Place Copy place-copy
Learn how to use assets from AEM Assets using the Place Copy operation.
Hi there. In this video, let me show you how to place an asset file from AEM Assets using the Place Copy option. Adobe Asset Link streamlines collaboration between creative professionals and marketers in the content creation process. It connects Adobe Experience manager assets with the Creative Cloud desktop applications like InDesign, Photoshop and Illustrator. The Adobe asset link panel allows creatives to access and modify content stored in AEM Assets without leaving the app they are most familiar with. You can now place a digital assets into your design files from AEM Assets via the Adobe asset link panel. Let’s open a sample file in Adobe InDesign. Click on the window, select extensions and then open the Adobe Asset Link panel. Let’s choose the AEM environment and navigate to your organizations asset folders. From the Adobe Asset Link panel, browse within AEM Assets to find an Image suitable for our sample file design. From the assets context menu, select the Place Copy option. This operation places a copy of the original AEM Asset file into your design file layout, After downloading the binaries to your local system.
Adobe Asset Link does not maintain any link between the original asset and the image placed using Place Copy operation. This means, if the original asset gets modified in AEM Assets, the changes are not reflected in your file. To get the latest version of the original image, you have to either undo the place copy operation and place the asset again or relink an asset with its origin asset that resides in AEM Assets. We will be covering this later in this video. You now have a copy of the original asset embedded onto your design file layout. Take a scenario where the original asset gets modified by another user in AEM Assets. let’s switch to the AEM Assets window and adjust the image to create a new version. Let’s flip the image horizontally and then save your changes. A new version of the image gets created in AEM Assets. Now, let’s switch back to our design file and quickly refresh your Adobe Asset Link panel. You can notice the changes made by an AEM user reflected within your Adobe asset link panel, but the image placed onto your design file, using the Place Copy option, does not reflect this change. When performing a Place Copy operation, a copy of the asset file gets added on to your design file, but not an actual reference to the original asset that resides in AEM. You can manually relink the version of the file from AEM Assets by clicking on the window options from the top toolbar, and then select the links option. In the links panel, you can see the list of images and linking status. For a Place Copy option, we have the linking status as embedded. To relink a file, select the link and choose the relink from AEM Assets option and then choose the desired asset. You will now receive a message indicating the relink status and a file linking status changes from embedded to Okay. If you prefer to keep the asset file used in your design file in sync with AEM Asset files, try the place linked operation from an assets context menu. I hope I was able to show you how to perform a Place Copy operation for asset files from AEM Assets using the Asset Link Panel for a creative user. Adobe Asset Link streamlines collaboration between creative professionals and marketers in the content creation process. -