Icon Experience League events

Experience League events are a great place to learn, interact, and get answers from product experts at Adobe! See Events on Experience League to stay updated for July 2022.

Updated July 28, 2022

Adobe TargetCommunity Q&A Coffee BreakWe’ll be joined by Adobe Premier Support Business Consultant Rachel Booth, aka @rbooth115. She’ll be signed in to the Adobe Target Community to chat directly with you on this thread about your questions pertaining to her areas of expertise (personalization, optimization, integration).
Date: Wednesday, August 3rd @ 8 a.m. PDT - 9 a.m. - Details & registration
Ask the Experts: Datastreams and data prepExperience League LIVEIn this final of three sessions regarding data collection for the Adobe Experience Cloud, our experts will provide a deeper dive into Adobe’s advanced data collection capabilities, including functions like data prep for data collection. At the end of this session, attendees will feel confident with the latest and most powerful features for collecting data from digital experiences
Date: July 21 @ 9 a.m. PDT - Details

See Events on Experience League to stay updated on upcoming events and past episodes.

Icon Adobe System Status

Adobe System Status provides detailed information, status updates, and email notifications about Adobe products and services outage, disruption, and maintenance events. Check it out at status.adobe.com.

For the latest release information, see Adobe System Status release notes.

Icon Experience Cloud - central interface components & administration

Experience Cloud central UI components include features available on the home page and the persistent product header. These features include user profile settings, preferences, and search. You can also find help on user and product management, Customer Attributes, and Experience Cloud Audiences.

Provisioning update

Please review the following notice regarding Experience Cloud provisioning.

Adobe is updating its provisioning to provide all Experience Cloud customers access to foundational capabilities that aid interoperability between some Experience Cloud products. Users will have Adobe Experience Platform as a new entitlement added to their Experience Cloud organizations, with Data Collection as an included service.

Adobe Experience Platform Data Collection includes tags for simplified universal tag management, and offers a trusted, robust, and complete, streaming data infrastructure. Tags simplify customer experience data collection and streamlines experience delivery.

Changes in Admin Console

Administrators could see changes or additions to the Admin Console as follows:

  • The Adobe Experience Platform product card in the Admin Console will include:

    • Places
    • Assurance
    • Identity Namespace
    • Sandboxes
    • Experience Data Model
    • Schemas
    • Datastreams
    • Visitor ID

    For organizations that are not currently using Experience Platform, you will now see the Adobe Experience Platform product in the Admin Console, including the capabilities listed above.

    For organizations currently using Experience Platform, Places will now be consolidated into the Experience Platform card.

  • Adobe Experience Platform Data Collection (formerly, Launch) and Privacy will continue to appear as separate product cards from the other Experience Platform capabilities.

For more details about the new capabilities, please visit their respective pages on Experience League:

Feature update

Feature released: July 11, 2022

Unified Home - Quick Access WidgetNavigate faster: You can now further personalize your home experience and decide which applications are at your fingertips. Use the new pinning feature to select which applications appear front and center on your Quick Access.
Stay informed with smart pinning: Your new applications are now easier to find. Newly assigned applications display a New badge and auto-pin to Quick Access.

More help resources on Experience Cloud Central UI Components & Administration

Icon Adobe Experience Platform

Latest release information and new documentation for Experience Platform and Mobile SDK:

Planned release: July 27, 2022

New Experience Platform tutorials and courses

New video tutorials, articles, and courses published for Experience Platform.

July 2022Monitor event forwardingVideoLearn how to monitor event forwarding in the Data Collection interface.Data Collection
July 2022Monitor data ingestionVideoLearn how to monitor and track data that gets ingested into Adobe Experience Platform using the monitoring dashboard.Data Collection
July 2022Import sample data to Adobe Experience PlatformArticleLearn how to set up an Experience Platform sandbox environment with sample data. Using a Postman collection, you can create field groups, schemas, datasets and then import sample data into Experience Platform.Experience Platform
July 2022Segment Match receiving dataVideoWith Segment Match, data can be shared to you by your strategic partners. In this video, learn how to approve and receive the data, and where you can see it and add it to your own segments.Experience Platform - Segments
July 2022Ask the experts: Real-Time CDP ConnectionsExperience League LIVE videoIn this second of three livestream sessions regarding data collection, our favorite experts provide an extensive look at Adobe RTCDP Connections, where customers can forward events to non-Adobe destinations using a server-side tag management system.Data Collection

Adobe Mobile SDK

See Release notes and change logs for the Adobe Experience Platform Mobile SDKs.

Icon Adobe Analytics

Next release: July 20, 2022

Last update: July 13, 2022


Release version: 2.22.4

New Analytics tutorials and courses

New video tutorials, articles, and courses published for Adobe Analytics.

July 20222022 Flow improvementsVideoLearn about some of the great improvements to the Flow visualization. Improvements include letting you configure the start or end of the path you are interested in, filtering a column to include or exclude a specific item, and pre-configurable advanced settings.

Icon Customer Journey Analytics

Latest update: July 12, 2022

New Customer Journey Analytics tutorials and courses

New videos, tutorials, or courses published for CJA.

July 2022Configure the next and previous item panelVideoLearn how to configure the next and previous item panel in Customer Journey Analytics. This panel generates tables and visualizations to identify the next or previous item for a specific dimension value.
July 2022Create an annotationVideoLearn to create an annotation in your Customer Journey Analytics projects when events like campaign launches, data issues, and holidays occur. This feature informs your users about metric variances on these dates or date ranges.
July 2022Create a quick filterVideoCreate quick filters directly in your Customer Journey Analytics projects and bypass the complexity of the full filter builder.

Icon Streaming Media Analytics

Last update: March 23, 2022

Icon Audience Manager

Fixes and improvements in Audience Manager:

Validator for target data sources belonging to other companies

Audience Manager released an improvement to the batch data onboarding process. To prevent accidental file and data onboarding into target data sources owned by other partners, Audience Manager has added a mapping requirement between partner ID (PID) and the data sources (DPID) owned by other partners.

For self-help resources, see Audience Manager documentation and tutorials on Experience League.

Icon Adobe Experience Manager

New features, fixes, and updates in Experience Manager. Adobe recommends customers with On-Premise deployments to deploy the latest patches to ensure higher stability, security, and performance.

Adobe recommends visiting the Experience Manager release updates and roadmaps page to stay current on release information.

Product update videos

Older product update videos:

Experience Manager Sites as a Cloud Service

New features in Sites:

  • A new user interface is now available for content admins and content authors to efficiently manage (take actions such as publish, unpublish, copy, and move), search/filter, and create content fragments for Headless use-cases.

  • The new Table of Contents Component works not only with the Core Components but with all components, automatically rendering table of contents on content pages. And, because it is rendered server-side and fully cached by the dispatcher, it is also efficient to load.

Experience Manager Assets as a Cloud Service

New features in Assets:

Experience Manager Forms as a Cloud Service

New features in Forms:

Wizard to create an Adaptive Form: You can use business user friendly wizard to quickly author Adaptive Forms. The wizard provides a quick tab navigation to easily select pre-configured template, styling, fields, and submission options to create an adaptive form.

Experience Manager as a Cloud Service Foundation

What’s new:

As mentioned in the May (2022.5.0) release notes, the “Add tree” option under the replication agent admin screen’s Distribute tab was removed. Packages with a tree hierarchy of content should instead be replicated using Manage Publication or the Publish Content Tree workflow.

Cloud Manager

What’s New:

  • Cloud Manager users can now access useful video tutorials from the Welcome card on the landing page at any time.

  • The popover on the Restore Content tab of the environments details page now displays a handy list of git commands allowing the user to view changes locally.

New Experience Manager courses and tutorials

New videos, tutorials, and courses published over the past month.

July 2022Get the most out of the Enterprise Workflow ManagementVideoLearn the benefits of using workflows for your assets management and how to quickly create them.AEM - Experience Workflow Management
July 2022Deliver Headless Experiences with Adobe Experience ManagerVideoLearn about headless experience management using the latest Experience Manager Content Fragment enhancements and the new GraphQL API for headless content delivery.Experience Manager Sites
July 2022Make Metadata work for your business in Adobe Experience Manager AssetsVideoLearn how to make the most out of your metadata in AEM Assets by reducing the workload to tag assets and by making your assets more searchable.Experience Manager Assets
July 2022iOS appVideoExample applications are a great way to explore the headless capabilities of Adobe Experience Manager. This iOS application demonstrates how to query content using AEM’s GraphQL APIs using persisted queries.Experience Manager Assets, Sites
July 2022Android™ AppVideoThis Android™ application demonstrates how to query content using the GraphQL APIs of AEM.Experience Manager Assets, Sites
July 2022Configuring OSGi for Adobe Experience Manager as a Cloud ServiceVideoLearn how to configure OSGI for AEM CS. For example, learn about management of OSGi bundles and managing the configuration settings for OSGi components through configuration files that are part of an AEM code project.AEM as a Cloud Service
July 2022Override Form Data Model PropertiesVideoLearn how to override form data model properties to make it easier to test one form data model against different endpoints.AEM Forms

Additional resources

Icon Adobe Commerce

See the following links for Adobe Commerce release notes:

New Adobe Commerce tutorials and documentation

July 2022Adobe Commerce Getting Started guideProduct documentationA guide intended for merchants and system administrators that are new to Adobe Commerce and Magento Open Source. Get an overview of the platform from their perspective and some detailed information about basic features that enable a functional store.
July 2022Page Builder user guideProduct documentationLearn about Page Builder features, including a three-part walkthrough for building basic content components. This guide is for administrators. It assumes a basic understanding of the core Adobe Commerce configuration and functionality.
July 2022B2B for Adobe Commerce GuideAdministration guideGet detailed information about installing and enabling this module, including configuration and management of its features.
July 2022B2B for Adobe Commerce - tutorialsVideo (multiple)Learn about the Companies page in Adobe Commerce. You can manage your company accounts and any pending requests for approval appear at the top of the list.
July 2022Use the Quality Patch ToolVideoLearn about the Quality Patch Tool, which is a command-line tool that delivers quality patches for Adobe Commerce and Magento Open Source.
July 2022The Site-Wide Analysis Tool DashboardVideoLearn about the Site-Wide Analysis Tool. This feature is proactive, self-service tool and central repository that includes detailed system insights and recommendations to ensure the security and operability of your Adobe Commerce installation.
July 2022Use Payment ServicesVideoLearn how to use Payment Services to reduce operational overhead, increase revenue.
July 2022Manage Order StatusVideoLearn how to check order status and its details, and how to change the status of an order, if necessary.
July 2022Marketing ToolsVideo (multiple)Learn about creating a catalog price rule, cart price rules, manage related product rules, live search, and more.
July 2022Innovations in content personalization that deliver business valueVideoView Skill Builder presentations and learn about recent innovations in Adobe’s Content solution that help you democratize content authoring, make omni-channel delivery a breeze, and scale personalization.
July 2022Catalog ManagementVideosLearn about catalog management in Adobe Commerce. create a category, manage products in a category, manage inventory, and more.

Icon Adobe Target

Last Updated: June 30, 2022

New Adobe Target courses and tutorials

July 2022Create audiencesVideoLearn to create and save custom audiences in Target to use in your activities.

Icon Adobe Campaign

Adobe Campaign provides an intuitive, automated way to deliver one-to-one messages across online and offline marketing channels. You can now anticipate what your clients want using experiences determined by their habits and preferences.

Latest Campaign product releases

New Campaign tutorials and courses

New videos, tutorials, or courses published for Adobe Campaign.

July 2022Control Panel for hybrid hosting modelsVideoLearn how to enable Control Panel for Adobe Campaign hybrid hosting models, access Control Panel, and unlock key features.Control Panel
July 2022Develop and customize data models in Adobe Campaign ClassicVideo (Skill Builder events)Join this session with our Campaign trainer to learn how to develop a data schema inside a data model within Campaign Classic.Campaign Classic v7
July 2022Adobe Campaign Classic V7 vs V8VideoHear about the latest Product updates and understand differences between V7 and V8 from our Product Managers.Campaign Classic v7, Campaign v8
July 2022Keynote - Customer Journey trends and innovation across B2B & B2CVideoLearn about the latest trends in Customer Journey Management across B2B and B2C. See the most recent innovations in key journey applications and the broader Adobe Experience Cloud and Platform.Marketo, Campaign Classic v7, Campaign v8
July 2022Top Tips and Tricks for Adobe Campaign StandardVideoPlug in to your Adobe Campaign Standard instance and discover best practices around targeting, personalization, and marketing fatigue to have a better usage of ACS.Campaign Standard

Campaign help resources

Icon Adobe Journey Optimizer

With Journey Optimizer, you can manage scheduled omnichannel campaigns and one-to-one moments for millions of customers from a single application–and the entire journey is optimized with intelligent decisioning and insights.

Latest Journey Optimizer product releases

Find out more about the latest capabilities, improvements, and fixes in the Journey Optimizer Release Notes.

New Journey Optimizer tutorials and courses

New videos, tutorials, or courses published for Adobe Journey Optimizer.

July 2022Configure message frequency rulesVideoLearn how to create, activate, test, and report on frequency rules. Understand how to determine which frequency rules will be inherited for a message.
July 2022Configure, author, and deliver SMS messagesVideoLearn how to configure, author, and include SMS messaging into your customer journeys.
July 2022Inbound keyword support for SMSVideoUnderstand how native inbound keyword support (start, stop, unstop) for SMS works.

More resources for Journey Optimizer

Icon Adobe Journey Orchestration

Use Experience Platform to orchestrate a customer’s journey at scale across experience channels, by intelligently anticipating every individual’s needs in real time.

Latest Journey Orchestration product releases

Find out more about the latest capabilities, improvements, and fixes in the Journey Orchestration release notes.

More resources for Journey Orchestration

Icon Adobe Marketo Engage

Marketo Engage is a complete application for lead management and B2B marketers looking to transform customer experiences by engaging across every stage of complex buying journeys.

Core Marketo Engage updates

See Marketo Engage release schedule for the latest release schedule information and release notes.

New Marketo tutorials and courses

New videos, tutorials, or courses published for Adobe Marketo.

July 27, 2022Marketo Engage tutorialsVideosVisit the Marketo Engage tutorial home on Experience League for all past and new tutorials.
July 2022B2B experiences with Marketo Engage and Adobe Experience CloudVideoGet a walkthrough of the integrations between Marketo Engage and Adobe Experience Cloud application, and what pain points will be solved.
July 2022Better together - Adobe Marketo Engage and Real-Time CDPVideoLearn how to orchestrate B2B campaigns with Marketo Engage and RT-CDP (B2B edition) and what are the top use cases and advantages unlocked.

Icon Adobe Workfront

Adobe Workfront is a unified work management application for sharing ideas, creating content, managing complex processes, and doing their best work.

New Adobe Workfront courses and tutorials

New Workfront course and tutorials on Experience League.

August 2022Workfront tutorialsTutorial homeVisit the new home for Workfront tutorials on Experience League.
August 2022Get started with Workfront for System AdministratorsCourseLearn the first stages of how to set up users and optimize your users’ experience with system settings.
August 2022Further your system settings knowledge for Workfront AdministratorsCourseLearn more about system settings to enhance your users’ experience, including user organization, custom forms, approval processes and milestones, and layout templates.
August 2022Get Started with Workfront for PlannersCourseStart your Workfront journey by learning to create and plan projects. Workfront recommends you keep things simple.
August 2022Manage and close a projectCourseNow that you’ve learned to create and plan projects, we can get into how to manage and close them.
August 2022Further understanding of managing work as a PlannerCourseOnce you’ve learned the basics of creating, planning, and managing projects, there are a few more things you should know to get the most out of Workfront.
August 2022Adobe Workfront for CollaboratorsCourseLearn how to use a Review or Request license to easily request, review, and collaborate on tasks, documents, and proofs in the new Workfront experience.
August 2022Create and manage custom formsCourseCapture your organization’s unique information by creating custom fields in your system. Learn to create, share, and attach custom forms within Workfront.
August 2022Workfront Proof - administration and setupCourseLearn to adjust proof settings, customize actions and reports, and set up proof workflows.
August 2022Workfront Proof - upload proofsCourseLearn to upload proofs for review and approval.
August 2022Workfront Proof - review and approve workCourseLearn to use Workfront Proof as a reviewer or approver.
August 2022Basic reporting elementsCourseReporting elements are the filters, views, and groupings found in all list reports in Workfront. Learning about these helps you create custom reports and calendars.
August 2022Create a custom calendarCourseWith a custom calendar, you can display dates and information directly from projects, tasks and issues in a calendar format.
August 2022Create custom reports and dashboardsCourseReports are the windows into your data. Learn how to create three different types of reports in Workfront and use them in dashboards.
August 2022Create intermediate filtersCourseGain a greater understanding of wildcards, OR filters, and text mode. Open up built-in project, task, and issue filters and get into the details of what’s really going on.

See the Workfront releases page for a round-up of the latest information for all products.

Icon Adobe Advertising Cloud

Release notes for Adobe Advertising Cloud.

New features in Advertising Cloud DSP

Last updated: July 27, 2022

Inventory(July 27 release) Auction Insights is a new troubleshooting tool that allows you to analyze the deal composition of both guaranteed and non-guaranteed private deals. Using data visualizations, this tool shows the trend and relative proportions of values received for key auction attributes within a specific time period.

Last updated: August 23, 2022

Campaigns(Opt-in beta feature for all advertisers; July 16 release) You can now create and manage Google Ads performance max campaigns, including manually creating asset groups and uploading assets. Links to Google Merchant Center product feeds aren’t supported.

Once you opt in for the beta, you can create campaigns with the Campaign Type “Performance Max” and set up asset groups within the campaign settings. You can also view your existing performance max campaigns, with performance data in table and trend chart format, in the Campaigns view. Campaign-level performance data is also available in reports and in Adobe Analytics (for advertisers with an Analytics integration).

To opt in for the beta, contact your Adobe account team.
Google Ads no longer provides ad-level performance data for standard shopping campaigns, dynamic search ads, or placements.
Campaigns, Advanced Campaign Management, Reports

(July 16 release) (Google Ads and Microsoft Advertising campaigns) The following support is now available for responsive search ads:

  • The Ads view now shows previews of responsive search ads.
  • (Since June 20) You can now create dynamic responsive search ad variations using a search engine-specific ad template, based on the contents of your inventory, from Campaigns > Advanced (ACM).
  • The Ad Variation Report includes two new custom columns: “Creative Titles,” which adds a column for each of the ad’s titles (“Creative Title” through “Creative Title15”), and “Descriptions,” which adds a column for each of the ad’s description rows (“Description1” through “Description4”). When you include these columns, you don’t need to include the other Creative Title and Description columns.

Icon Adobe Document Cloud

New tutorials and courses published for Adobe Document Cloud.

July 2022Using the approver roleVideo (updated)Learn how to send a document through an approval process.Adobe Sign
July 2022Set up a Web FormVideo (updated)Learn how to create a document that can be signed electronically directly on your website.Adobe Sign
July 2022Using the delegator roleVideo (updated)DescriptionAdobe Sign
July 2022Electronically signing a documentVideo (updated)Learn how easy it is to sign a document that is sent to you with Acrobat Sign.Adobe Sign
July 2022Up & running for Acrobat Sign administratorsVideo (updated)Learn the seven key areas that administrators should focus on to get up & running quickly in Acrobat Sign.Adobe Sign
July 2022Send for Signature in OutlookVideo (updated)Learn how to streamline document workflows by sending a document for signature directly within Microsoft® Outlook.Adobe Sign
July 2022Filling and signing in OutlookVideo (updated)Learn how to streamline document workflows by filling out and signing a form directly within Microsoft Outlook.Adobe Sign
July 2022Creating and managing groupsVideo (updated)Learn how to create groups, add users to groups, and edit group settings.Adobe Sign
July 2022Delegate signing to someone elseVideo (updated)Learn how to delegate the signing of a document to someone else.Adobe Sign

For Document Cloud help, see:

Icon Adobe Creative Cloud for enterprise

See Creative Cloud for enterprise tutorials for the latest tutorials.

Icon Customer Data Management - Voices

Customer Data Management Voices is your destination as a customer data management technical and marketing practice leader and specialist. This collection of tutorials is your one-stop-shop to hear from your peers, get inspired, and learn about developments in MarTech. No registration required, simply click and watch.

Icon Digital Experience Blueprints

Digital Experience Blueprints are repeatable implementations that let you address strategy and quickly solve established business problems. Each Blueprint provides a series of artifacts that explain the high-value business problem, architectures, implementation steps, technical considerations, and links to the relevant documentation.


Previous pageAugust 2022
Next pageJune 2022

Elevate and Empower Teams with Agentic AI for Exceptional Experiences

Online | Strategy Keynote | General Audience

Elevate and empower your CX teams with AI that transforms creativity, personalization, and productivity. Discover how Adobe is...

Tue, Mar 18, 1:00 PM PDT (8:00 PM UTC)


Top Tips to Maximize Value with Adobe Experience Platform Data Distiller

Online | Session | General Audience

Explore best practices for maximizing the value of Data Distiller, a powerful tool that transforms and enriches data in Adobe Experience...

Wed, Mar 19, 3:30 PM PDT (10:30 PM UTC)


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