Place Linked place-linked

Learn how to use assets from AEM Assets using the Place Linked operation.


Hi there. In this video, let me show you how to place an asset file from AEM Assets using the place linked option. Adobe asset link streamlines collaboration between creative professionals and marketers in the content creation process. Adobe asset link provides InDesign direct linking support between asset link and AEM Assets using deep linking or URL linking. With InDesign direct linking support, we can now place or drag and drop digital assets into InDesign files from AEM Assets via the asset link panel. A link is retained to assets within AEM. If asset changes in AEM, a new version gets created, creatives will then be alerted via the InDesign linking functionality that users are familiar with today. InDesign files can move across platforms and devices, as long as a creative user have access to the asset link and to the same AEM Assets and environment, direct linking will work seamlessly. Let’s open a sample file in Adobe InDesign and then open the asset link panel. Click on the window, select extensions and then open the Adobe asset link panel. From the panel window, browse AEM Assets to find an image suitable for your design. From the assets context menu, let’s select the place linked option and add your asset to your InDesign file. You now have a reference for the original asset linked to your InDesign file. Let’s modify the original assets in a AEM Assets. Switch to Adobe Experience manager and open the image to edit it.

Let’s flip the image horizontally and then save your changes. A new version of this image gets created in AEM Assets. Now let’s switch back to Adobe InDesign and let’s refresh your panel. You can notice the changes made by an AEM user reflected within your Adobe asset link panel but the image placed onto the InDesign layout, using the place link option does not reflect this change. Don’t worry, you can notice an icon that indicates the original asset has been modified in AEM Assets and a new version is available. You can click on the icon to get the latest version of the file. You can also perform the same operation by navigating to the windows option and then select the links panel. Within the links panel, you can see the linked images and notice the link status has changed to modified. Double click on the railing status icon and you can notice the new version of the asset linked to your InDesign layout. Also notice that the linking status has changed from modified to Okay. When you place an asset to your InDesign layout using the place linked option, asset link maintains a link to the original asset in AEM Assets. You can check whether the original asset has changed in AEM Assets by reviewing the Status column in the links panel within InDesign. I hope I was able to show you how to perform a place linked operation for asset files from AEM Assets, using the asset link panel for a creative user. Adobe asset link streamlines collaboration between creative professionals and marketers in the conduct creation process. -
