Release notes release-notes

Adobe Journey Optimizer continuously delivers new features, enhancements to existing features, and bug fixes. All changes are consolidated on the last week of each month in these release notes.

Adobe Journey Optimizer is built natively on Adobe Experience Platform and inherits from its latest innovations and improvements. Learn more about these changes in Adobe Experience Platform Release Notes.

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July 2024 updates 24-7-2024

Latest update: July 8, 2024

Advanced expression editor in journey event configuration - You can now leverage the advanced expression editor while configuring an event, allowing you to define more complex expressions or use functions in the Event ID condition. Learn more

June 2024 release notes 24-6-2024

Release date: June 18-19, 2024

New capabilities june-24-features

This release brings the new capabilities detailed below.

Content Fragments customization

You can now define specific fields in a fragment that can be edited when the fragment is added to a campaign or journey. This allows for the adjustment of content portions at the time of use, providing flexibility to override default values with context-specific details.

For more information, refer to the detailed documentation.

Reporting with Customer Journey Analytics (Limited availability)

Journey Optimizer reporting comes with an improved interoperability with Customer Journey Analytics capabilities, standardizing reporting across both platforms and improving data consistency and reliability. This seamless integration between Journey Optimizer and Customer Journey Analytics provides a clearer view of performance metrics, enabling users to make more informed decisions.

For more information, refer to the detailed documentation.

AI Assistant in Adobe Journey Optimizer

The AI Assistant is a user interface feature that you can use to navigate and understand Adobe concepts and get operational insights for your specific environment. It is available in several products across Adobe Experience Cloud, including Adobe Journey Optimizer.

For more information, refer to the detailed documentation.

Multilingual messages in journeys and campaigns (Limited Availability)

You can now effortlessly create content in multiple languages within a single campaign or journey. With this feature, you can switch between languages when editing your campaign or your journey, streamlining the entire editing process and improving your capability to efficiently manage multilingual content.

Multilingual content is currently only available for a set of organizations (Limited Availability). To gain access, contact your Adobe representative.

Experimentation in journeys (Limited Availability)

Already available in campaigns, Adobe Journey Optimizer now supports experiments in journeys. Experiments are randomized trials, which in the context of online testing, means that you expose some randomly selected users to a given variation of a message, and another randomly selected set of users to some other variation or treatment. After exposure, you can then measure the outcome metrics you are interested in, such as opens of emails, subscriptions, or purchases.

Experimentation in journeys is currently only available for a set of organizations (Limited Availability). To gain access, contact your Adobe representative.

Improvements june24-improvements

This release comes with the improvements listed below.

Decision Management

  • Multi-rule support in Decision Management - You can now add up to 10 capping rules for a given offer in Decision Management. This allows you to increase the level of control over the way offers are sent. Learn more

Content fragments

Please note that these enhancements will be rolled out gradually over the course of several days following the initial release. While some users will have immediate access, others may experience a delay before it becomes available in their environments.
  • Fragments can now be edited, and changes can be propagated across all live journeys and campaigns where they are used.

  • New statuses for content fragments have been introduced: Draft, Live, Publishing, and Archived.

  • To use a fragment in a journey or campaign, it must now be in the Live status. A new step has been added to the fragment creation process, allowing the fragment to be published and made available for use in journeys and campaigns. Note that fragment publishing requires a new permission.

    CAUTION - Since Draft and Live statuses have been introduced with Journey Optimizer June release, all fragments created before this release have the Draft status, even if they are used in a journey or campaign. If you make any change to these fragments, you need to publish them to make them “Live” and propagate the changes to the associated campaigns and journeys. You also need to create a new journey/campaign version and publish it.

Read more in the content fragment documentation.


  • Global timeout of Journeys has been extended to 91 days. Read more

    Any new journeys created will have this new timeout reflected. Please refer to this FAQ section to learn more. Please note these changes will be rolled out gradually over the course of the month of June.

  • Adobe Journey Optimizer now supports privacy delete/access requests as well as data life cycle management requests. Read more

  • You can now resize the columns in the journey inventory.

  • Merge policies are now GA - Merge policies used by a Journey are now visible and consistent throughout the journey. Read more


  • When creating a campaign in Adobe Journey Optimizer, you can now choose the campaign type (scheduled or triggered) in a new modal. Read more

Email channel

  • List-unsubscribe - Following on the recent Gmail and Yahoo announcements for bulk senders, Journey Optimizer supports the “post/1-click” List-Unsubscribe option. Refer to the following pages: Email opt-out management and Configure email settings.

    NOTE - For any new channel surface, by default the list unsubscribe header option is activated. For existing surfaces, by default the One-click unsubscribe URL option in the channel surface settings is unchecked. If you were using a one-click opt out URL in the body of the email previously, this setting is still valid. If the One-click unsubscribe URL in the channel surface settings is checked, Adobe Journey Optimizer will rather use the default generated One-click unsubscribe URL in the channel surface settings.

SMS channel

  • You can now add unique short codes for each sandbox with a single API configuration, making the process more efficient and streamlined. Learn more

  • After creation, the API Token field on the API credential details page is now masked.

In-app channel

  • You can now use the Edge Delivery plugin to get information needed to understand and troubleshoot your inbound implementations. Learn more on Edge Delivery view.

Direct mail channel

  • Direct mail channel is now available for all customers. Read more