value for the 15th Category the touchpoint falls into, as defined in the segment definitions within the Marketo Measure App. Referred to in the CRM as "Segments."
BROWSER_NAMEvarcharFrom the javascript and IP address, the detected browser that the user was on during the session.Chrome
BROWSER_VERSIONvarcharFrom the javascript and IP address, the detected version of the browser that the user was on during the session.58
PLATFORM_NAMEvarcharFrom the javascript and IP address, the detected platform that the user was on during the session.Mac
PLATFORM_VERSIONvarcharFrom the javascript and IP address, the detected version of the platform that the user was on during the session.10_12
LANDING_PAGEvarcharThe first landing page of the session which resulted in a touchpoint. Referred to in the CRM as "Landing Page". truth-behind-cost-per-lead
LANDING_PAGE_RAWvarcharThe first landing page of the session that resulted in a touchpoint. A raw landing page will contain all query parameters in the URL. Referred to in the CRM as "Landing Page - Raw". -behind-cost-per-lead?utm_content=27322869&utm_ medium=social&utm_source=linkedin
REFERRER_PAGEvarcharTypically the external landing page immediately before the user comes onto the website. Referred to in the CRM as "Referrer Page".
REFERRER_PAGE_RAWvarcharTypically the external landing page immediately before the user comes onto the website. A raw referrer page may contain query parameters in the URL. Referred to in the CRM as "Referrer Page - Raw".
FORM_PAGEvarcharThe first form recorded in a session which resulted in a touchpoint. Subsequent form submissions will not show up in the Attribution_Touchpoints table, but rather in the Form_Submits table. Referred to in the CRM as "Form URL".
FORM_PAGE_RAWvarcharThe first form recorded in a session which resulted in a touchpoint. Subsequent form submissions will not show up in the Attribution_Touchpoints table, but rather in the Form_Submits table. A raw form page may contain query parameters in the URL. Referred to in the CRM as "Form URL - Raw".
FORM_DATEtimestamp_ntzDate the form submission occurred.2017-06-20 01:06:41.000
CITYvarcharFrom the javascript and IP address, the detected city the user was in during the session.San Francisco
REGIONvarcharFrom the javascript and IP address, the detected region the user was in during the session.California
COUNTRYvarcharFrom the javascript and IP address, the detected country the user was in during the session.United States
MEDIUMvarcharUsed to define the medium which resulted in the touchpoint. This can either be parsed out from the URL from utm_medium. Or, if Marketo Measure is able to resolve an ad, it may be values such as "cpc" or "display."social
WEB_SOURCEvarcharUsed to define the source which resulted in the touchpoint. This can be parsed out from the URL from utm_source, generically set as "CRM Campaign" if it was synced from the CRM, or if Marketo Measure is able to resolve an ad, it may be values such as "Google AdWords" or "Facebook." Referred to in the CRM as "Touchpoint Source".linkedin
SEARCH_PHRASEvarcharThe value which the user entered in the browser to search for and ended up on the website. Depending on the keyword buys, this may or may not match the keywords purchased from the Paid Search Marketo Measure
AD_PROVIDERvarcharAd platform Marketo Measure was able to resolve from, typically one of our integration partners.Google
ACCOUNT_UNIQUE_IDvarcharId of the Ad Account in which the ad was resolved
ACCOUNT_NAMEvarcharName of the Ad Account in which the ad was resolved from.Marketo Measure
ADVERTISER_UNIQUE_IDvarcharId of the Advertiser from the Ad Account in which the Ad was resolved from. This only applies to Doubleclick Campaign Manager.300181641
ADVERTISER_NAMEvarcharName of the Advertiser from the Ad Account in which the Ad was resolved from. This only applies to Doubleclick Campaign Manager.Marketo Measure Marketing Analytics
SITE_UNIQUE_IDvarcharId of the Site from the Ad Account in which the Ad was resolved from. This only applies to Doubleclick Campaign Manager.1695651
SITE_NAMEvarcharName of the Site from the Ad Account in which the Ad was resolved from. This only applies to Doubleclick Campaign
PLACEMENT_UNIQUE_IDvarcharId of the Placement from the Ad Account in which the Ad was resolved from. This only applies to Doubleclick Campaign Manager.120839827
PLACEMENT_NAMEvarcharName of the Placement from the Ad Account in which the Ad was resolved from. This only applies to Doubleclick Campaign Manager.roadblock
CAMPAIGN_UNIQUE_IDvarcharId of the Campaign from the Ad Account in which the Ad was resolved
CAMPAIGN_NAMEvarcharName of the Campaign from the Ad Account in which the Ad was resolved from.Marketing Attribution
AD_GROUP_UNIQUE_IDvarcharId of the Ad Group from the Ad Account in which the Ad was resolved from. This only applies to Google
AD_GROUP_NAMEvarcharName of the Ad Group from the Ad Account in which the Ad was resolved from. This only applies to Google AdWords.Marketing Attribution - General
AD_UNIQUE_IDvarcharId of the Ad from the Ad Account in which the Ad was resolved from. This applies to Doubleclick Campaign Manager and Facebook (display).dc.6114.8882972.25272734.492579576
AD_NAMEvarcharName of the Ad from the Ad Account in which the Ad was resolved from. This applies to Doubleclick Campaign Manager and Facebook (display).Budget Webinar - sidebar
CREATIVE_UNIQUE_IDvarcharId of the Creative from the Ad Account in which the Ad was resolved from. This applies to Google AdWords and Bing Ads (search).aw.6601259029.317738075.23105327435.182716179597
CREATIVE_NAMEvarcharName of the Creative from the Ad Account in which the Ad was resolved from. This applies to Google AdWords and Bing Ads (search).B2B Marketing Attribution
CREATIVE_DESCRIPTION_1varcharThe first line of the Creative from the search Ad, pulled from the Ad Account in which the Ad was resolved from. This applies to Google AdWords and Bing Ads (search).Download The CMOs Guide
CREATIVE_DESCRIPTION_2varcharThe second line of the Creative from the search Ad, pulled from the Ad Account in which the Ad was resolved from. This applies to Google AdWords and Bing Ads (search).Learn how attribution measures ROI by connecting marketing activities to revenue
CREATIVE_DESTINATION_URLvarcharThe landing page that clicks through from the search Ad, pulled from the Ad Account in which the Ad was resolved from. This applies to Google AdWords and Bing Ads (search).
CREATIVE_DISPLAY_URLvarcharThe friendly URL name that's shown on the search Ad, pulled from the Ad Account in which the Ad was resolved from. This applies to Google AdWords and Bing Ads (search).
KEYWORD_UNIQUE_IDvarcharId of the Keyword purchased from the Paid Search buy, pulled from the Ad Account in which the Ad was resolved from. This applies to Google AdWords and Bing Ads (search).aw.6601259029.317738075.23105327435.4838421670
KEYWORD_NAMEvarcharName of the Keyword purchased from the Paid Search buy, pulled from the Ad Account in which the Ad was resolved from. This applies to Google AdWords and Bing Ads (search)"marketing attribution"
KEYWORD_MATCH_TYPEvarcharThe type of match found between the search phrase and the purchased keyword.Exact
IS_FIRST_TOUCHbooleanWhether or not this touchpoint is treated as the first touch of the opportunity journey.false
IS_LEAD_CREATION_TOUCHbooleanWhether or not this touchpoint is treated as the lead creation touch of the opportunity journey.false
IS_OPP_CREATION_TOUCHbooleanWhether or not this touchpoint is treated as the opportunity creation touch of the opportunity journey.false
IS_CLOSED_TOUCHbooleanWhether or not this touchpoint is treated as the closed touch of the opportunity journey.false
STAGES_TOUCHEDvarcharThis field has been deprecated. Use the Stage_Transitions tables for stage information.null
IS_FORM_SUBMISSION_TOUCHbooleanWhether or not this touchpoint had a form fill during the session.true
IS_IMPRESSION_TOUCHbooleanWhether or not this touchpoint is treated as the first impression touch of the opportunity journeyfalse
FIRST_CLICK_PERCENTAGEnumber(22,19)The calculated percentage allocated to this touchpoint because it's a first touch (See Is_First_Touch).0.0000000000000000000
LAST_ANON_CLICK_PERCENTAGEnumber(22,19)The calculated percentage allocated to this touchpoint because it's a lead creation touch (See Is_Lead_Creation_Touch).0.0000000000000000000
U_SHAPE_PERCENTAGEnumber(22,19)The calculated percentage allocated to this touchpoint because it's part of a u-shaped touch (See Is_First_Touch and Is_Lead_Creation_Touch).0.0000000000000000000
W_SHAPE_PERCENTAGEnumber(22,19)The calculated percentage allocated to this touchpoint because it's part of a w-shaped touch (See Is_First_Touch, Is_Lead_Creation_Touch, and Is_Opp_Creation_Touch).0.0153374234214425
FULL_PATH_PERCENTAGEnumber(22,19)The calculated percentage allocated to this touchpoint because it's part of a full path model (See Is_First_Touch, Is_Lead_Creation_Touch, Is_Opp_Creation_Touch, Is_Closed_Touch).0.0143061513081193
CUSTOM_MODEL_PERCENTAGEnumber(22,19)The calculated percentage allocated to this touchpoint because it's part of a custom model (See Is_First_Touch, Is_Lead_Creation_Touch, Is_Opp_Creation_Touch, Is_Closed_Touch).0.0143061513081193
IS_DELETEDbooleanWhether this touchpoint is deleted.false
ROW_KEYnumber(38,0)Foreign Key to the Biz_Facts view.-2712935512233520000
_CREATED_DATEtimestamp_ntzDate the record was created in Snowflake.2020-01-01 01:01:00.000
_MODIFIED_DATEtimestamp_ntzDate the record was last modified in Snowflake.2020-01-01 01:01:00.000
_DELETED_DATEtimestamp_ntzDate the record was marked as deleted in Snowflake.2020-01-01 01:01:00.000


Data generated from the Attribution AI integration. These fields are only populated for Marketo Measure Ultimate customers.

ColumnData TypeDescriptionSample Data
CONVERSION_DATETimestamp_ntzdate of the conversion2020-01-01 01:01:00.000
CONVERSION_NAMEvarcharname of the conversion event (as specified by the customer in the UI setting)
CONVERSION_IDvarcharid for the conversion event (this is the original unique id value sent with the event data record in the source dataset)0013100001b44aGAAQ
CONVERSION_EVENT_IDvarcharoriginal MM event id for the conversion event
maps to a user touchpoint or a stage transition
CONVERSION_ACCOUNT_IDvarcharoriginal MM account id for the conversion event0013100001kpAZxAAM
CONVERSION_OPPORTUNITY_IDvarcharoriginal MM opportunity id for the conversion event0060Z00000lFHtOQAW
CONVERSION_LEAD_IDvarcharoriginal MM lead id for the conversion event
likely to be null most of the time
CONVERSION_CONTACT_IDvarcharoriginal MM contact id for the conversion event
likely to be null most of the time
CONVERSION_EVENT_TYPEvarchartype of conversion event (b2b = lead conversion, b2c = opportunity conversion)b2b
SCORE_DATETimestamp_ntzdate the touchpoints were last scored2020-01-01 01:01:00.000
INFLUENCED_PERCENTnumber(38,35)the fraction of the conversion that each touchpoint is responsible for0.10
INCREMENTAL_PERCENTnumber(38,35)the amount of marginal impact directly caused by a touchpoint0.25
TOUCHPOINT_DATETimestamp_ntzthe touchpoint or stage transition date2020-01-01 01:01:00.000
TOUCHPOINT_EVENT_IDvarcharid for the event which generated the touchpoint00U3100000VLUnEEAX
TOUCHPOINT_OPPORTUNITY_IDvarcharid for the opportunity associated with the touchpoint0060Z00000lFHtOQAW
TOUCHPOINT_ACCOUNT_IDvarcharid for the account associated with the touchpoint0013100001kpAZxAAM
TOUCHPOINT_LEAD_IDvarcharid for the lead associated with the touchpoint00Q0Z000013dw4GUAQ
TOUCHPOINT_CONTACT_IDvarcharid for the contact associated with the touchpoint00331000032hMxRAAU
COUNT_TO_CONVERSIONnumber(38,0)the rank or ordinal value of the touchpoint in the chain leading to the conversion event10000
AAI_SOURCE_IDvarcharforeign key to the attribution ai sources table
_CREATED_DATETimestamp_ntzdate the record was created in Snowflake2020-01-01 01:01:00.000
_MODIFIED_DATETimestamp_ntzdate the record was last modified in Snowflake2020-01-01 01:01:00.000
_DELETED_DATETimestamp_ntzdate the record was deleted in Snowflake2020-01-01 01:01:00.000


Campaign Members imported from the source system. This table will be empty if Campaign Sync is disabled.

ColumnData TypeDescriptionSample Data
IDvarcharThe Campaign Member Id from the source system.00v0Z00001VVzdLQAT
MODIFIED_DATEtimestamp_ntzThe last modified date of the Campaign Member, from the source system.2018-08-31 20:49:54.000
CREATED_DATEtimestamp_ntzThe created date of the Campaign Member, from the source system.2018-08-31 20:49:54.000
BIZIBLE_TOUCH_POINT_DATEtimestamp_ntzDate and time the customer sets to override the campaign date and use this value for the Touchpoint Date instead.2018-08-30 18:00:00.000
LEAD_IDvarcharId for the Lead the Campaign Member is tied to.00Q0Z000013dw4GUAQ
LEAD_EMAILvarcharEmail for the Lead the Campaign Member is tied
CONTACT_IDvarcharId for the Contact the Campaign Member is tied to.00331000032hMxRAAU
CONTACT_EMAILvarcharEmail for the Contact the Campaign Member is tied
STATUSvarcharStatus of the Campaign Member, usually set to Sent or Responded or another custom value. This status is tied to the Campaign_Sync_Type to determine which Campaign Members to create touchpoints for.Sent
HAS_RESPONDEDbooleanTells if the Campaign Member was marked as "Responded" from the Status picker.true
FIRST_RESPONDED_DATEtimestamp_ntzDate the Campaign Member first responded.2018-08-30 07:00:00.000
CAMPAIGN_NAMEvarcharName of the related Campaign the Campaign Member is a part of.Fast CMO Interviews
CAMPAIGN_IDvarcharId of the related Campaign the Campaign Member is a part of.7010Z000001TcKlQAK
CAMPAIGN_TYPEvarcharType selected on the related Campaign the Campaign Member is a part of. The Type is used to map the Marketing Channel.Offline
CAMPAIGN_SYNC_TYPEvarcharDetermines which Campaign Members to create touchpoints for. The possible values are: Include_All, Include_Responded, Exclude_All.Include_All
LEAD_SYNC_STATUSvarcharAudit field, states whether or not a Buyer Touchpoint was generated for the Lead. If no touchpoint was created, the reason why it didn't qualify is given.No Touchpoint: Date outside model
CONTACT_SYNC_STATUSvarcharAudit field, states whether or not a Buyer Touchpoint was generated for the Contact. If no touchpoint was created, the reason why it didn't qualify is given.Touchpoint Created
OPP_SYNC_STATUSvarcharAudit field, states whether or not a Buyer Attribution Touchpoint was generated for the Opportunity. If no touchpoint was created, the reason why it didn't qualify is given.Touchpoint Created
IS_DELETEDbooleanWhether or not the record is considered deleted in the source system .false
CUSTOM_PROPERTIESvarcharCustom properties that Marketo Measure has imported from the source system, in JSON format.{"Campaign_Type__c":"Dinners","Foo":"Bar"}
_CREATED_DATEtimestamp_ntzDate the record was created in Snowflake.2020-01-01 01:01:00.000
_MODIFIED_DATEtimestamp_ntzDate the record was last modified in Snowflake.2020-01-01 01:01:00.000
_DELETED_DATEtimestamp_ntzDate the record was marked as deleted in Snowflake.2020-01-01 01:01:00.000


Marketing Channels, as created in the Marketo Measure application.

ColumnData TypeDescriptionSample Data
IDvarcharA unique Id for the Channel.Organic Search.Google
NAMEvarcharName of the Channel.Organic Search.Google
ROW_KEYnumber(38,0)Foreign Key to the Biz_Facts view.6008900572523230000
_CREATED_DATEtimestamp_ntzThe date the record was created in Snowflake.2020-01-01 01:01:00.000
_MODIFIED_DATEtimestamp_ntzThe date the record was last modified in Snowflake.2020-01-01 01:01:00.000
_DELETED_DATEtimestamp_ntzThe date the record was marked as deleted in Snowflake.2020-01-01 01:01:00.000


Contacts imported from the source system.

ColumnData TypeDescriptionSample Data
IDvarcharThe Contact Id from the source system.0030Z00003OzioeQAB
MODIFIED_DATEtimestamp_ntzDate the Contact record was last modified, from the source system.2018-09-05 05:17:53.000
CREATED_DATEtimestamp_ntzDate the Contact record was created, from the source system.2018-09-05 05:17:51.000
EMAILvarcharEmail address of the Contact, from the source
ACCOUNTIDvarcharId of the Account related to the Contact.0013100001b44aGAAQ
LEAD_SOURCEvarcharSource in which the Lead was created.Advertisement
BIZIBLE_STAGEvarcharCurrent stage of the Contact, recognized as a custom stage which can be created in the Marketo Measure application.Demo Scheduled
BIZIBLE_STAGE_PREVIOUSvarcharAll previous stages for the Contact, recognized as custom stages which can be created in the Marketo Measure application.Open - Contact
ODDS_OF_CONVERSIONnumber(38,19)This feature has been deprecated. Do not use this column.N/A
BIZIBLE_COOKIE_IDvarcharThe Marketo Measure Cookie Id used to populate from an integration partner to map an offline event to a web session. Requirement: Enable Call Tracking: True08c1063cb0a64349ad0d2d862f5cc700
IS_DELETEDbooleanWhether or not the record is deleted in the source system.false
IS_DUPLICATEbooleanUsed to de-duplicate records if both a CRM and Marketo integration are set up. If there are duplicates, the Marketo Contact is marked true.false
SOURCE_SYSTEMvarcharIndicates if the record came from a CRM or a Marketo integration.Crm
OTHER_SYSTEM_IDvarcharMaps a person from a Marketo integration with a Contact from a CRM integration. If both a CRM and Marketo integration exist, the value is the corresponding Id.1234 / 00Q0Z00001OohgTUAR
CUSTOM_PROPERTIESvarcharCustom properties that Marketo Measure has imported from the source system , in JSON format.{"Contact_Type__c":"CMO", "Foo":"Bar"}
ROW_KEYnumber(38,0)Foreign Key to the Biz_Facts view.3263982503087870000
_CREATED_DATEtimestamp_ntzDate the record was created in Snowflake.2020-01-01 01:01:00.000
_MODIFIED_DATEtimestamp_ntzDate the record was last modified in Snowflake.2020-01-01 01:01:00.000
_DELETED_DATEtimestamp_ntzDate the record was marked as deleted in Snowflake.2020-01-01 01:01:00.000
JOB_TITLEvarcharJob Title of the Contact.CEO, Vice President

Only available in Marketo Measure Ultimate


Currency conversion rates imported from the source system.

ColumnData TypeDescriptionSample Data
IDnumber(38,0)A unique Id for the record.-5942345438803054604
CURRENCY_IDnumber(38,0)Id value for the Currency.7493833133899044458
SOURCE_ISO_CODEvarcharCurrency ISO code, from the source system.USD
START_DATEtimestamp_ntzStart date of the Conversion Rate.2018-11-01 00:00:00.000
END_DATEtimestamp_ntzNext start date for the Conversion Rate. (The end date for the Conversion Rate is end_date minus 1 day.)2018-09-01 00:00:00.000
CONVERSION_RATEnumber(38,0)Rate used to convert the currency to the corporate currency.0.76728300
IS_CURRENTbooleanThe semantics of this field have been corrupted. Do not use.true
CREATED_DATEtimestamp_ntzDate the record was created in the source system.2019-03-30 00:54:50.000
MODIFIED_DATEtimestamp_ntzDate the record was last modified in the source system.2019-03-30 00:54:50.000
IS_DELETEDbooleanWhether or not the record is considered deleted in the source system.false
_CREATED_DATEtimestamp_ntzDate the record was created in Snowflake.2020-01-01 01:01:00.000
_MODIFIED_DATEtimestamp_ntzDate the record was last modified in Snowflake.2020-01-01 01:01:00.000
_DELETED_DATEtimestamp_ntzDate the record was marked as deleted in Snowflake.2020-01-01 01:01:00.000


Cost data imported from connected Ad Accounts or self reported marketing spend.

ColumnData TypeDescriptionSample Data
IDvarcharA unique Id for the Cost[AdWords Display]_2018-09-06
MODIFIED_DATEtimestamp_ntzDate the record was last modified.2018-09-06 12:22:45.000
COST_DATEtimestamp_ntzDate the Cost was incurred (or attributed to).2018-09-06 00:00:00.000
SOURCEvarcharSource of the reported Cost.[AdWords Display]
COST_IN_MICROnumber(38,0)Cost amount in millions. User will need to divide the value by 1000000.1410000
CLICKSnumber(38,0)Number of clicks reported for the group for the day.4
IMPRESSIONSnumber(38,0)Number of impressions reported for the group for the day.4187
ESTIMATED_TOTAL_POSSIBLE_IMPRESSIONSnumber(38,0)Total number of impressions estimated from DCM for the group for the day.5024
AD_PROVIDERvarcharProvider for which the Cost was pulled.Google
CHANNEL_UNIQUE_IDvarcharId for the marketing Channel, created by Marketo Measure.Display.Google
CHANNEL_NAMEvarcharName for the marketing Channel, created by the customer in the Marketo Measure app.Display.Google
CHANNEL_IS_AGGREGATABLE_COSTbooleanIndicates if the row contains Cost which can be summed up by Channel. (i.e. to get Channel Cost, sum rows where this column equals true.)false
ADVERTISER_UNIQUE_IDvarcharId of the Advertiser pulled from the Ad connection, specifically for Doubleclick connections.300181641
ADVERTISER_NAMEvarcharName of the Advertiser pulled from the Ad connection, specifically for Doubleclick connections.Marketo Measure Marketing Analytics
ADVERTISER_IS_AGGREGATABLE_COSTbooleanIndicates if the row contains Cost which can be summed up by Advertiser. (i.e. to get Advertiser Cost, sum rows where this column equals true.)false
ACCOUNT_UNIQUE_IDvarcharId of the Ad Account pulled from the Ad
ACCOUNT_NAMEvarcharName of the Ad Account pulled from the Ad connection.Marketo Measure
ACCOUNT_IS_AGGREGATABLE_COSTbooleanIndicates if the row contains Cost which can be summed up by Account. (i.e. to get Account Cost, sum rows where this column equals true.)false
CAMPAIGN_UNIQUE_IDvarcharId of the Campaign pulled from the Ad
CAMPAIGN_NAMEvarcharName of the Campaign pulled from the Ad connection.Partner Retargeting
CAMPAIGN_IS_AGGREGATABLE_COSTbooleanIndicates if the row contains Cost which can be summed up by Campaign. (i.e. to get Campaign Cost, sum rows where this column equals true.)true
AD_GROUP_UNIQUE_IDvarcharId of the Ad Group pulled from the Ad
AD_GROUP_NAMEvarcharName of the Ad Group pulled from the Ad connection.Attribution Management Software | Phrase
AD_GROUP_IS_AGGREGATABLE_COSTbooleanIndicates if the row contains Cost which can be summed up by Ad Group. (i.e. to get Ad Group Cost, sum rows where this column equals true.)false
AD_UNIQUE_IDvarcharId of the Ad pulled from the Ad connection.dc.6114.9131003.24149929.467969200
AD_NAMEvarcharName of the Ad pulled from the Ad connection.Ad name: Ad3-320x50.gif; 320 x 50
AD_IS_AGGREGATABLE_COSTbooleanIndicates if the row contains Cost which can be summed up by Ad. (i.e. to get Ad Cost, sum rows where this column equals true.)false
CREATIVE_UNIQUE_IDvarcharId of the Creative pulled from the Ad
CREATIVE_NAMEvarcharName of the Creative pulled from the Ad connection.Gartner Magic Quadrant 2019
CREATIVE_IS_AGGREGATABLE_COSTbooleanIndicates if the row contains Cost which can be summed up by Creative. (i.e. to get Creative Cost, sum rows where this column equals true.)false
KEYWORD_UNIQUE_IDvarcharId of the Keyword pulled from the Ad
KEYWORD_NAMEvarcharName of the Keyword pulled from the Ad connection.sfdc marketing attribution
KEYWORD_IS_AGGREGATABLE_COSTbooleanIndicates if the row contains Cost which can be summed up by Keyword. (i.e. to get Keyword Cost, sum rows where this column equals true.)false
PLACEMENT_UNIQUE_IDvarcharId of the Placement pulled from the Ad connection.120839827
PLACEMENT_NAMEvarcharName of the Placement pulled from the Ad connection.roadblock
PLACEMENT_IS_AGGREGATABLE_COSTbooleanIndicates if the row contains Cost which can be summed up by Placement. (i.e. to get Placement Cost, sum rows where this column equals true.)false
SITE_UNIQUE_IDvarcharId of the Site pulled from the Ad connection.1695651
SITE_NAMEvarcharName of the Site pulled from the Ad
SITE_IS_AGGREGATABLE_COSTbooleanIndicates if the row contains Cost which can be summed up by Site . (i.e. to get Site Cost, sum rows where this column equals true.)false
IS_DELETEDbooleanWhether or not the record is considered deleted in the source system .false
ISO_CURRENCY_CODEvarcharISO code for the currency, imported from the source system.USD
SOURCE_IDvarcharId for the Source from which the record
ROW_KEYnumber(38,0)Foreign Key to the Biz_Facts view.6008900572523230000
CURRENCY_IDnumber(38,0)Id value of the Currency for the record.-3253183181619994799
_CREATED_DATEtimestamp_ntzDate the record was created in Snowflake.2020-01-01 01:01:00.000
_MODIFIED_DATEtimestamp_ntzDate the record was last modified in Snowflake.2020-01-01 01:01:00.000
_DELETED_DATEtimestamp_ntzDate the record was marked as deleted in Snowflake.2020-01-01 01:01:00.000


Creatives imported from any connected Ad Account.

ColumnData TypeDescriptionSample Data
IDvarcharA unique Id for the
DISPLAY_IDvarcharThe Creative Id from the source system.10426699711
AD_ACCOUNT_UNIQUE_IDvarcharId for the Ad Account from which the Creative was imported.fb.106851586409075
AD_ACCOUNT_NAMEvarcharName for the Ad Account from which the Creative was imported.Marketo Measure
ADVERTISER_UNIQUE_IDvarcharId of the Advertiser for the Creative, specifically for Doubleclick.300181641
ADVERTISER_NAMEvarcharName of the Advertiser for the Creative, specifically for Doubleclick.Marketo Measure Marketing Analytics
AD_GROUP_UNIQUE_IDvarcharId of the Ad Group for the Creative.fb.106851586409075.6052044288804.6052044290004
AD_GROUP_NAMEvarcharName of the Ad Group for the Creative.Ad Set for Ad B
AD_CAMPAIGN_UNIQUE_IDvarcharId of the Campaign for the
AD_CAMPAIGN_NAMEvarcharName of the Campaign for the
IS_ACTIVEbooleanWhether or not the Creative is still active in the source system.true
IS_DELETEDbooleanWhether or not the Creative has been deleted in the source system.false
MODIFIED_DATEtimestamp_ntzDate the record was last modified.2018-08-02 06:36:25.000
FIRST_IMPORTEDtimestamp_ntzDate the record was first imported from the source system.2018-08-02 06:36:25.000
NAMEvarcharName of the Creative, from the source

Whether or not the Creative needs to be updated for Marketo Measure tagging.

(Diagnostic field, used by internal processing.)

GROUPING_KEYvarcharDiagnostic field, for internal processing.
ENTITY_TYPEvarcharThe main object or entity for this table. In this case, "Creative".Creative
PROVIDER_TYPEvarcharName of the Ad Provider for the Creative.BingAds

The current version of the URL including all tags.

(Diagnostic field, for internal processing.){creative}&_bk={keyword}&_bm={matchType}&utm_content={adid}&utm_term={keyword}&
URL_DISPLAYvarcharThe shortened and friendly URL that's displayed on the

Previous value for URL_CURRENT.

(Diagnostic field, for internal processing.)


What the URL will be decorated with Marketo Measure parameters.

(Diagnostic field, for internal processing.)

URL_SHORTENEDvarcharThe shortened and friendly URL that's displayed on the Creative. (Used for LinkedIn Ads only.)
AD_TYPEvarcharThe type of Creative, which could be Text or DisplayText
IS_UPGRADED_URLbooleanWhether or not the creative is using Upgraded URLs.false
HEADLINEvarcharThe top line (headline) of the
DESCRIPTION_LINE_1varcharThe copy from the first line of the creativeConnect & Learn From Revenue-Driven B2B Marketers. Join the Community.
DESCRIPTION_LINE_2varcharThe copy from the second line of the creativeHave You Used Analytics? Leave a Review Today!
TRACKING_URL_TEMPLATEvarcharDiagnostics field, for internal processing.
TRACKING_URL_TEMPLATE_OLDvarcharDiagnostics field, for internal processing.
TRACKING_URL_TEMPLATE_REQUESTEDvarcharDiagnostics field, for internal processing.
TRACKING_URL_TEMPLATE_APPLIEDvarcharDiagnostics field, for internal processing.{lpurl}&_bt={creative}&_bk={keyword}&_bm={matchType}
SHARE_URNvarcharThe share Id. (Used for LinkedIn Ads only.)urn:li:share:6376987561897848832
ROW_KEYnumber(38,0)Foreign Key to the Biz_Facts view.6008900572523230000
_CREATED_DATEtimestamp_ntzDate the record was created in Snowflake.2020-01-01 01:01:00.000
_MODIFIED_DATEtimestamp_ntzDate the record was last modified in Snowflake.2020-01-01 01:01:00.000
_DELETED_DATEtimestamp_ntzDate the record was marked as deleted in Snowflake.2020-01-01 01:01:00.000


Events imported from the source system. This table will be empty if Activities Sync is disabled.

ColumnData TypeDescriptionSample Data
IDvarcharThe Event Id from the source system.00U3100000VLUnEEAX
CREATED_DATEtimestamp_ntzDate the Event was created, from the source system.2016-12-12 19:32:53.000
MODIFIED_DATEtimestamp_ntzDate the Event was last modified, from the source system.2018-09-03 08:39:51.000
LEAD_IDvarcharId for the Lead associated with the Event.00Q0Z000013eVrxUAE
LEAD_EMAILvarcharEmail for the Lead associated with the
CONTACT_IDvarcharId for the Contact associated with the Event.0030Z00003OyjbOQAR
CONTACT_EMAILvarcharEmail for the Contact associated with the
BIZIBLE_COOKIE_IDvarcharThe Marketo Measure Cookie Id used to populate from an integration partner to map an offline event to a web session. Requirement: Enable Call Tracking: True08c1063cb0a64349ad0d2d862f5cc700
ACTIVITY_TYPEvarcharActivity Type Name, from the source system.Email
EVENT_START_DATEtimestamp_ntzStart date for the Event, one of the options used to determine the Touchpoint date.2016-12-16 19:30:00.000
EVENT_END_DATEtimestamp_ntzEnd date for the Event, one of the options used to determine the Touchpoint date.2016-12-16 21:30:00.000
IS_DELETEDbooleanWhether or not the record is considered deleted in the source system.False
CUSTOM_PROPERTIESvarcharCustom properties that Marketo Measure has imported from the source system, in JSON format.{"Contact_Type__c":"CMO","Foo":"Bar"}
_CREATED_DATEtimestamp_ntzDate the record was created in Snowflake.2020-01-01 01:01:00.000
_MODIFIED_DATEtimestamp_ntzDate the record was last modified in Snowflake.2020-01-01 01:01:00.000
_DELETED_DATEtimestamp_ntzDate the record was marked as deleted in Snowflake.2020-01-01 01:01:00.000


Tasks imported from the source system. This table will populate if Activities Sync OR Call Tracking are enabled.

ColumnData TypeDescriptionSample Data
IDvarcharThe Task Id from the source system.00T0Z00004Rf62rUAB
CREATED_DATEtimestamp_ntzDate the Task was created, from the source system.2018-08-27 18:30:25.000
MODIFIED_DATEtimestamp_ntzDate the Task was last modified, from the source system.2018-08-27 18:31:53.000
LEAD_IDvarcharId for the Lead associated with the Task.00Q0Z000013eVrxUAE
LEAD_EMAILvarcharEmail for the Lead associated with the
CONTACT_IDvarcharId for the Contact associated with the Task.00331000038uGfhAAE
CONTACT_EMAILvarcharEmail for the Contact associated with the
BIZIBLE_COOKIE_IDvarcharThe Marketo Measure Cookie Id used to populate from an integration partner to map an offline event to a web session. Requirement: Enable Call Tracking: True08c1063cb0a64349ad0d2d862f5cc700
ACTIVITY_TYPEvarcharActivity Type Name, from the source system.Call
ACTIVITY_DATEtimestamp_ntzDate the Task occurred, one of the options used to determine the Touchpoint date.2018-08-27 07:00:00.000
IS_DELETEDbooleanWhether or not the record is considered deleted in the source system.false
CUSTOM_PROPERTIESvarcharCustom properties that Marketo Measure has imported from the source system, in JSON format.{"Contact_Type__c":"CMO", "Foo":"Bar"}
_CREATED_DATEtimestamp_ntzDate the record was created in Snowflake.2020-01-01 01:01:00.000
_MODIFIED_DATEtimestamp_ntzDate the record was last modified in Snowflake.2020-01-01 01:01:00.000
_DELETED_DATEtimestamp_ntzDate the record was marked as deleted in Snowflake.2020-01-01 01:01:00.000


Table of all ISO currencies.

ColumnData TypeDescriptionSample Data
IDnumber(38,0)A unique Id for the Currency record.139474809945095870
ISO_CODEvarcharISO code for the Currency.USD
IS_CORPORATEbooleanDesignates if the Currency is the corporate Currency.false
IS_ENABLEDbooleanDesignates if the Currency is enabled in the source system.false
MODIFIED_DATEtimestamp_ntzDate the record was last modefied in Marketo Measure.2018-08-27 18:30:25.000
MODIFIED_DATE_CRMtimestamp_ntzDate the record was last modified in the source system.2018-08-27 18:30:25.000
CREATED_DATEtimestamp_ntzDate the record was created in Marketo Measure2018-08-27 18:30:25.000
CREATED_DATE_CRMtimestamp_ntzDate the record was created in the source system.2018-08-27 18:30:25.000
ISO_NUMERICnumber(38,0)ISO standard numeric code.048
EXPONENTnumber(38,0)The number of decimal places between the smallest defined Currency unit and a whole Currency unit.2
NAMEvarcharName of the Currency.Argentine Peso
_CREATED_DATEtimestamp_ntzDate the record was created in Snowflake.2020-01-01 01:01:00.000
_MODIFIED_DATEtimestamp_ntzDate the record was last modified in Snowflake.2020-01-01 01:01:00.000
_DELETED_DATEtimestamp_ntzDate the record was marked as deleted in Snowflake.2020-01-01 01:01:00.000


AB Tests recorded. This table will be empty if AB Tests are not enabled.

ColumnData TypeDescriptionSample Data
VISITOR_IDvarcharThe first cookie id of the related visitor id.v_36ec805b4db344d6e92c972c86aee34a
COOKIE_IDvarcharThe recorded cookie id at the time the event was logged.36ec805b4db344d6e92c972c86aee34a
EVENT_DATEtimestamp_ntzDate the chat was logged.2020-01-01 01:01:00.000
MODIFIED_DATEtimestamp_ntzDate the record was last modified.2020-01-01 01:01:00.000
IP_ADDRESSvarcharThe recorded IP address at the time the experiment was logged.
EXPERIMENT_IDvarcharThe id of the experiment pulled from the AB test platform.123
EXPERIMENT_NAMEvarcharThe name of the experiment pulled from the AB test platform.Experiment A
VARIATION_IDvarcharThe variation id of the experiment pulled from the AB test platform.456
VARIATION_NAMEvarcharThe variation name of the experiment pulled from the AB test platform.Blue Test
ABTEST_USER_IDvarcharThe id of the user who was served the experiment pulled from the AB test platform.584d64et
IS_DELETEDbooleanWhether or not the record was deleted, used for diagnostics and auditing.false
_CREATED_DATEtimestamp_ntzDate the record was created in Snowflake.2020-01-01 01:01:00.000
_MODIFIED_DATEtimestamp_ntzDate the record was last modified in Snowflake.2020-01-01 01:01:00.000
_DELETED_DATEtimestamp_ntzDate the record was marked as deleted in Snowflake.2020-01-01 01:01:00.000


Web events that have been recorded using custom events in the Javascript. This table will be empty if Marketo Measure Events are not enabled.

ColumnData TypeDescriptionSample Data
VISITOR_IDvarcharThe first cookie id of the related visitor id.v_36ec805b4db344d6e92c972c86aee34a
COOKIE_IDvarcharThe recorded cookie id at the time the event was triggered from the custom javascript.36ec805b4db344d6e92c972c86aee34a
EVENT_DATEtimestamp_ntzThe date the event was triggered from the custom javascript.2020-01-01 01:01:00.000
MODIFIED_DATEtimestamp_ntzThe last date the record was modified.2020-01-01 01:01:00.000
IP_ADDRESSvarcharThe recorded IP address at the time the event was triggered from the custom javascript.
KEYvarcharThe name given to the event which was triggered from the custom javascript.Video View
VALUEvarcharThe value given to the event which was triggered from the custom javascript.75% viewed
IS_DELETEDbooleanWhether or not the record was deleted, used for diagnostics and auditing.false
_CREATED_DATEtimestamp_ntzDate the record was created in Snowflake.2020-01-01 01:01:00.000
_MODIFIED_DATEtimestamp_ntzDate the record was last modified in Snowflake.2020-01-01 01:01:00.000
_DELETED_DATEtimestamp_ntzDate the record was marked as deleted in Snowflake.2020-01-01 01:01:00.000


Landing Pages downloaded from any connected Ad Account.

ColumnData TypeDescriptionSample Data
IDvarcharA unique Id for the record.
AD_ACCOUNT_UNIQUE_IDvarcharId for the Ad Account from which the landing page was imported.
AD_ACCOUNT_NAMEvarcharName of the Ad Account from which the landing page was imported
ADVERTISER_UNIQUE_IDvarcharId of the Advertiser for the landing page, specifically for Doubleclick.300181641
ADVERTISER_NAMEvarcharName of the Advertiser for the landing page, specifically for Doubleclick.Marketing Analytics
AD_GROUP_UNIQUE_IDvarcharId of the Ad Group for the landing page.
AD_GROUP_NAMEvarcharName of the Ad Group for the landing page.
AD_CAMPAIGN_UNIQUE_IDvarcharId of the Campaign for the landing page.
AD_CAMPAIGN_NAMEvarcharName of the Campaign for the landing page.
MODIFIED_DATEtimestamp_ntzThe last modified date of the row
_CREATED_DATEtimestamp_ntzDate the record was created in Snowflake.2020-01-01 01:01:00.000
_MODIFIED_DATEtimestamp_ntzDate the record was last modified in Snowflake.2020-01-01 01:01:00.000
_DELETED_DATEtimestamp_ntzDate the record was marked as deleted in Snowflake.2020-01-01 01:01:00.000


Mapping table for email addresses and visitor ids.

ColumnData TypeDescriptionSample Data
IDvarcharA unique Id for the|2022-01-05 17:22:13.000
EMAILvarcharA known email address that's tied to a given visitor Id from a
VISITOR_IDvarcharThe first cookie of the related visitor Idv_36ec805b4db344d6e92c972c86aee34a
MODIFIED_DATEtimestamp_ntzThe last modified date of the row2018-08-14 23:55:03.000
CREATED_DATEtimestamp_ntzThe created date of the row2018-08-14 23:55:03.000
IS_DELETEDbooleanWhether or not the record is considered deleted, used for diagnostics and auditing.false
IS_IGNOREbooleanIndicates if the email or visitor id is considered noise or spam, used for internal processing.false
_CREATED_DATEtimestamp_ntzDate the record was created in Snowflake.2020-01-01 01:01:00.000
_MODIFIED_DATEtimestamp_ntzDate the record was last modified in Snowflake.2020-01-01 01:01:00.000
_DELETED_DATEtimestamp_ntzDate the record was marked as deleted in Snowflake.2020-01-01 01:01:00.000


Unions together Impressions, Page Views, Visits, Form Submits, User Touchpoints, Touchpoint (BT), Attribution Touchpoints (BAT), and Cost data. Used internally to support Marketo Measure reporting.

Marketo Measure will be deprecating this table in mid-2024. If you wish to create it on your side, run this SQL query.
ColumnData TypeDescriptionSample Data
COST_KEYnumber(38,0)Used to join to the Costs table.2672629811884560039
ATP_KEYnumber(38,0)Used to join to the Attribution Touchpoints table.2672629811884560039
TP_KEYnumber(38,0)Used to join to the Touchpoints or User Touchpoints tables.5028390208679093800
PAGE_VIEW_KEYnumber(38,0)Used to join to the Page Views table.-8044063242541720607
SESSION_KEYnumber(38,0)Used to join to the Sessions table.8817975702393619368
VISITOR_IDvarcharThe first cookie id of the related visitor id.v_530d8334c455460df0d48f48270a4b23
COOKIE_IDvarcharThe recorded cookie id at the time the event was logged.530d8334c455460df0d48f48270a4b23
FORM_SUBMIT_KEYnumber(38,0)Used to join to the Form Submits table.-8659572802702769670
IMPRESSION_KEYnumber(38,0)Used to join to the Impressions table.8817975702393619368
CURRENT_PAGE_KEYnumber(38,0)Used to join to the Urls table.4079876040770132443
REFERRER_PAGE_KEYnumber(38,0)Used to join to the Urls table.8817975702393619368
FORM_PAGE_KEYnumber(38,0)Used to join to the Urls table.8817975702393619368
AD_PROVIDER_KEYnumber(38,0)Used to join to the Ad Providers table.8817975702393619368
CHANNEL_KEYnumber(38,0)Used to join to the Channels table.-1921844114032355934
CAMPAIGN_KEYnumber(38,0)Used to join to the Ad Campaigns table.252687814634577606
KEYWORD_KEYnumber(38,0)Used to join to the Keywords table.8817975702393619368
AD_KEYnumber(38,0)Used to join to the Ads table.8817975702393619368
AD_GROUP_KEYnumber(38,0)Used to join to the Ad Groups table.8817975702393619368
CREATIVE_KEYnumber(38,0)Used to join to the Creatives table.-2333871387956621113
SITE_KEYnumber(38,0)Used to join to the Sites table.8817975702393619368
ADVERTISER_KEYnumber(38,0)Used to join to the Advertisers table.8817975702393619368
AD_ACCOUNT_KEYnumber(38,0)Used to join to the Ad Accounts table.1825012532740770032
PLACEMENT_KEYnumber(38,0)Used to join to the Placements table.8817975702393619368
CATEGORY_01_KEYnubmer(38,0)Used to join to the Segments table.8817975702393619368
CATEGORY_02_KEYnubmer(38,0)Used to join to the Segments table.8817975702393619368
CATEGORY_03_KEYnubmer(38,0)Used to join to the Segments table.-2333871387956621113
CATEGORY_04_KEYnubmer(38,0)Used to join to the Segments table.8817975702393619368
CATEGORY_05_KEYnubmer(38,0)Used to join to the Segments table.8817975702393619368
CATEGORY_06_KEYnubmer(38,0)Used to join to the Segments table.-2333871387956621113
CATEGORY_07_KEYnubmer(38,0)Used to join to the Segments table.8817975702393619368
CATEGORY_08_KEYnubmer(38,0)Used to join to the Segments table.8817975702393619368
CATEGORY_09_KEYnubmer(38,0)Used to join to the Segments table.2333871387956621113
CATEGORY_10_KEYnubmer(38,0)Used to join to the Segments table.8817975702393619368
CATEGORY_11_KEYnubmer(38,0)Used to join to the Segments table.8817975702393619368
CATEGORY_12_KEYnubmer(38,0)Used to join to the Segments table.-2333871387956621113
CATEGORY_13_KEYnubmer(38,0)Used to join to the Segments table.8817975702393619368
CATEGORY_14_KEYnubmer(38,0)Used to join to the Segments table.8817975702393619368
CATEGORY_15_KEYnubmer(38,0)Used to join to the Segments table.8817975702393619368
TYPEnumber(38,0)Indicates the fact type of the row. 1 = Buyer Attribution Touchpoint 2 = Cost 3 = Buyer Touchpoint 4 = User Touchpoint 5 = Page View 6 = Session 7 = Form Submit 8 = Impression3
DATEdateDate the event occurred.2018-08-28
TIMESTAMPtimestamp_ntzDate and time the event occurred.2018-08-28 19:39:15.000
MODIFIED_DATEtimestamp_ntzDate the row was last modified.2018-08-29 00:46:47.000
COST_IN_MICROnumber(38,0)Cost amount in millions. User will need to divide the value by 1000000.27370000
IMPRESSIONSnumber(38,0)Number of impressions reported for the group for the day.340
CLICKSnumber(38,0)Number of clicks reported for the group for the day.4
FIRST_CLICK_PERCENTAGEnumber(22,19)The calculated percentage allocated to this touchpoint because it's a first touch.0.0000000000000000000
LAST_ANON_CLICK_PERCENTAGEnumber(22,19)The calculated percentage allocated to this touchpoint because it's a lead creation touch.100.0000000000000000000
U_SHAPE_PERCENTAGEnumber(22,19)The calculated percentage that gets allocated to this touchpoint because it's part of a u-shaped touch.100.0000000000000000000
W_SHAPE_PERCENTAGEnumber(22,19)The calculated percentage that gets allocated to this touchpoint because it's part of a w-shaped touch.0.0000000000000000000
FULL_PATH_PERCENTAGEnumber(22,19)The calculated percentage that gets allocated to this touchpoint because it's part of a full path model.0.0000000000000000000
CUSTOM_MODEL_PERCENTAGEnumber(22,19)The calculated percentage that gets allocated to this touchpoint because it's part of a custom model.0.0000000000000000000
AMOUNTnumber(38,8)Amount of the Opportuity, from the source system.42000.00000000
IS_WONbooleanIndicates if the Opportunity has been moved to a stage which is classified as won.false
IS_OPP_CLOSEDbooleanIndicates if the Opportunity has moved to a stage which is classifed as closed.false
OPPORTUNITY_IDvarcharOpportunity Id from the source system.0060Z00000nFEfEQAW
OPP_CREATED_DATEtimestamp_ntzDate the Opportunity was created, from the source system.2018-08-31 15:45:47.000
OPP_CLOSE_DATEtimestamp_ntzClose date for the Opportunity, from the source system.2018-12-31 07:00:00.000
CONTACT_CREATED_DATEtimestamp_ntzDate the Contact record was created, from the source system.2017-04-28 00:21:52.000
CONTACT_IDvarcharContact Id from the source system.0030Z00003ORVJmQAP
EMAILvarcharEmail address for the
LEAD_CREATED_DATEtimestamp_ntzDate the Lead record was created, from the source system.2017-04-28 00:21:52.000
LEAD_IDvarcharLead Id from the source system.00Q3100001GMPIsEAP
IS_AGGREGATABLE_COST_ADbooleanIndicates if the row contains Cost which can be summed up by Ad. (i.e. to get Ad Cost, sum rows where this column equals true.)false
IS_AGGREGATABLE_COST_ADVERTISERbooleanIndicates if the row contains Cost which can be summed up by Advertiser. (i.e. to get Advertiser Cost, sum rows where this column equals true.)true
IS_AGGREGATABLE_COST_AD_ACCOUNTbooleanIndicates if the row contains Cost which can be summed up by Account. (i.e. to get Account Cost, sum rows where this column equals true.)false
IS_AGGREGATABLE_COST_AD_GROUPbooleanIndicates if the row contains Cost which can be summed up by Ad Group. (i.e. to get Ad Group Cost, sum rows where this column equals true.)false
IS_AGGREGATABLE_COST_CAMPAIGNbooleanIndicates if the row contains Cost which can be summed up by Campaign. (i.e. to get Campaign Cost, sum rows where this column equals true.)true
IS_AGGREGATABLE_COST_CHANNELbooleanIndicates if the row contains Cost which can be summed up by Channel. (i.e. to get Channel Cost, sum rows where this column equals true.)false
IS_AGGREGATABLE_COST_CREATIVEbooleanIndicates if the row contains Cost which can be summed up by Creative. (i.e. to get Creative Cost, sum rows where this column equals true.)false
IS_AGGREGATABLE_COST_KEYWORDbooleanIndicates if the row contains Cost which can be summed up by Keyword. (i.e. to get Keyword Cost, sum rows where this column equals true.)false
IS_AGGREGATABLE_COST_PLACEMENTbooleanIndicates if the row contains Cost which can be summed up by Placement. (i.e. to get Placement Cost, sum rows where this column equals true.)false
IS_AGGREGATABLE_COST_SITEbooleanIndicates if the row contains Cost which can be summed up by Site . (i.e. to get Site Cost, sum rows where this column equals true.)false
IS_DELETEDbooleanWhether or not the record was deleted, used as an audit trail.false
CURRENCY_IDnumber(38,0)Id value of the Currency for the record.-3253183181619994799
_CREATED_DATEtimestamp_ntzDate the record was created in Snowflake.2020-01-01 01:01:00.000
_MODIFIED_DATEtimestamp_ntzDate the record was last modified in Snowflake.2020-01-01 01:01:00.000
_DELETED_DATEtimestamp_ntzDate the record was marked as deleted in Snowflake.2020-01-01 01:01:00.000


Captured Form Submissions.

ColumnData TypeDescriptionSample Data
IDvarcharA unique Id for the Form Submit.2018-08-06:01-35-21-927280.9bc63c34482f4
COOKIE_IDvarcharThe recorded cookie id at the time the Form Submit was logged.9bc63c34482f4de8c2e3b9d8d9f0df56
VISITOR_IDvarcharThe first cookie id of the related visitor id. If the record is marked as is_duplicated = true, this field will be null.v_9bc63c34482f4de8c2e3b9d8d9f0df56
SESSION_IDvarcharThe recorded Session Id at the time the Form Submit was logged. If the record is marked as is_duplicated = true, this field will be null.2018-08-06:01-35-24-1231230.9bc63c34482f
EVENT_DATEtimestamp_ntzDate the Form was submitted.2018-08-06 01:35:21.000
MODIFIED_DATEtimestamp_ntzDate the record was last modified.2018-08-07 23:09:52.000
CURRENT_PAGEvarcharURL where the Form was submitted, without query parameters.
CURRENT_PAGE_RAWvarcharURL where the Form was submitted, including any query parameters. PV0UyWlRObSIsInQiOiI3MEFIek04ZVJiWm9renc1Z29RXC9kXC92YkxycFRYclE0MVhOaH Nwdml3YTZBZDdPdXh4Q0RmcnBJWXhwZTF1Z0RrbXlDVmxJNzIwNkhW
IP_ADDRESSvarcharThe recorded IP address at the time the Form was submitted.
TYPEvarcharIndicates the type of Event.FormSubmit
USER_AGENT_STRINGvarcharDevice and browser recorded at the time of the Form Submit.Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_13_6) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/11.1.2 Safari/605.1.15
CLIENT_SEQUENCEvarcharIndicates the order in which the Page View occurred in the Session.4
CLIENT_RANDOMvarcharUsed for internal auditing and processing.20042b6b7af44512b43f6244d86faf4c
IS_DUPLICATEDbooleanIndicates if the record is considered a duplicate.false
IS_PROCESSEDbooleanUsed for internal processing.true
EMAILvarcharEmail address provided on the Form, as captured from the
FORM_TYPEvarcharIndicates the type of Form submitted.Chat
FORM_SOURCEvarcharIndicates the method in which the Form was recognized, such as onSubmit or AjaxInterceptonSubmit
FORM_IDENTIFIERvarcharId value for the Form.-956012665
ROW_KEYnumber(38,0)Foreign Key to the Biz_Facts view.-6255315750913680000
CURRENT_PAGE_KEYnumber(38,0)Foreign Key to the Url table.6255315750913680000
_CREATED_DATEtimestamp_ntzDate the record was created in Snowflake.2020-01-01 01:01:00.000
_MODIFIED_DATEtimestamp_ntzDate the record was last modified in Snowflake.2020-01-01 01:01:00.000
_DELETED_DATEtimestamp_ntzDate the record was marked as deleted in Snowflake.2020-01-01 01:01:00.000


Impressions fired and recorded. This table requires a DoubleClick connection and Enable View Through set to True.

ColumnData TypeDescriptionSample Data
IDvarcharA unique Id for the Impression.6acd7b43290490fe5c53eed31281d09a|2020-05-18:22:20:59|0000|0|2869369052
COOKIE_IDvarcharThe recorded cookie id at the time of the Impression.08c1063cb0a64349ad0d2d862f5cc700
VISITOR_IDvarcharThe first cookie id of the related visitor id.v_08c1063cb0a64349ad0d2d862f5cc700
SESSION_IDvarcharThe recorded Session Id at the time the Impression was logged.2018-08-06:01-35-24-1231230.9bc63c34482f
EVENT_DATEtimestamp_ntzDate the Impression was served.2020-01-01 01:01:00.000
MODIFIED_DATEtimestamp_ntzDate the record was last modified.2020-01-01 01:01:00.000
CURRENT_PAGEvarcharURL where the Impression was served, without query parameters.
CURRENT_PAGE_RAWvarcharURL where the Impression was served, including any query parameters. PV0UyWlRObSIsInQiOiI3MEFIek04ZVJiWm9renc1Z29RXC9kXC92YkxycFRYclE0MVhOaH Nwdml3YTZBZDdPdXh4Q0RmcnBJWXhwZTF1Z0RrbXlDVmxJNzIwNkhW
IP_ADDRESSvarcharThe recorded IP address at the time of the Impression.
TYPEvarcharIndicates the type of Event.Impression
USER_AGENT_STRINGvarcharDevice and browser recorded at the time of the Form Submit.Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_13_6) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/11.1.2 Safari/605.1.15
CLIENT_SEQUENCEvarcharIndicates the order in which the Page View occurred in the Session.4
CLIENT_RANDOMvarcharUsed for internal auditing and processing.20042b6b7af44512b43f6244d86faf4c
IS_DUPLICATEDbooleanIndicates if the record is considered a duplicate.false
IS_PROCESSEDbooleanUsed for internal processing.true
REFERRER_PAGEvarcharTypically the external landing page immediately before the user comes onto the website. Referred to in the CRM as "Referrer Page".
REFERRER_PAGE-RAWvarcharTypically the external landing page immediately before the user comes onto the website. A raw referrer page may contain query parameters in the URL. Referred to in the CRM as "Referrer Page - Raw".
CITYvarcharThe resolved city from the IP address.Seattle
REGIONvarcharThe resolved region from the IP address.Washington
COUNTRYvarcharThe resolved country from the IP address.United States
ISP_NAMEvarcharExpected to be null since the field is obsolete.NULL
AD_PROVIDERvarcharAd platform Marketo Measure was able to resolve from, typically one of our integration partners.Google
ACCOUNT_UNIQUE_IDvarcharId of the Ad Account in which the ad was resolved
ACCOUNT_NAMEvarcharName of the Ad Account in which the ad was resolved from.Marketo Measure
ADVERTISER_UNIQUE_IDvarcharId of the Advertiser from the Ad Account in which the Ad was resolved from. This only applies to Doubleclick Campaign Manager.300181641
ADVERTISER_NAMEvarcharName of the Advertiser from the Ad Account in which the Ad was resolved from. This only applies to Doubleclick Campaign Manager.Market Measure Marketing Analytics
SITE_UNIQUE_IDvarcharId of the Site from the Ad Account in which the Ad was resolved from. This only applies to Doubleclick Campaign Manager.1695651
SITE_NAMEvarcharName of the Site from the Ad Account in which the Ad was resolved from. This only applies to Doubleclick Campaign
PLACEMENT_UNIQUE_IDvarcharId of the Placement from the Ad Account in which the Ad was resolved from. This only applies to Doubleclick Campaign Manager.120839827
PLACEMENT_NAMEvarcharName of the Placement from the Ad Account in which the Ad was resolved from. This only applies to Doubleclick Campaign Manager.roadblock
CAMPAIGN_UNIQUE_IDvarcharId of the Campaign from the Ad Account in which the Ad was resolved
CAMPAIGN_NAMEvarcharName of the Campaign from the Ad Account in which the Ad was resolved from.Marketing Attribution
AD_GROUP_UNIQUE_IDvarcharExpected to be null since there is no Ad Group in the Doubleclick hierarchy for impressionsnull
AD_GROUP_NAMEvarcharExpected to be null since there is no Ad Group in the Doubleclick hierarchy for impressionsnull
AD_UNIQUE_IDvarcharId of the Ad from the Ad Account in which the Ad was resolved from. This applies to Doubleclick Campaign Manager and Facebook (display).68035923
AD_NAMEvarcharName of the Ad from the Ad Account in which the Ad was resolved from. This applies to Doubleclick Campaign Manager and Facebook (display).centurylink_banner_98121
CREATIVE_UNIQUE_IDvarcharExpected to be null since there is no Creative in the Doubleclick hierarchy for Impressions.null
CREATIVE_NAMEvarcharExpected to be null since there is no Creative in the Doubleclick hierarchy for Impressions.null
CREATIVE_DESCRIPTION_1varcharExpected to be null since there is no Creative in the Doubleclick hierarchy for Impressions.null
CREATIVE_DESCRIPTION_2varcharExpected to be null since there is no Creative in the Doubleclick hierarchy for Impressions.null
CREATIVE_DESTINATION_URLvarcharExpected to be null since there is no Creative in the Doubleclick hierarchy for Impressions.null
CREATIVE_DISPLAY_URLvarcharExpected to be null since there is no Creative in the Doubleclick hierarchy for Impressions.null
KEYWORD_UNIQUE_IDvarcharExpected to be null since there is no Keyword in the Doubleclick hierarchy for Impressions.null
KEYWORD_NAMEvarcharExpected to be null since there is no Keyword in the Doubleclick hierarchy for Impressions.null
KEYWORD_MATCH_TYPEvarcharExpected to be null since there is no Keyword in the Doubleclick hierarchy for Impressions.null
BROWSER_NAMEvarcharFrom the javascript and IP address, the detected browser that the user was on during the session.Chrome
BROWSER_VERSIONvarcharFrom the javascript and IP address, the detected version of the browser that the user was on during the session.58
PLATFORM_NAMEvarcharFrom the javascript and IP address, the detected platform that the user was on during the session.Mac
PLATFORM_VERSIONvarcharFrom the javascript and IP address, the detected version of the platform that the user was on during the session.10_12
ROW_KEYnumber(38,0)Foreign Key to the BIZ_FACTS view.-2712935512233520000
_CREATED_DATEtimestamp_ntzDate the record was created in Snowflake.2020-01-01 01:01:00.000
_MODIFIED_DATEtimestamp_ntzDate the record was last modified in Snowflake.2020-01-01 01:01:00.000
_DELETED_DATEtimestamp_ntzDate the record was marked as deleted in Snowflake.2020-01-01 01:01:00.000


Keywords imported from any connected Ad Account.

ColumnData TypeDescriptionSample Data
IDvarcharA unique Id for the
DISPLAY_IDvarcharThe Keyword Id from the source system.39464932147
AD_ACCOUNT_UNIQUE_IDvarcharId for the Ad Account from which the Keyword was imported.fb.106851586409075
AD_ACCOUNT_NAMEvarcharName of the Ad Account from which the Keyword was imported.Marketo Measure
ADVERTISER_UNIQUE_IDvarcharExpected to be null since there is no Keyword in the Doubleclick hierarchy for Impressions.null
ADVERTISER_NAMEvarcharExpected to be null since there is no Keyword in the Doubleclick hierarchy for Impressions.null
AD_GROUP_UNIQUE_IDvarcharId of the Ad Group for the
AD_GROUP_NAMEvarcharName of the Ad Group for the Keyword.Revenue Attribution - B2B
AD_CAMPAIGN_UNIQUE_IDvarcharId of the Campaign for the
AD_CAMPAIGN_NAMEvarcharName of the Campaign for the Keyword.Revenue Attribution
IS_ACTIVEbooleanWhether or not the Keyword is still active in the source system.true
IS_DELETEDbooleanWhether or not the Keyword has been deleted in the source system.false
MODIFIED_DATEtimestamp_ntzDate the record was last modified.2018-08-02 06:37:29.000
FIRST_IMPORTEDtimestamp_ntzDate the record was first imported from the source system.2018-08-02 06:37:29.000
NAMEvarcharName of the Keyword, from the source system.[revenue attribution b2b]

Whether or not the Keyword needs to be updated for Marketo Measure tagging.

(Diagnostic field, used for internal processing.)

GROUPING_KEYvarcharDiagnostic field, used for internal
ENTITY_TYPEvarcharThe main object or entity for this table. In this case, "Keyword".Keyword
PROVIDER_TYPEvarcharName of the Ad Provider for the Keyword.BingAds

The URL for the landing page.

(Diagnostic field, for internal processing.)


Previous value for URL_CURRENT.

(Diagnostic field, for internal processing.)


The URL for the landing page with Marketo Measure parameters.

(Diagnostic field, for internal processing.)

IS_UPGRADED_URLbooleanDiagnostic field, for internal processing.false
WORDvarcharThe search phase the user entered.revenue attribution b2b
MATCH_TYPEvarcharThe type of match that was found between the search phrase and the Keyword.Exact
TRACKING_URL_TEMPLATEvarcharUsed for internal diagnostics.{lpurl}&_bt={creative}&_bk={keyword}&_bm={matchType}
TRACKING_URL_TEMPLATE_OLDvarcharUsed for internal diagnostics.
TRACKING_URL_TEMPLATE_REQUESTEDvarcharUsed for internal diagnostics.
TRACKING_URL_TEMPLATE_APPLIEDvarcharThe URL tracking template Marketo Measure added to the Keyword.{lpurl}&_bt={creative}&_bk={keyword}&_bm={matchType}
ROW_KEYnumber(38,0)Foreign Key to the Biz_Facts view.-2712935512233520000
_CREATED_DATEtimestamp_ntzDate the record was created in Snowflake.2020-01-01 01:01:00.000
_MODIFIED_DATEtimestamp_ntzDate the record was last modified in Snowflake.2020-01-01 01:01:00.000
_DELETED_DATEtimestamp_ntzDate the record was marked as deleted in Snowflake.2020-01-01 01:01:00.000


Landing Pages imported from any connected Ad Account.

ColumnData TypeDescriptionSample Data
IDvarcharA unique Id for the Landing Page.
AD_ACCOUNT_UNIQUE_IDvarcharId for the Ad Account from which the landing page was imported.
AD_ACCOUNT_NAMEvarcharName of the Ad Account from which the landing page was imported.
ADVERTISER_UNIQUE_IDvarcharId of the Advertiser for the landing page, specifically for Doubleclick.300181641
ADVERTISER_NAMEvarcharName of the Advertiser for the landing page, specifically for Doubleclick.Marketing Analytics
AD_GROUP_UNIQUE_IDvarcharId of the Ad Group for the landing page.
AD_GROUP_NAMEvarcharName of the Ad Group for the landing page.
AD_CAMPAIGN_UNIQUE_IDvarcharId of the Campaign for the landing page.
AD_CAMPAIGN_NAMEvarcharName of the Campaign for the landing page.
MODIFIED_DATEtimestamp_ntzThe last modified date of the row.
_CREATED_DATEtimestamp_ntzDate the record was created in Snowflake.2020-01-01 01:01:00.000
_MODIFIED_DATEtimestamp_ntzDate the record was last modified in Snowflake.2020-01-01 01:01:00.000
_DELETED_DATEtimestamp_ntzDate the record was marked as deleted in Snowflake.2020-01-01 01:01:00.000


Leads imported from the source system.

ColumnData TypeDescriptionSample Data
IDvarcharThe Lead Id from the source system.00Q0Z00001MZcj8UAD
MODIFIED_DATEtimestamp_ntzDate the Lead record was last modified, from the source system.2018-08-27 21:52:10.000
CREATED_DATEtimestamp_ntzDate the Lead record was created, from the source system.2018-08-27 21:52:10.000
EMAILvarcharEmail address of the Lead, from the source
WEB_SITEvarcharWebsite entered for the Lead, from the source system, used for Lead2Account
COMPANYvarcharCompany name entered for the Lead, from the source system, used for Lead2Account mapping.Marketo Measure
LEAD_SOURCEvarcharSource in which the Lead was created.Advertisement
IS_CONVERTEDbooleanWhether or not the Lead has been converted to a Contact.true
CONVERTED_OPPORTUNITY_IDvarcharId of the related Opportunity once the Lead has been converted.0013100001b44aGAAQ
CONVERTED_DATEtimestamp_ntzDate the Lead was converted to a Contact.2018-08-27 07:00:00.000
CONVERTED_CONTACT_IDvarcharId of the related Contact once the Lead has been converted.0030Z00003Oyp25QAB
ACCOUNTIDvarcharId of the mapped Account. Requirements: Enable ABM0010Z0000236F9GQAU
BIZIBLE_STAGEvarcharCurrent stage of the Lead, recognized as a custom stage which can be created in the Marketo Measure application.Demo Scheduled
BIZIBLE_STAGE_PREVIOUSvarcharAll previous stages for the Lead, recognized as custom stages which can be created in the Marketo Measure application.MQL
ODDS_OF_CONVERSIONnumber(38,19)This feature has been deprecated. Do not use this column.N/A
BIZIBLE_COOKIE_IDvarcharThe Marketo Measure Cookie Id used to populate from an integration partner to map an offline event to a web session. Requirement: Enable Call Tracking: True08c1063cb0a64349ad0d2d862f5cc700
IS_DELETEDbooleanWhether or not the record is deleted in the source system.false
ROW_KEYnumber(38,0)Foreign Key to the Biz_Facts view.3263982503087870000
CUSTOM_PROPERTIESvarcharCustom properties that Marketo Measure has imported from the source system , in JSON format.{"Lead_Type__c":"Sales Created", "Foo":"Bar"}
IS_DUPLICATEbooleanUsed to de-duplicate records if both a CRM and Marketo integration are set up. If there are duplicates, the Marketo Lead is marked true.true
SOURCE_SYSTEMvarcharIndicates if the record came from a CRM or a Marketo integration.Crm
OTHER_SYSTEM_IDvarcharMaps a person from a Marketo integration with a Lead from a CRM integration. If both a CRM and Marketo integration exist, the value is the corresponding Id.1234
_CREATED_DATEtimestamp_ntzDate the record was created in Snowflake.2020-01-01 01:01:00.000
_MODIFIED_DATEtimestamp_ntzDate the record was last modified in Snowflake.2020-01-01 01:01:00.000
_DELETED_DATEtimestamp_ntzDate the record was marked as deleted in Snowflake.2020-01-01 01:01:00.000


Stage transitions for Leads or Contacts.

ColumnData TypeDescriptionSample Data
IDvarcharA unique Id for the transition.ST_0030Z00003FhkRXQAZ__FT-1_TP2_Person_0030Z00003FhkRXQAZ_2018-08-27:17-05-45-9474800.0d5c18c29d7b
EMAILvarcharThe provided email address for the related Lead/
LEAD_IDvarcharId for the Lead associated to the transition.00Q3100001Fx6AlEAJ
CONTACT_IDvarcharId for the Contact associated to the transition.0033100003Aq9grAAB
TOUCHPOINT_IDvarcharId for the Buyer Touchpoint tied to the transition.TP2_Person_00Q3100001Fx6AlEAJ_2018-08-28:14-41-06-1674260.d00ceb09fbd3
TRANSITION_DATEtimestamp_ntzDate the record transitioned into the stage.2018-08-27 16:05:34.000
STAGE_IDvarcharId value of the stage for the transition._bizible_FT
STAGEvarcharName of the stage for the transition.FT
RANKnumber(38,0)The numerical rank of the stage, as ordered in the Marketo Measure Stage Mapping settings.5
INDEXvarchar(1)Used in internal processing for indexing and ordering boomerang stages.1
LAST_INDEXvarchar(1)Used in internal processing for indexing and ordering boomerang stages.1
IS_PENDINGbooleanIndicates if the touchpoint is considered pending and not yet closed. This only appears for customers with full path attribution model.false
IS_NON_TRANSITIONALbooleanIndicates if the the row is tied to a milestone stage transition. For example, if there are 3 stages/entries (FT, LC, MQL) and 4 touchpoints, the 1 touchpoint without a stage on it is considered "non-transitional" so the value would equal true.false
PREVIOUS_STAGE_DATEtimestamp_ntzTransition date for the previous stage, according to the stage rank.2017-11-28 21:26:44.000
NEXT_STAGE_DATEtimestamp_ntzTransition date for the next stage, according to the stage rank.2017-12-11 22:39:17.000
MODIFIED_DATEtimestamp_ntzLast modified date of the record.2018-08-28 15:31:10.000
IS_DELETEDbooleanWhether or not the transition record is considered deleted.false
_CREATED_DATEtimestamp_ntzDate the record was created in Snowflake.2020-01-01 01:01:00.000
_MODIFIED_DATEtimestamp_ntzDate the record was last modified in Snowflake.2020-01-01 01:01:00.000
_DELETED_DATEtimestamp_ntzDate the record was marked as deleted in Snowflake.2020-01-01 01:01:00.000


Opportunities imported from the source system.

ColumnData TypeDescriptionSample Data
IDvarcharThe Opportunity Id from the source system.0060Z00000o89I4QAI
MODIFIED_DATEtimestamp_ntzThe last modified date of the Opportunity, from the source system.2017-11-28 21:26:44.000
CREATED_DATEtimestamp_ntzThe created date of the Opportunity, from the source system.2017-11-28 21:26:44.000
ACCOUNT_IDvarcharId of the related Account.001i000000qbyeoAAA
NAMEvarcharThe Opportunity Name, from the source system.Mareketo Measure Renewal
IS_WONbooleanIndicates if the Opportunity has moved to a stage considered won.false
IS_CLOSEDbooleanIndicates if the Opportunity has moved to a stage considered closed.false
CLOSE_DATEtimestamp_ntzAnticipated or actual close date of the Opportunity, from the source system.2019-08-28 07:00:00.000
AMOUNTnumber(38,8)Deal amount which is expected or closed from the Opportunity, from the source system.8988.00000000

The Id of the related Lead that had converted into this Opportunity.

Note that this field is not set and returns null in Snowflake for all customers.


The email of the related Lead that had converted into this Opportunity.

Note that this field is not set and returns null in Snowflake for all customers.

PRIMARY_CONTACT_IDvarcharIf Primary Contact Role is used, the Id of the related Contact listed as the primary contact role.00331000038uGfhAAE
PRIMARY_CONTACT_EMAILvarcharIf Primary Contact Role is used, the email of the related Contact listed as the primary contact
ODDS_OF_CONVERSIONnumber(38,19)This feature has been deprecated. Do not use this column.N/A
BIZIBLE_STAGEvarcharCurrent stage of the Opportunity, as defined in the Marketo Measure application.DM Demo
BIZIBLE_STAGE_PREVIOUSvarcharA string of all stages the Opportunity has previously gone through, as defined in the Marketo Measure application.Qualified Discovery, Demo Scheduled
IS_DELETEDbooleanWhether or not the record is deleted in the source system.false
ROW_KEYnumber(38,0)Foreign Key to the Biz_Facts view.4609512587744160000
CURRENCY_ISO_CODEvarcharISO code for the currency, imported from the source system.USD
CURRENCY_IDnumber(38,0)Id value of the Currency for the record.4609512587744160000
CUSTOM_PROPERTIESvarcharCustom properties that Marketo Measure has imported from the source system , in JSON format.{"Opportunity_Location__c":"Seattle", "Foo":"Bar"}
_CREATED_DATEtimestamp_ntzDate the record was created in Snowflake.2020-01-01 01:01:00.000
_MODIFIED_DATEtimestamp_ntzDate the record was last modified in Snowflake.2020-01-01 01:01:00.000
_DELETED_DATEtimestamp_ntzDate the record was marked as deleted in Snowflake.2020-01-01 01:01:00.000
OPPORTUNITY_TYPEvarcharType of Opportunity, such as New Business, Renewal, etc.Renewal, Prospect

Only available in Marketo Measure Ultimate


Stage transitions for Opportunities.

ColumnData TypeDescriptionSample Data
IDvarcharA unique Id for the transition.ST_0060Z00000nEgjlQAC_0030Z00003IjojKQAR_Demo Scheduled-1_BAT2_0060Z00000nEgjlQAC_0030Z00003IjojKQAR_2018-06-01:19-51-38-1685390.beec556e7757
ACCOUNT_IDvarcharId for the Account associated with the Opportunity.0013100001b44nTAAQ
OPPORTUNITY_IDvarcharId for the Opportunity associatedto the transition.0060Z00000nEgjlQAC
CONTACT_IDvarcharId for the Contact associated to the transition.0030Z00003IjojKQAR
EMAILvarcharThe provided email address for the related
TOUCHPOINT_IDvarcharId for the Buyer Attribution Touchpoint tied to the transition.BAT2_0060Z00000nEgjlQAC_0030Z00003IjojKQAR_2018-06-01:19-51-38-1685390.beec556e7757
TRANSITION_DATEtimestamp_ntzDate the record transitioned into the stage.2018-05-26 07:29:43.000
STAGEvarcharName of the stage for the transition.Demo Scheduled
STAGE_IDvarcharId value of the stage for the transition._bizible_FT
RANKnumber(38,0)The numerical rank of the stage, as ordered in the Marketo Measure Stage Mapping settings.4
INDEXvarchar(1)Used in internal processing for indexing and ordering boomerang stages.1
LAST_INDEXvarchar(1)Used in internal processing for indexing and ordering boomerang stages.1
IS_PENDINGbooleanIndicates if the touchpoint is considered pending and not yet closed. This only appears for customers with full path attribution model.false
IS_NON_TRANSITIONALbooleanIndicates if the the row is tied to a milestone stage transition. For example, if there are 3 stages/entries (FT, LC, MQL) and 4 touchpoints, the 1 touchpoint without a stage on it is considered "non-transitional" so the value would equal true.false
PREVIOUS_STAGE_DATEtimestamp_ntzTransition date for the previous stage, according to the stage rank.2015-07-16 17:41:49.000
NEXT_STAGE_DATEtimestamp_ntzTransition date for the next stage, according to the stage rank.2018-08-27 19:40:52.000
MODIFIED_DATEtimestamp_ntzLast modified date of the record.2018-08-28 03:53:33.000
IS_DELETEDbooleanWhether or not the transition record is considered deleted.false
_CREATED_DATEtimestamp_ntzDate the record was created in Snowflake.2020-01-01 01:01:00.000
_MODIFIED_DATEtimestamp_ntzDate the record was last modified in Snowflake.2020-01-01 01:01:00.000
_DELETED_DATEtimestamp_ntzDate the record was marked as deleted in Snowflake.2020-01-01 01:01:00.000


Page Views collected from web visits. Multiple page views can compose a single Session.

ColumnData TypeDescriptionSample Data
IDvarcharA unique Id for the Page View.2018-08-19:16-49-58-24340.277d79d0167849
COOKIE_IDvarcharThe recorded cookie id at the time the Page View was logged.277d79d01678498fea067c9b631bf6df
VISITOR_IDvarcharThe first cookie of the related visitor id.v_277d79d01678498fea067c9b631bf6df
SESSION_IDvarcharThe Session id correlated with the Page View.2018-08-19:16-49-58-24340.277d79d0167849
EVENT_DATEtimestamp_ntzDate the Page View occurred.2018-08-19 16:49:58.000
MODIFIED_DATEtimestamp_ntzDate the record was last modified.2018-08-19 16:55:37.000
CURRENT_PAGEvarcharURL of the Page View, without query parameters.
CURRENT_PAGE_RAWvarcharURL of the Page View, including any query parameters.
IP_ADDRESSvarcharThe recorded IP address at the time the Form was submitted.
TYPEvarcharIndicates the type of Event.PageView
USER_AGENT_STRINGvarcharDevice and browser recorded at the time of the Form Submit.Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:52.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/52.0
CLIENT_SEQUENCEvarchar(1)Indicates the order in which the Page View occurred in the Session.1
CLIENT_RANDOMvarcharUsed for internal auditing and processing.103532
IS_DUPLICATEDbooleanIndicates if the record is considered a duplicate.false
IS_PROCESSEDbooleanUsed for internal processing.true
REFERRER_PAGEvarcharURL where the Page View originated from, without query parameters.
REFERRER_PAGE_RAWvarcharURL where the Page View originated from, including any query parameters.
PAGE_TITLEvarcharTitle of the Page.The CMO's Guide to B2B Marketing Attribution Download
EMAILvarcharEmail address provided on a Form, as captured from the
ROW_KEYnumber(38,0)Foreign Key to the Biz_Facts view.-6255315750913680000
CURRENT_PAGE_KEYnumber(38,0)Foreign Key to the Url table.6255315750913680000
REFERRER_PAGE_KEYnumber(38,0)Foreign Key to the Url table.6255315750913680000
HAS_USER_CONSENTbooleanIndicates if the user has consented to tracking. False means the Page View has been collected because user consent is not required. True means the Page View has been collected and the user has given consent to be tracked.true
_CREATED_DATEtimestamp_ntzDate the record was created in Snowflake.2020-01-01 01:01:00.000
_MODIFIED_DATEtimestamp_ntzDate the record was last modified in Snowflake.2020-01-01 01:01:00.000
_DELETED_DATEtimestamp_ntzDate the record was marked as deleted in Snowflake.2020-01-01 01:01:00.000


Table that stores all placements downloaded from any connected ads accounts, an object from the Doubleclick integration.

ColumnData TypeDescriptionSample Data
IDvarcharA unique Id for the
DISPLAY_IDvarcharThe Placement Id from the source system.10426699711
AD_ACCOUNT_UNIQUE_IDvarcharId for the Ad Account from which the Placement was imported.fb. 106851586409075
AD_ACCOUNT_NAMEvarcharName for the Ad Account from which the Placement was imported.Marketo Measure
ADVERTISER_UNIQUE_IDvarcharId of the Advertiser for the Placement, specifically for Doubleclick.300184624
ADVERTISER_NAMEvarcharName of the Advertiser for the Placement, specifically for Doubleclick.Marketo Measure Analytics
AD_GROUP_UNIQUE_IDvarcharExpected to be null since there is no Ad Group above the Placement in any ads hierarchy.null
AD_GROUP_NAMEvarcharExpected to be null since there is no Ad Group above the Placement in any ads hierarchy.null
AD_CAMPAIGN_UNIQUE_IDvarcharId of the Campaign for the
AD_CAMPAIGN_NAMEvarcharName of the Campaign for the Placement.Pipeline Marketing
IS_ACTIVEbooleanWhether or not the Placement is still active in the source system.true
IS_DELETEDbooleanWhether or not the Placement has been deleted in the source system.false
MODIFIED_DATEtimestamp_ntzDate the record was last modified.2018-08-02 06:36:25.000
FIRST_IMPORTEDtimestamp_ntzDate the record was first imported from the source system.2018-08-02 06:36:25.000
NAMEvarcharName of the Placement, from the source system.Market

Whether or not the Placement needs to be updated for Marketo Measure tagging.

(Diagnostic field, used by internal processing.)

GROUPING_KEYvarcharDiagnostic field, for internal processing.
ENTITY_TYPEvarcharThe main object or entity for this table. In this case, "Placement".Placement
PROVIDER_TYPEvarcharName of the Ad Provider for the Placement.BingAds
ROW_KEYnumber(38,0)Foreign Key to the Biz_Facts view.6008900572523230000
_CREATED_DATEtimestamp_ntzSnowflake's created date of the record2020-01-01 01:01:00.000
_MODIFIED_DATEtimestamp_ntzSnowflake's modified date of the record2020-01-01 01:01:00.000
_DELETED_DATEtimestamp_ntzSnowflake's deleted date of the record if it has been deleted2020-01-01 01:01:00.000


Segment values as defined in the Marketo Measure application.

ColumnData TypeDescriptionSample Data
IDvarcharA unique Id for the Segment.New Business
NAMEvarcharName of the Segment.New Business
ROW_KEYnumber(38,0)Foreign Key to the Biz_Facts view.1028715376434030000
_CREATED_DATEtimestamp_ntzDate the record was created in Snowflake.2020-01-01 01:01:00.000
_MODIFIED_DATEtimestamp_ntzDate the record was last modified in Snowflake.2020-01-01 01:01:00.000
_DELETED_DATEtimestamp_ntzDate the record was marked as deleted in Snowflake.2020-01-01 01:01:00.000


Maps the name of the custom segment to it’s category value. (This maps the column names to the Category1 - 15 column headers found in the touchpoint tables.)

ColumnData TypeDescriptionSample Data
CATEGORYvarcharIndicates the category the segment name is mapped to.CategoryOne
MODIFIED_DATEtimestamp_ntzDate the record was last modified.2022-02-28 18:12:35.000
SEGMENT_NAMEvarcharName of the segment mapped to the category.1028715376434030000
IS_ACTIVEbooleanIndicates if the category is in use.true
IS_DELETEDbooleanIndicates if the record is deleted.false
_CREATED_DATEtimestamp_ntzDate the record was created in Snowflake.2020-01-01 01:01:00.000
_MODIFIED_DATEtimestamp_ntzDate the record was last modified in Snowflake.2020-01-01 01:01:00.000
_DELETED_DATEtimestamp_ntzDate the record was marked as deleted in Snowflake.2020-01-01 01:01:00.000


Sessions as processed from Page Views. Multiple Page Views can make up one Session, and a single visitor id can be associated to multiple Sessions.

ColumnData TypeDescriptionSample Data
IDvarcharA unique Id for the Session.2016-08-01:14-24-21-9079480.33163948f0a3
VISITOR_IDvarcharThe first cookie of the related visitor id.v_277d79d01678498fea067c9b631bf6df
COOKIE_IDvarcharThe recorded cookie id of the Session.277d79d01678498fea067c9b631bf6df
EVENT_DATEtimestamp_ntzDate of the Session.2016-08-01 14:24:21.000
MODIFIED DATEtimestamp_ntzDate the record was last modified.2018-09-01 03:49:10.000
IS_FIRST_SESSIONbooleanIndicates if this is the first Session for the visitor id.true
CHANNELvarcharChannel attirbuted to the Session, as defined by the Channel definitions set in the Marketo Measure application.Paid Search.AdWords
PAGE_TITLEvarcharName of the web page.Salesforce Google Analytics | Marketo Measure
LANDING_PAGEvarcharURL of the first Page View of the Session, without query parameters.
LANDING_PAGE_RAWvarcharURL of the first Page View of the Session, including any query parameters. p&gclid=CMvd5YTLo84CFUI9gQodd-kLEQ
REFERRER_PAGEvarcharURL where the Session originated from, without query parameters.
REFERRER_PAGE_RAWvarcharURL where the Session originated from, including any query parameters.
REFERRER_NAMEvarcharName of the referrer page.Google
SEARCH_PHRASEvarcharThe value that the user entered in the browser to search for and ended up on the website.Marketo Measure google salesforce
WEB_SOURCEvarcharUsed to define the source that resulted in the Session. This can be parsed out from the URL from utm_source or set to an Ad Provider if Marketo Measure is able to resolve an ad.Google AdWords
HAS_FORMbooleanWhether or not the Session contained a Form fill,true
HAS_CHATbooleanWhether or not the Session contained a web chat.false
HAS_EMAILbooleanWhether or not the Session had an email address.false
HAS_CRM_ACTIVITYbooleanWhether or not the Sesssion came from a CRM activity record.false
DEVICEvarcharThe browser and operating system of the user during the Session.Chrome (65.0), Windows (6.1)
AD_PROVIDERvarcharThe Ad platform Marketo Measure resolvde from, typically one of our integration partners.Google
ACCOUNT_UNIQUE_IDvarcharId of the Ad Account which the ad was resolved
ACCOUNT_NAMEvarcharName of the Ad Account which the ad was resolved from.Marketo Measure
ADVERTISER_UNIQUE_IDvarcharId of the Advertiser the Ad was resolved from, specifically from Doubleclick connection.300181641
ADVERTISER_NAMEvarcharName of the Advertiser the Ad was resolved from, specifically from Doubleclick connection.Marketing Analytics
SITE_UNIQUE_IDvarcharId of the Site the Ad was resolved from. This only applies to Doubleclick Campaign Manager.1695651
SITE_NAMEvarcharName of the Site the Ad was resolved from. This only applies to Doubleclick Campaign
PLACEMENT_UNIQUE_IDvarcharId of the Palcement the Ad was resolved from. This only applies to Doubleclick Campaign Manager.120839827
PLACEMENT_NAMEvarcharName of the Placement the Ad was resolved from. This only applies to Doubleclick Campaign Manager.roadblock
CAMPAIGN_UNIQUE_IDvarcharId of the Campaign the Ad was resolved
CAMPAIGN_NAMEvarcharName of the Campaign the Ad was resolved from.Planning Your Budget Webinar
AD_GROUP_UNIQUE_IDvarcharId of the Ad Group the Ad was resolved from. This only applies to Google
AD_GROUP_NAMEvarcharName of the Ad Group the Ad was resolved from. This only applies to Google Adwords.Salesforce - Google Analytics
AD_UNIQUE_IDvarcharId of the Ad resolved from. This applies to Doubleclick Campaign Manager and Facebook (display).aw.6601259029.321586235.23182235435
AD_NAMEvarcharName of the Ad resolved from. This applies to Doubleclick Campaign Manager and Facebook (display).Winter Promo - Green
CREATIVE_UNIQUE_IDvarcharId of the Creative the Ad was resolved from. This applies to Google AdWords and Bing Ads (search).aw.6601259029.321586235.23182235435.83558988035
CREATIVE_NAMEvarcharName of the Creative the Ad was resolved from. This applies to Google AdWords and Bing Ads (search).Integrate GA & Salesforce
CREATIVE_DESCRIPTION_1varcharThe first line of the Creative from the search Ad, pulled from the Ad Account in which the Ad was resolved from. This applies to Google AdWords and Bing Ads (search).Integrate Salesforce & Analytics To
CREATIVE_DESCRIPTION_2varcharThe second line of the Creative from the search Ad, pulled from the Ad Account in which the Ad was resolved from. This applies to Google AdWords and Bing Ads (search).Optimize for Revenue. Learn How.
CREATIVE_DESTINATION_URLvarcharThe landing page that clicks through from the search Ad, pulled from the Ad Account in which the Ad was resolved from. This applies to Google AdWords and Bing Ads (search).
CREATIVE_DISPLAY_URLvarcharThe friendly URL name that's shown on the search Ad, pulled from the Ad Account in which the Ad was resolved from. This applies to Google AdWords and Bing Ads (search)
KEYWORD_UNIQUE_IDvarcharId of the Keyword the Ad was resolved from. This applies to Google AdWords and Bing Ads (search).aw.6601259029.321586235.23182235435.35934468937
KEYWORD_NAMEvarcharName of the Keyword the Ad was resolved from. This applies to Google AdWords and Bing Ads (search).google analytics salesforce
KEYWORD_MATCH_TYPEvarcharThe type of match found between the search phrase and the purchased keyword.Phrase
CAMPAIGNvarcharParsed from the URL from utm_campaign.SU - ABC Accounts - Paid Media Skills
SOURCEvarcharParsed from the URL from utm_source.linkedin
MEDIUMvarcharParsed from the URL from utm_medium.Social
TERMvarcharParsed from the URL from utm_term.lisu07261601
CONTENTvarcharParsed from the URL from utm_content.2016 AdWords Benchmark Report
CITYvarcharThe resolved city from the IP address.Vancouver
REGIONvarcharThe resolved region from the IP address.British Columbia
COUNTRYvarcharThe resolved country from the IP address.Canada
ISP_NAMEvarcharExpected to be null since the field is obsolete.NULL
IP_ADDRESSvarcharThe recorded IP address at the time the Session.
IS_DELETEDbooleanDetermines if this Session was merged with another and should be deleted.false
ROW_KEYnumber(38,0)Foreign Key to the Biz_Facts view.-2712935512233520000
_CREATED_DATEtimestamp_ntzDate the record was created in Snowflake.2020-01-01 01:01:00.000
_MODIFIED_DATEtimestamp_ntzDate the record was last modified in Snowflake.2020-01-01 01:01:00.000
_DELETED_DATEtimestamp_ntzDate the record was marked as deleted in Snowflake.2020-01-01 01:01:00.000


Sites imported from any connected Ad Account.

ColumnData TypeDescriptionSample Data
IDvarcharA unique Id for the
DISPLAY_IDvarcharThe Site Id from the source system.39464932147
AD_ACCOUNT_UNIQUE_IDvarcharId for the Ad Account from which the Site was
AD_ACCOUNT_NAMEvarcharName of the Ad Account from which the Site was imported.Marketo Measure
ADVERTISER_UNIQUE_IDvarcharThe Id of the advertiser for the site, specifically for Doubleclick.300181641
ADVERTISER_NAMEvarcharThe name of the advertiser for the site, specifically for Doubleclick.Marketing Analytics
AD_GROUP_UNIQUE_IDvarcharExpected to be null since there is no Ad Group above Site in any ads hierarchy.null
AD_GROUP_NAMEvarcharExpected to be null since there is no Ad Group above Site in any ads hierarchy.null
AD_CAMPAIGN_UNIQUE_IDvarcharId of the Campaign for the
AD_CAMPAIGN_NAMEvarcharName of the Campaign for the Site.Revue Attribution
IS_ACTIVEbooleanWhether or not the Site is still active in the source system.true
IS_DELETEDbooleanWhether or not the Site has been deleted in the source system.false
MODIFIED_DATEtimestamp_ntzDate the record was last modified.2018-08-02 06:37:29.000
FIRST_IMPORTEDtimestamp_ntzDate the record was first imported from the source system.2018-08-02 06:37:29.000
NAMEvarcharName of the Site, from the source system.Revenue

Whether or not the Site needs to be updated for Marketo Measure tagging.

(Diagnostic field, used for internal processing.)

GROUPING_KEYvarcharDiagnostic field, used for internal processing.
ENTITY_TYPEvarcharThe main object or entity for this table. In this case, "Site".Site
PROVIDER_TYPEvarcharName of the Ad Provider for the Site.AdWords
ROW_KEYnumber(38,0)Foreign Key to the Biz_Facts view.-2712935512233520000
_CREATED_DATEtimestamp_ntzDate the record was created in Snowflake.2020-01-01 01:01:00.000
_MODIFIED_DATEtimestamp_ntzDate the record was last modified in Snowflake.2020-01-01 01:01:00.000
_DELETED_DATEtimestamp_ntzDate the record was marked as deleted in Snowflake.2020-01-01 01:01:00.000

Sites Links from any connected Ads Account.

ColumnData TypeDescriptionSample Data
IDvarcharA unique Id for the site linkaw.6601259029.285077795.1654234342
AD_ACCOUNT_UNIQUE_IDvarcharThe ID of the connected ads account for the site linkaw.6601259029
AD_ACCOUNT_NAMEvarcharThe name of the connected ads account for the site linkMarketo Measure
ADVERTISER_UNIQUE_IDvarcharThe Id of the advertiser for the site link, specifically for Doubleclick.300181641
ADVERTISER_NAMEvarcharThe name of the advertiser for the site link, specifically for Doubleclick.Marketing Analytics
AD_GROUP_UNIQUE_IDvarcharThe ID of the ad group for the site linkaw.6601259029.208548635.16750166675
AD_GROUP_NAMEvarcharThe name of the ad group for the site linkBrand - Core
AD_CAMPAIGN_UNIQUE_IDvarcharThe ID of the campaign for the site linkaw.6601259029.285077795
AD_CAMPAIGN_NAMEvarcharThe name of the campaign for the site linkBrand
IS_ACTIVEbooleanWhether or not the site link is still active in the ads accountTRUE
IS_DELETEDbooleanWhether or not the site link has been deleted in the ads accountFALSE
MODIFIED_DATEtimestamp_ntzThe last modified date of the row2018-08-02 06:36:50.000
FIRST_IMPORTEDtimestamp_ntzThe date that the site link was first downloaded by Marketo Measure2018-08-02 06:36:50.000
NAMEvarcharThe name of the site linkLink A
NEEDS_UPDATEbooleanWhether or not the site link needs to get updated to get Marekto Measure taggingFALSE
ENTITY_TYPEvarcharThe main object or entity for this table. In this case, "SiteLink"SiteLink
PROVIDER_TYPEvarcharThe name of the ads provider for the site linkAdWords

The URL for the landing page.

(Diagnostic field, for internal processing.)



Previous value for URL_CURRENT.

(Diagnostic field, for internal processing.)


What the URL will be decorated with Marketo Measure parameters.

(Diagnostic field, for internal processing.)

_CREATED_DATEtimestamp_ntzSnowflake's created date of the record2020-01-01 01:01:00.000
_MODIFIED_DATEtimestamp_ntzSnowflake's modified date of the record2020-01-01 01:01:00.000
_DELETED_DATEtimestamp_ntzSnowflake's deleted date of the record if it has been deleted2020-01-01 01:01:00.000


List of stages as imported or defined in the Marketo Measure application.

ColumnData TypeDescriptionSample Data
IDvarcharA unique Id for the Stage.01J3100000QE753EAD
MODIFIED_DATEtimestamp_ntzDate the record was last modified.2018-08-22 17:27:27.000
STAGE_NAMEvarcharName of the Stage.Verbal
IS_INACTIVEbooleanIndicates if the Stage is considered inactive.false
IS_IN_CUSTOM_MODELbooleanIndicates if the Stage is selected to track in the custom model.false
IS_BOOMERANGbooleanIndicates if the Stage is selected to track as a boomerang stage.false
IS_TRANSITION_TRACKINGbooleanIndicates if the Stage is selected to track for transitions.false
STAGE_STATUSvarcharStatus of the Stage, as defined in the Marketo Measure application Stage Mapping.Open
IS_FROM_SALESFORCEbooleanIndicates if the Stage is imported from an external source system.true
IS_DEFAULTbooleanIndicates if the Stage is set as a default.false
RANKnumber(38,0)The numerical rank of the Stage, used to sort Stages in transitional order.53
IS_DELETEDbooleanWhether or not the Stage has been deleted.false
_CREATED_DATEtimestamp_ntzDate the record was created in Snowflake.2020-01-01 01:01:00.000
_MODIFIED_DATEtimestamp_ntzDate the record was last modified in Snowflake.2020-01-01 01:01:00.000
_DELETED_DATEtimestamp_ntzDate the record was marked as deleted in Snowflake.2020-01-01 01:01:00.000


Buyer Touchpoints, all touchpoints associated with a Lead or Contact. This table will be empty if Lead Touchpoints or Contact Touchpoints are disabled.

ColumnData TypeDescriptionSample Data
IDvarcharA unique Id for the Buyer Touchpoint (BT).TP2_Person_00Q0Z000013e2PYUAY_2018-08-27:20-04-40-5655690.1ee8567c175a
MODIFIED_DATEtimestamp_ntzDate the record was last modified.2018-08-29 22:29:30.000
EMAILvarcharEmail address associated with the
CONTACT_IDvarcharId for the Contact associated with the BT.0030Z00003K5bpKQAR
ACCOUNT_IDvarcharId for the Account associated with the BT.0013100001lSLScAAO
LEAD_IDvarcharId for the Lead associated with the BT.00Q0Z000013e2PYUAY
UNIQUE_ID_PERSONvarcharThe parent person record that relates to a Lead or Contact.Person_00Q0Z000013e2PYUAY
USER_TOUCHPOINT_IDvarcharId for the User Touchpoint which generated the BT.person@adobe.com_2018-08-29:18-14-53-8102030.10df92cbb414
VISITOR_IDvarcharId for the visitor associated with the BT.v_277d79d01678498fea067c9b631bf6df
TOUCHPOINT_DATEtimestamp_ntzDate of the touchpoint.2018-08-27 20:04:40.000
MARKETING_TOUCH_TYPEvarcharThe type of activity, Web Visit, Web Form, Web Chat, Phone Call, [CRM] Campaign, or [CRM] Activity. Referred to in the CRM as "Touchpoint Type."Web Form
CHANNELvarcharThe channel the touchpoint falls into, as defined in the custom channel definitions within the Marketo Measure App. Referred to in the CRM as "Marketing Channel - Path."Social.LinkedIn
CATEGORY1varcharThe segment value for the 1st Category the touchpoint falls into, as defined in the segment definitions within the Marketo Measure App. Referred to in the CRM as "Segments".ABC
CATEGORY2varcharThe segment value for the 2nd Category the touchpoint falls into, as defined in the segment definitions within the Marketo Measure App. Referred to in the CRM as "Segments".Yes
CATEGORY3varcharThe segment value for the 3rd Category the touchpoint falls into, as defined in the segment definitions within the Marketo Measure App. Referred to in the CRM as "Segments".Other
CATEGORY4varcharThe segment value for the 4th Category the touchpoint falls into, as defined in the segment definitions within the Marketo Measure App. Referred to in the CRM as "Segments".Partner
CATEGORY5varcharThe segment value for the 5th Category the touchpoint falls into, as defined in the segment definitions within the Marketo Measure App. Referred to in the CRM as "Segments".
CATEGORY6varcharThe segment value for the 6th Category the touchpoint falls into, as defined in the segment definitions within the Marketo Measure App. Referred to in the CRM as "Segments".
CATEGORY7varcharThe segment value for the 7th Category the touchpoint falls into, as defined in the segment definitions within the Marketo Measure App. Referred to in the CRM as "Segments".
CATEGORY8varcharThe segment value for the 8th Category the touchpoint falls into, as defined in the segment definitions within the Marketo Measure App. Referred to in the CRM as "Segments".
CATEGORY9varcharThe segment value for the 9th Category the touchpoint falls into, as defined in the segment definitions within the Marketo Measure App. Referred to in the CRM as "Segments".
CATEGORY10varcharThe segment value for the 10th Category the touchpoint falls into, as defined in the segment definitions within the Marketo Measure App. Referred to in the CRM as "Segments".
CATEGORY11varcharThe segment value for the 11th Category the touchpoint falls into, as defined in the segment definitions within the Marketo Measure App. Referred to in the CRM as "Segments".
CATEGORY12varcharThe segment value for the 12th Category the touchpoint falls into, as defined in the segment definitions within the Marketo Measure App. Referred to in the CRM as "Segments".
CATEGORY13varcharThe segment value for the 13th Category the touchpoint falls into, as defined in the segment definitions within the Marketo Measure App. Referred to in the CRM as "Segments".
CATEGORY14varcharThe segment value for the 14th Category the touchpoint falls into, as defined in the segment definitions within the Marketo Measure App. Referred to in the CRM as "Segments".
CATEGORY15varcharThe segment value for the 15th Category the touchpoint falls into, as defined in the segment definitions within the Marketo Measure App. Referred to in the CRM as "Segments".
BROWSER_NAMEvarcharFrom the javascript and IP address, the detected browser that the user was on during the session.Chrome
BROWSER_VERSIONvarcharFrom the javascript and IP address, the detected version of the browser that the user was on during the session.68
PLATFORM_NAMEvarcharFrom the javascript and IP address, the detected platform that the user was on during the session.Windows
PLATFORM_VERSIONvarcharFrom the javascript and IP address, the detected version of the platform that the user was on during the session.10_12
LANDING_PAGEvarcharThe first landing page of the session which resulted in a touchpoint. Referred to in the CRM as "Landing Page".
LANDING_PAGE_RAWvarcharThe first landing page of the session that resulted in a touchpoint. A raw landing page will contain all query parameters in the URL. Referred to in the CRM as "Landing Page - Raw". Skills&utm_content=DGPM&utm_term=lisu03151846&_bl=66452504
REFERRER_PAGEvarcharTypically the external landing page immediately before the user comes onto the website. Referred to in the CRM as "Referrer Page".
REFERRER_PAGE_RAWvarcharTypically the external landing page immediately before the user comes onto the website. A raw referrer page may contain query parameters in the URL. Referred to in the CRM as "Referrer Page - Raw".
FORM_PAGEvarcharThe first form recorded in a session which resulted in a touchpoint. Subsequent form submissions will not show up in the Touchpoints table, but rather in the Form_Submits table. Referred to in the CRM as "Form URL".
FORM_PAGE_RAWvarcharThe first form recorded in a session which resulted in a touchpoint. Subsequent form submissions will not show up in the Touchpoints table, but rather in the Form_Submits table. A raw form page may contain query parameters in the URL. Referred to in the CRM as "Form URL - Raw".
FORM_DATEtimestamp_ntzDate the form submission occurred.2017-06-20 01:06:41.000
CITYvarcharFrom the javascript and IP address, the detected city the user was in during the session.New York
REGIONvarcharFrom the javascript and IP address, the detected region the user was in during the session.New York
COUNTRYvarcharFrom the javascript and IP address, the detected country the user was in during the session.United States
MEDIUMvarcharUsed to define the medium which resulted in the touchpoint. This can either be parsed out from the URL from utm_medium. Or, if Marketo Measure is able to resolve an ad, it may be values such as "cpc" or "display."Social
WEB_SOURCEvarcharUsed to define the source which resulted in the touchpoint. This can be parsed out from the URL from utm_source, generically set as "CRM Campaign" if it was synced from the CRM, or if Marketo Measure is able to resolve an ad, it may be values such as "Google AdWords" or "Facebook." Referred to in the CRM as "Touchpoint Source".LinkedIn
SEARCH_PHRASEvarcharThe value which the user entered in the browser to search for and ended up on the website. Depending on the keyword buys, this may or may not match the keywords purchased from the Paid Search platform.markeot measure attribution
AD_PROVIDERvarcharAd platform Marketo Measure was able to resolve from, typically one of our integration partners.LinkedIn
ACCOUNT_UNIQUE_IDvarcharId of the Ad Account in which the ad was resolved
ACCOUNT_NAMEvarcharName of the Ad Account in which the ad was resolved from.MM SC 2016_14605342_3/7-3/31/16
ADVERTISER_UNIQUE_IDvarcharId of the Advertiser from the Ad Account in which the Ad was resolved from. This only applies to Doubleclick Campaign Manager.300181641
ADVERTISER_NAMEvarcharName of the Advertiser from the Ad Account in which the Ad was resolved from. This only applies to Doubleclick Campaign Manager.Marketo Marketing Analytics
SITE_UNIQUE_IDvarcharId of the Site from the Ad Account in which the Ad was resolved from. This only applies to Doubleclick Campaign Manager.1695651
SITE_NAMEvarcharName of the Site from the Ad Account in which the Ad was resolved from. This only applies to Doubleclick Campaign
PLACEMENT_UNIQUE_IDvarcharId of the Placement from the Ad Account in which the Ad was resolved from. This only applies to Doubleclick Campaign Manager.120839827
PLACEMENT_NAMEvarcharName of the Placement from the Ad Account in which the Ad was resolved from. This only applies to Doubleclick Campaign Manager.roadblock
CAMPAIGN_UNIQUE_IDvarcharId of the Campaign from the Ad Account in which the Ad was resolved
CAMPAIGN_NAMEvarcharName of the Campaign from the Ad Account in which the Ad was resolved from.SU - COM Accounts - Demand Skills
AD_GROUP_UNIQUE_IDvarcharId of the Ad Group from the Ad Account in which the Ad was resolved from. This only applies to Google
AD_GROUP_NAMEvarcharName of the Ad Group from the Ad Account in which the Ad was resolved from. This only applies to Google AdWords.Marketing Attribution - General
AD_UNIQUE_IDvarcharId of the Ad from the Ad Account in which the Ad was resolved from. This applies to Doubleclick Campaign Manager and Facebook (display).dc.6114.8882972.25272734.492579576
AD_NAMEvarcharName of the Ad from the Ad Account in which the Ad was resolved from. This applies to Doubleclick Campaign Manager and Facebook (display).Budget Webinar - sidebar
CREATIVE_UNIQUE_IDvarcharId of the Creative from the Ad Account in which the Ad was resolved from. This applies to Google AdWords and Bing Ads (search).li.502664737.138949954.66452504
CREATIVE_NAMEvarcharName of the Creative from the Ad Account in which the Ad was resolved from. This applies to Google AdWords and Bing Ads (search).lisu03151846
CREATIVE_DESCRIPTION_1varcharThe first line of the Creative from the search Ad, pulled from the Ad Account in which the Ad was resolved from. This applies to Google AdWords and Bing Ads (search).Lead gen is done
CREATIVE_DESCRIPTION_2varcharThe second line of the Creative from the search Ad, pulled from the Ad Account in which the Ad was resolved from. This applies to Google AdWords and Bing Ads (search).Download the definitive guide to pipeline marketing:
CREATIVE_DESTINATION_URLvarcharThe landing page that clicks through from the search Ad, pulled from the Ad Account in which the Ad was resolved from. This applies to Google AdWords and Bing Ads (search).
CREATIVE_DISPLAY_URLvarcharThe friendly URL name that's shown on the search Ad, pulled from the Ad Account in which the Ad was resolved from. This applies to Google AdWords and Bing Ads (search)
KEYWORD_UNIQUE_IDvarcharId of the Keyword purchased from the Paid Search buy, pulled from the Ad Account in which the Ad was resolved from. This applies to Google AdWords and Bing Ads (search).__GAId__lisu03151846
KEYWORD_NAMEvarcharName of the Keyword purchased from the Paid Search buy, pulled from the Ad Account in which the Ad was resolved from. This applies to Google AdWords and Bing Ads (search)lisu03151846
KEYWORD_MATCH_TYPEvarcharThe type of match found between the search phrase and the purchased keyword.Broad
IS_FIRST_TOUCHbooleanWhether or not this touchpoint is treated as the first touch of the opportunity journey.true
IS_LEAD_CREATION_TOUCHbooleanWhether or not this touchpoint is treated as the lead creation touch of the opportunity journey.true
IS_OPP_CREATION_TOUCHbooleanWhether or not this touchpoint is treated as the opportunity creation touch of the opportunity journey.false
IS_CLOSED_TOUCHbooleanWhether or not this touchpoint is treated as the closed touch of the opportunity journey.false
STAGES_TOUCHEDvarcharThis field has been deprecated. Use the Stage_Transitions tables for stage information.null
IS_FORM_SUBMISSION_TOUCHbooleanWhether or not this touchpoint had a form fill during the session.true
IS_IMPRESSION_TOUCHbooleanWhether or not this touchpoint is treated as the first impression touch of the opportunity journeyfalse
FIRST_CLICK_PERCENTAGEnumber(22,19)The calculated percentage allocated to this touchpoint because it's a first touch (See Is_First_Touch).100
LAST_ANON_CLICK_PERCENTAGEnumber(22,19)The calculated percentage allocated to this touchpoint because it's a lead creation touch (See Is_Lead_Creation_Touch).100
U_SHAPE_PERCENTAGEnumber(22,19)The calculated percentage allocated to this touchpoint because it's part of a u-shaped touch (See Is_First_Touch and Is_Lead_Creation_Touch).100
W_SHAPE_PERCENTAGEnumber(22,19)The calculated percentage allocated to this touchpoint because it's part of a w-shaped touch (See Is_First_Touch, Is_Lead_Creation_Touch, and Is_Opp_Creation_Touch). Expected to be 0 since this is a BT.0
FULL_PATH_PERCENTAGEnumber(22,19)The calculated percentage allocated to this touchpoint because it's part of a full path model (See Is_First_Touch, Is_Lead_Creation_Touch, Is_Opp_Creation_Touch, Is_Closed_Touch). Expected to be 0 since this is a BT.0
CUSTOM_MODEL_PERCENTAGEnumber(22,19)The calculated percentage allocated to this touchpoint because it's part of a custom model (See Is_First_Touch, Is_Lead_Creation_Touch, Is_Opp_Creation_Touch, Is_Closed_Touch). Expected to be 0 since this is a BT.0
IS_DELETEDbooleanWhether this touchpoint is deleted.false
ROW_KEYnumber(38,0)Foreign Key to the Biz_Facts view.-9004910726709710000
_CREATED_DATEtimestamp_ntzDate the record was created in Snowflake.2020-01-01 01:01:00.000
_MODIFIED_DATEtimestamp_ntzDate the record was last modified in Snowflake.2020-01-01 01:01:00.000
_DELETED_DATEtimestamp_ntzDate the record was marked as deleted in Snowflake.2020-01-01 01:01:00.000


Aggregation of URLs from landing pages, referrer pages, and page views.

ColumnData TypeDescriptionSample Data
IDvarcharThe full URL,.
SCHEMEvarcharThe secure communication of the web page over the network.https
HOSTvarcharThe domain of the URL, with any
PAGE_TITLEvarcharTitle of the page.The CMO's Guide to B2B Marketing Attribution Download
PATHvarcharThe part of the URL that points to a specific location on the host./blog/strategic-marketing-plangoals
PORTvarcharThe port from an internet host, optional in a URL.584
ROW_KEYnumber(38,0)Foreign Key to the Biz_Facts view.5686109553536636820
_CREATED_DATEtimestamp_ntzDate the record was created in Snowflake.2020-01-01 01:01:00.000
_MODIFIED_DATEtimestamp_ntzDate the record was last modified in Snowflake.2020-01-01 01:01:00.000
_DELETED_DATEtimestamp_ntzDate the record was marked as deleted in Snowflake.2020-01-01 01:01:00.000


All Touchpoints created from any event tied to an email.

ColumnData TypeDescriptionSample Data
IDvarcharA unique Id for the User Touchpoint.person@adobe.com_2018-01-05:16-47-02-8803320.ddf67c101f58
MODIFIED_DATEtimestamp_ntzDate the record was last modified.2018-09-05 23:30:53.000
EMAILvarcharEmail address associated with the User
SESSION_IDvarcharId for the Session which created the User Touchpoint.2018-01-05:16-47-02-8803320.ddf67c101f58
CAMPAIGN_MEMBER_IDvarcharId for the Campaign Member which created the User Touchpoint.00v0Z00001VTgv1QAD
CRM_ACTIVITY_IDvarcharId for the Activity which created the User Touchpoint.1678625515
CRM_EVENT_IDvarcharId for the Event which created the User Touchpoint.00U0Z00000pCZmyUAG
CRM_TASK_IDvarcharTId for the Task which created the User Touchpoint.00T0Z00004Qbd1jUAB
IMPRESSION_IDvarcharId for the Impression which created the User Touchpoint.00T0Z00004Qbd1jUAB
IS_FIRST_KNOWN_TOUCHbooleanWhether or not this touchpoint is treated as the first touch of the opportunity journey.false
VISITOR_IDvarcharThe first cookie id of the related visitor id.v_36ec805b4db344d6e92c972c86aee34a
TOUCHPOINT_DATEtimestamp_ntzDate the User Touchpoint occured.2018-01-05 16:47:02.000
MARKETING_TOUCH_TYPEvarcharThe type of activity, Web Visit, Web Form, Web Chat, Phone Call, [CRM] Campaign, or [CRM] Activity. Referred to in the CRM as "Touchpoint Type."Web Form
CHANNELvarcharThe channel the touchpoint falls into, as defined in the custom channel definitions within the Marketo Measure App. Referred to in the CRM as "Marketing Channel - Path."Social.LinkedIn
BROWSER_NAMEvarcharFrom the javascript and IP address, the detected browser that the user was on during the session.Firefox
BROWSER_VERSIONvarcharFrom the javascript and IP address, the detected version of the browser that the user was on during the session.33
PLATFORM_NAMEvarcharFrom the javascript and IP address, the detected platform that the user was on during the session.Mac
PLATFORM_VERSIONvarcharFrom the javascript and IP address, the detected version of the platform that the user was on during the session.10_12
LANDING_PAGEvarcharThe first landing page of the session which resulted in a touchpoint. Referred to in the CRM as "Landing Page".
LANDING_PAGE_RAWvarcharThe first landing page of the session that resulted in a touchpoint. A raw landing page will contain all query parameters in the URL. Referred to in the CRM as "Landing Page - Raw". marketo+%maeasure%27s+Pipeline+Marketing+Blog%29
REFERRER_PAGEvarcharTypically the external landing page immediately before the user comes onto the website. Referred to in the CRM as "Referrer Page".
REFERRER_PAGE_RAWvarcharTypically the external landing page immediately before the user comes onto the website. A raw referrer page may contain query parameters in the URL. Referred to in the CRM as "Referrer Page - Raw".
FORM_PAGEvarcharThe first form recorded in a session which resulted in a touchpoint. Subsequent form submissions will not show up in the Attribution_Touchpoints table, but rather in the Form_Submits table. Referred to in the CRM as "Form URL".
FORM_PAGE_RAWvarcharThe first form recorded in a session which resulted in a touchpoint. Subsequent form submissions will not show up in the Attribution_Touchpoints table, but rather in the Form_Submits table. A raw form page may contain query parameters in the URL. Referred to in the CRM as "Form URL - Raw". _campaign=Content%20-%20AdWords%20Guide
FORM_DATEtimestamp_ntzDate the form submission occurred.2015-06-03 17:49:10.000
CITYvarcharFrom the javascript and IP address, the detected city the user was in during the session.Oakland
REGIONvarcharFrom the javascript and IP address, the detected region the user was in during the session.California
COUNTRYvarcharFrom the javascript and IP address, the detected country the user was in during the session.United States
MEDIUMvarcharUsed to define the medium which resulted in the touchpoint. This can either be parsed out from the URL from utm_medium. Or, if Marketo Measure is able to resolve an ad, it may be values such as "cpc" or "display."paid
WEB_SOURCEvarcharUsed to define the source which resulted in the touchpoint. This can be parsed out from the URL from utm_source, generically set as "CRM Campaign" if it was synced from the CRM, or if Marketo Measure is able to resolve an ad, it may be values such as "Google AdWords" or "Facebook." Referred to in the CRM as "Touchpoint Source".linkedin
SEARCH_PHRASEvarcharThe value which the user entered in the browser to search for and ended up on the website. Depending on the keyword buys, this may or may not match the keywords purchased from the Paid Search platform.Marketo Measure
AD_PROVIDERvarcharAd platform Marketo Measure was able to resolve from, typically one of our integration partners.Google
ACCOUNT_UNIQUE_IDvarcharId of the Ad Account in which the ad was resolved
ACCOUNT_NAMEvarcharName of the Ad Account in which the ad was resolved from.Marketo Measure Account
ADVERTISER_UNIQUE_IDvarcharId of the Advertiser from the Ad Account in which the Ad was resolved from. This only applies to Doubleclick Campaign Manager.300181641
ADVERTISER_NAMEvarcharName of the Advertiser from the Ad Account in which the Ad was resolved from. This only applies to Doubleclick Campaign Manager.Marketing Analytics
SITE_UNIQUE_IDvarcharId of the Site from the Ad Account in which the Ad was resolved from. This only applies to Doubleclick Campaign Manager.1695651
SITE_NAMEvarcharName of the Site from the Ad Account in which the Ad was resolved from. This only applies to Doubleclick Campaign
PLACEMENT_UNIQUE_IDvarcharId of the Placement from the Ad Account in which the Ad was resolved from. This only applies to Doubleclick Campaign Manager.120839827
PLACEMENT_NAMEvarcharName of the Placement from the Ad Account in which the Ad was resolved from. This only applies to Doubleclick Campaign Manager.roadblock
CAMPAIGN_UNIQUE_IDvarcharId of the Campaign from the Ad Account in which the Ad was resolved
CAMPAIGN_NAMEvarcharName of the Campaign from the Ad Account in which the Ad was resolved from.Brand
AD_GROUP_UNIQUE_IDvarcharId of the Ad Group from the Ad Account in which the Ad was resolved from. This only applies to Google
AD_GROUP_NAMEvarcharName of the Ad Group from the Ad Account in which the Ad was resolved from. This only applies to Google AdWords.Brand - Core
AD_UNIQUE_IDvarcharId of the Ad from the Ad Account in which the Ad was resolved from. This applies to Doubleclick Campaign Manager and Facebook (display).dc.6114.8882972.25272734.492579576
AD_NAMEvarcharName of the Ad from the Ad Account in which the Ad was resolved from. This applies to Doubleclick Campaign Manager and Facebook (display).Budget Webinar - sidebar
CREATIVE_UNIQUE_IDvarcharId of the Creative from the Ad Account in which the Ad was resolved from. This applies to Google AdWords and Bing Ads (search).aw.6601259029.208548635.16750166675.195329631298
CREATIVE_NAMEvarcharName of the Creative from the Ad Account in which the Ad was resolved from. This applies to Google AdWords and Bing Ads (search).Marketo Measure Official Site
CREATIVE_DESCRIPTION_1varcharThe first line of the Creative from the search Ad, pulled from the Ad Account in which the Ad was resolved from. This applies to Google AdWords and Bing Ads (search).Revenue Planning & Attribution
CREATIVE_DESCRIPTION_2varcharThe second line of the Creative from the search Ad, pulled from the Ad Account in which the Ad was resolved from. This applies to Google AdWords and Bing Ads (search).Learn why 250+ companies choose Marketo Measure for marketing attribution. Get a demo!
CREATIVE_DESTINATION_URLvarcharThe landing page that clicks through from the search Ad, pulled from the Ad Account in which the Ad was resolved from. This applies to Google AdWords and Bing Ads (search).
CREATIVE_DISPLAY_URLvarcharThe friendly URL name that's shown on the search Ad, pulled from the Ad Account in which the Ad was resolved from. This applies to Google AdWords and Bing Ads (search)
KEYWORD_UNIQUE_IDvarcharId of the Keyword purchased from the Paid Search buy, pulled from the Ad Account in which the Ad was resolved from. This applies to Google AdWords and Bing Ads (search).aw.6601259029.208548635.16750166675.46267805426
KEYWORD_NAMEvarcharName of the Keyword purchased from the Paid Search buy, pulled from the Ad Account in which the Ad was resolved from. This applies to Google AdWords and Bing Ads (search)[marketo]
KEYWORD_MATCH_TYPEvarcharThe type of match found between the search phrase and the purchased keyword.Exact
IS_FORM_SUBMISSION_TOUCHbooleanWhether or not this touchpoint had a form fill during the session.true
IS_IMPRESSION_TOUCHbooleanWhether or not this touchpoint is treated as the first impression touch of the opportunity journey.false
IS_DELETEDbooleanWhether or not the touchpoint is deleted.false
ROW_KEYnumber(38,0)Foreign Key to the Biz_Facts view.-5269090762570690000
_CREATED_DATEtimestamp_ntzDate the record was created in Snowflake.2020-01-01 01:01:00.000
_MODIFIED_DATEtimestamp_ntzDate the record was last modified in Snowflake.2020-01-01 01:01:00.000
_DELETED_DATEtimestamp_ntzDate the record was marked as deleted in Snowflake.2020-01-01 01:01:00.000


Mapping table to map Marketo Measure Session Id to Adobe ECID and Munckin Id.

ColumnData TypeDescriptionSample Data
IDvarcharA unique Id for the mapping record.0d643578c0c74753eff91abe668ed328|2020-06-17:19:03:36|0002|0|568668
COOKIE_IDvarcharThe Marketo Measure recorded cookie id.0d643578c0c74753eff91abe668ed328
VISITOR_IDvarcharThe first cookie id of the related visitor id.v_0d643578c0c74753eff91abe668ed328
SESSION_IDvarcharThe Marketo Measure Session id.2018-08-06:01-35-24-1231230.9bc63c34482f
EVENT_DATEtimestamp_ntzDate the mapping was recorded.2020-06-17 19:03:36.000
MODIFIED_DATEtimestamp_ntzDate the record was last modified.2020-06-17 19:03:36.000
CURRENT_PAGEvarcharURL of the Page View, without query parameters.
CURRENT_PAGE_RAWvarcharURL of the Page View, including any query parameters.
IP_ADDRESSvarcharThe recorded IP address.
TYPEvarcharIndicates the type of Event.HostMapping
USER_AGENT_STRINGvarcharDevice and browser recorded at the time of the Page View.Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/79.0.3945.130 Safari/537.36
CLIENT_SEQUENCEvarcharIndicates the order in which the Page View occurred in the Session.2
CLIENT_RANDOMvarcharUsed for internal auditing and processing.566868
IS_DUPLICATEDbooleanIndicates if the record is considered a duplicate.false
IS_PROCESSEDbooleanUsed for internal processing.true
MAPPING_TYPEvarcharThe type of Id which is mapped to the Marketo Measure cookie Id.Adobe_OrgId_Ecid
MAPPING_ORD_IDvarcharAdobe IMS Org Id.8CC867C25245ADC30A490D4C
MAPPING_COOKIE_IDvarcharAdobe ECID for the given Org Id.09860926390077352923264316157493772857
_CREATED_DATEtimestamp_ntzDate the record was created in Snowflake.2020-01-01 01:01:00.000
_MODIFIED_DATEtimestamp_ntzDate the record was last modified in Snowflake.2020-01-01 01:01:00.000
_DELETED_DATEtimestamp_ntzDate the record was marked as deleted in Snowflake.2020-01-01 01:01:00.000

Sample Queries

How many Buyer Touchpoints (BTs) were there for each channel/subchannel last month?

--Note: This query can quickly be modified to show Buyer Attribution Touchpoint (BAT) counts by switching the biz_touchpoints table to the biz_attribution_touchpoints table.

select trim(split(,'.')[0])  as channel
      ,trim(split(,'.')[1])  as subchannel
      ,count(                 as buyer_touchpoint_count
  from biz_user_touchpoints     ut
       left outer join
       biz_touchpoints          bt
        on bt.user_touchpoint_id    =
       and bt._deleted_date         is null
       left outer join
       biz_channels             ch
        on               =
       and ch._deleted_date         is null
 where ut._deleted_date is null
   and ut.touchpoint_date between add_months(date_trunc(month,current_date),-1) and last_day(dateadd(month,-1,current_date))
group by 1,2

How much Attributed Revenue for each channel was closed in the past month, for the full path attribution model?

--Note: This query does not perform any currency conversion.  If your data contains multiple currencies, you will need to add in logic to perform the conversion to the desired currency using the biz_conversion_rates table.

select trim(split(,'.')[0])  as channel
      ,sum(opp.amount*(bat.full_path_percentage/100))   as attributed_revenue
  from biz_user_touchpoints         ut
       inner join
       biz_attribution_touchpoints  bat
        on bat.user_touchpoint_id   =
       and bat._deleted_date        is null
       inner join
       biz_opportunities            opp
        on bat.opportunity_id       =
       and opp._deleted_date        is null
       and opp.is_closed            = true
       and opp.is_won               = true
       and opp.close_date between add_months(date_trunc(month,current_date),-1) and last_day(dateadd(month,-1,current_date))
       left outer join
       biz_channels                 ch
        on               =
       and ch._deleted_date         is null
 where ut._deleted_date is null
group by 1

What is the entire journey for one person? (Show all Touchpoints for a single email address.)

select ut.touchpoint_date
      ,listagg(distinct ifnull(sdl.stage_name,sdo.stage_name),',')           as touchpoint_position
  from biz_user_touchpoints         ut
       left outer join
       biz_touchpoints              bt
        on bt.user_touchpoint_id    =
       and bt._deleted_date         is null
       left outer join
       biz_attribution_touchpoints  bat
        on bat.user_touchpoint_id   =
       and bat._deleted_date        is null
       left outer join
       biz_lead_stage_transitions   lst
        on lst.touchpoint_id        =
       and lst._deleted_date        is null
       and lst.is_pending           = false
       and lst.is_non_transitional  = false
       left outer join
       biz_stage_definitions        sdl
        on lst.stage_id             =
       and sdl._deleted_date        is null
       left outer join
       biz_opp_stage_transitions    ost
        on ost.touchpoint_id        =
       and ost._deleted_date        is null
       and ost.is_pending           = false
       and ost.is_non_transitional  = false
       left outer join
       biz_stage_definitions        sdo
        on ost.stage_id             =
       and sdo._deleted_date        is null
 where ut._deleted_date     is null
   and             = [email address]
group by 1,2
order by 1

Show all Buyer Attribution Touchpoints (BATs) and their Attributed Revenue for a single opportunity.

This query returns attributed revenue for the w shape model. Change the model by updating the field in the attributed revenue calculation.
      ,opp.amount*(bat.w_shape_percentage/100)             as attributed_revenue
      ,listagg(osd.stage_name,', ')                        as touchpoint_position
  from biz_opportunities               opp
       inner join
       biz_attribution_touchpoints     bat
        on bat.opportunity_id      =
       and bat._deleted_date       is null
       left outer join
       biz_opp_stage_transitions       ost
        on ost.touchpoint_id       =
       and ost._deleted_date       is null
       and ost.is_pending          = false
       and ost.is_non_transitional = false
       left outer join
       biz_stage_definitions            osd
        on ost.stage_id             =
       and osd._deleted_date        is null
 where opp._deleted_date    is null
   and               = [opportunity id]
group by 1,2,3,4
order by touchpoint_date
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Marketo Migration to the Adobe Admin Console - (Pre-Migration)

Experience Cloud Tech Sessions

Tuesday, Mar 4, 6:00 PM UTC

Join Adobe's Customer Experience and Identity Team to prepare for a smooth Marketo migration to the Adobe Admin Console. Learn key steps, best practices, and how to avoid roadblocks for a seamless transition.


Marketo Migration to the Adobe Admin Console - (Post-Migration)

Experience Cloud Tech Sessions

Tuesday, Mar 11, 4:00 PM UTC

Migrated Marketo to the Adobe Admin Console? Join our webinar to master key features, best practices, and troubleshooting tips. Learn how to manage users,, settings, and more. register now!
