Experience Cloud central interface overview

Experience Cloud is Adobe’s integrated family of digital marketing applications, products, and services. From its intuitive interface, you can quickly access your cloud applications, product features, and services.

Experience Cloud

From Experience Cloud’s header, you can:

  • Access all your Experience Cloud applications and services
  • From the Help menu, search for product documentation, tutorials, and community posts. View results in Experience League.
  • Globally search business objects using a global search (Experience Platform users only) in the Search field.
  • Manage your account preferences (alerts, notifications, and subscriptions)

Sign in to Experience Cloud signin

Sign in and verify that you are in the right organization.

  1. Navigate to Adobe Experience Cloud.

  2. Type your Adobe email address, then select Continue.

  3. Select an account.

  4. Type your password.

  5. Verify that you are in the right organization.

    Verify that you are in the right organization

    Verify your organization

    The organization is displayed in the interface header.

    If your organization uses Federated IDs, Experience Cloud allows you to sign in with your organization’s single sign-on without being required to enter your email address and password. Add #/sso:@domain to the Experience Cloud URL (https://experience.adobe.com) to accomplish this task.

    For example, for an organization with Federated IDs and the domain adobecustomer.com, set your URL link to https://experience.adobe.com/#/sso:@adobecustomer.com. You can also go directly to a specific application by bookmarking this URL, appended with the application path. (For example, for Adobe Analytics, https://experience.adobe.com/#/sso:@adobecustomer.com/analytics.)

Access Experience Cloud applications navigation

After signing in to Experience Cloud, you can quickly access all your applications, services, and organizations from the unified header.

To access Experience Cloud applications and services provisioned for you within your organization, go the application selector menu .

Access Experience Cloud applications

Get help and support support

Access learning and help using the Help center ( asset ) in the header, including help content (documentation, tutorials, and courses) on Experience League, as well as additional resources for individual applications. You can also submit open-ended feedback and create prioritized support tickets.

Get help and support

The Help menu also gives you access to:

  • Support: Create a support ticket or contact Support using Twitter.
  • Feedback: Share feedback about your Experience Cloud experience. Your feedback is used to improve Adobe’s products and services.
  • Status: Navigate to https://status.adobe.com/experience_cloud and check product operational status and Manage Subscriptions.
  • Developer Connection: Navigation to adobe.io and find developer documentation.

Manage your user profile

In the Profile menu, you can:

  • Specify a dark theme (not all applications support this theme)
  • Manage Experience Cloud Preferences
  • Select or search for an Organization
  • View Legal Notices
  • Sign out
  • Configure account preferences, notifications, and subscriptions

View in-product notifications and announcements notifications

Click the bell icon to view notifications and announcements. Announcements can be relevant and actionable updates, including product releases, maintenance notices, shared items, and approval requests.

Notifications and Announcements

To manage notifications and alerts, see Account preferences and notifications
