Content publishing
Explore how content publishing in AEM as a Cloud Service works, including concepts of Content Distribution and the Adobe Pipeline.
Hello and welcome everyone. My name is Abhishek Dwevedi and in this video, we are going to learn about content publishing process. After completing this video, you should be able to describe content distribution, and you should be able to explain process to publish the content.
AEM as Cloud Service has modified the way publishing content works. With AEM as a Cloud Service that replication framework from previous versions of AEM is no longer used to publish pages. The new version uses sling content distribution capability to move appropriate content. This uses a pipeline service running on Adobe IO which is outside of AEM runtime.
The setup is automated, including automatic self-configuration when published nodes are added, removed, or recycled during runtime.
A single publish or unpublish request can include multiple resources. But will return a single status apply to all. It will succeed for all resources in AEM publish service or fail for all. This ensures that the resource with an AEM publish service will never be inconsistent state.
Some of the architectural changes that we have seen in this new version is, all block files are directly uploaded and served from a cloud data store. The associated streams of bits never goes through the JVM of AEM author and publish services. As a result, the node of AEM author and publish services can be smaller in size, and more compatible with the expectations of fast auto-scaling. The next important changes, that all the operation consisting of publishing content not involve the pipeline falling a subscription pattern.
Published content is pushed to various cues in the pipeline to which all nodes of publish service subscribe. As a result, the author there does not need to be aware of number of nodes in publish service. This allows for fast auto-scaling of the publish to you. The concept of a golden master was introduced for automating the life cycle of publish nodes. The golden master is specialized publish node never accessed by end-user, and from which all the nodes of the publish services are created. Maintenance operations such as compaction are performed on the content repository attached to golden master. The publish nodes are recycled daily and do not require any sort of routine maintenance. In the past, such maintenance required some downtime especially for the other instances. With this change you also don’t need to create multiple replication agents as we used to do in the past.
Now let’s go to AEM author instance, and let’s see how this content distribution works.
So, this is my author to you. To access content distribution we need to go to tools, deployment, and distribution.
In here do we have a forward publisher. I can go inside of this forward publisher. This gives me a quick status view of this forward publisher. I can see the states of different cues. I can see the logs, whatever has happened in the previous distributions. There are some settings as well. And the most important thing that we want to look into is distribute. If you go to distribute, you can simply select what action you want to take. Do you want to add a node or add a tree or do you want to delete something? Now, let me select this, add a node and select path browser. I can go to content directly and I can go to assets, and I can select some of the assets to publish. So, I’ll go to core component examples here and quote component library and I’ll publish this Adobe logo. I’ll select this and click on submit.
This will date this content for publishing process and you can already see items pending as one here.
Now you should be able to describe content distribution and also be able to explain process to publish content in AMS Cloud Service. Thank you for watching this video. Have a great -