Triggering an export job in AEM Dynamic Media

This video walks through the steps to trigger export job in Dynamic Media during submit job operation parameter.


Hello everyone. Today, we will be discussing how to trigger export job in Dynamic Media via submit job operation parameter. To perform this, we need to have an API tool installed in our system. In my case, I’m using the SoapUI tool. After launching the SoapUI, we will click on file and create a new project. Initial WSDL will be the server path, followed by the WSDL name. Then we’ll go ahead and click on OK to create the project. When we run this, Soap will fetch the WSDL information and load all the operation parameters in the SoapBinding. We will go ahead and look for some mature parameter and create a new request for export job. To fetch the company handle, there is another parameter called get company info, which will return the company handle. Similarly for user handle, we have to run get user info.

Once the request has been successfully triggered, if we navigate to the jobs tab now in Dynamic Media app, we’ll be able to see the job that we just triggered. So in this way, we can successfully trigger export job by a submit job operation parameter. Thank you. -
