Android App

[AEM Headless as a Cloud Service]{class="badge informative"}

Example applications are a great way to explore the headless capabilities of Adobe Experience Manager (AEM). This Android application demonstrates how to query content using the GraphQL APIs of AEM. The AEM Headless Client for Java is used to execute the GraphQL queries and map data to Java objects to power the app.

Android Java app with AEM Headless

View the source code on GitHub

Prerequisites prerequisites

The following tools should be installed locally:

AEM requirements

The Android application works with the following AEM deployment options. All deployments requires the WKND Site v3.0.0+ to be installed.

The Android application is designed to connect to an AEM Publish environment, however it can source content from AEM Author if authentication is provided in the Android application’s configuration.

How to use

  1. Clone the adobe/aem-guides-wknd-graphql repository:

    code language-shell
    $ git clone
  2. Open Android Studio and open the folder android-app

  3. Modify the file at app/src/main/assets/ and update contentApi.endpoint to match your target AEM environment:

    code language-plain

    Basic authentication

    The contentApi.user and contentApi.password authenticate a local AEM user with access to WKND GraphQL content.

    code language-plain
  4. Download an Android Virtual Device (minimum API 28).

  5. Build and deploy the app using the Android emulator.

Connecting to AEM environments

If connecting to an AEM author environment authorization is required. The AEMHeadlessClientBuilder provides the ability to use token-based authentication. To use token-based authentication update client builder in and

/* Comment out basicAuth
 if (user != null && password != null) {
   builder.basicAuth(user, password);

// use token-authentication where `token` is a String representing the token

The code

Below is a brief summary of the important files and code used to power the application. The full code can be found on GitHub.

Persisted queries

Following AEM Headless best practices, the iOS application uses AEM GraphQL persisted queries to query adventure data. The application uses two persisted queries:

  • wknd/adventures-all persisted query, which returns all adventures in AEM with an abridged set of properties. This persisted query drives the initial view’s adventure list.
# Retrieves a list of all adventures
    adventureList {
        items {
            primaryImage {
                ... on ImageRef {
  • wknd/adventure-by-slug persisted query, which returns a single adventure by slug (a custom property that uniquely identifies an adventure) with a complete set of properties. This persisted query powers the adventure detail views.
# Retrieves an adventure Content Fragment based on it's slug
# Example query variables:
# {"slug": "bali-surf-camp"}
# Technically returns an adventure list but since the the slug
# property is set to be unique in the CF Model, only a single CF is expected

query($slug: String!) {
  adventureList(filter: {
        slug: {
          _expressions: [ { value: $slug } ]
      }) {
    items {
      primaryImage {
        ... on ImageRef {
      description {
      itinerary {
    _references {
      ...on AdventureModel {

Execute GraphQL persisted query

AEM’s persisted queries are executed over HTTP GET and thus, the AEM Headless client for Java is used to execute the persisted GraphQL queries against AEM and load the adventure content into the app.

Each persisted query has a corresponding “loader” class, that asynchronously calls the AEM HTTP GET end point, and returns the adventure data using the custom defined data model.

  • loader/

    Fetches the list of Adventures on the home screen of the application using the wknd-shared/adventures-all persisted query.

  • loader/

    Fetches a single adventure selecting it via the slug parameter, using the wknd-shared/adventure-by-slug persisted query.


public static final String PERSISTED_QUERY_NAME = "/wknd-shared/adventures-all";
AEMHeadlessClientBuilder builder = AEMHeadlessClient.builder().endpoint(config.getContentApiEndpoint());

// Optional authentication for basic auth
String user = config.getContentApiUser();
String password = config.getContentApiPassword();

if (user != null && password != null) {
    builder.basicAuth(user, password);

AEMHeadlessClient client =;
// run a persistent query and get a response
GraphQlResponse response = client.runPersistedQuery(PERSISTED_QUERY_NAME);

GraphQL response data models data-models is a Java POJO that is initialized with the JSON data from the GraphQL request, and models an adventure for use in the Android application’s views.


The Android application uses two views to present the adventure data in the mobile experience.


    Invokes the AdventuresLoader and displays the returned adventures in a list.


    Invokes the AdventureLoader using the slug param passed in via the adventure selection on the AdventureListFragment view, and displays the details of a single adventure.

Remote images

loader/ is a utility class that helps prepare remote images in a cache so that they can be used with Android UI elements. The adventure content references images in AEM Assets via a URL and this class is used to display that content.

Additional resources
