In this video, I’d like to introduce new content automation capabilities in Adobe Experience Manager. Users in Experience Manager Assets can now apply a range of creative operations to assets powered by native Adobe Photoshop cloud services. There’s includes background removal, smart object replacement, and executing Photoshop actions among others. Processing happens in a cloud service backend to ensure scalability. Once configured as processing profiles, these operations can be used in Experience Manager. Let’s see how it works.
From within Assets, you can leverage Photoshop cloud services to automate workflows for removing background from images. I have a folder with a processing profile for removing background apply. In my case, it’s configured to put cutout images into the same folder. I can then upload a number of assets to this folder from my local machine.
Once the upload is complete, the assets are being processed with our assets compute service. And in addition to generating standard renditions and extracting metadata, it also processes them with the background removal services.
So, in addition to the original assets, which are unmodified, I now also have additional ones with automatically removed transparent background and all the necessary renditions generated.
My organization will now have more high quality, beautiful assets to create engaging experiences across channels.
In Experienced Manager assets, you can leverage Photoshop cloud service to automatically replace selected smart objects in Photoshop documents. My design team created this Photoshop template document, adding a placeholder T-shirt logo to this photograph. I’ve uploaded it to assets before and configured smart object replacements on the logos folder and generated assets to go to the T-shirts folder.
I can now upload logos from my desktop to assets to get the processing started. Asset compute service processes the logo assets and in addition applies the smart object replacement operation configured on this folder.
When the processing is done, I have all the original logos available as assets and additional assets generated automatically by placing the logos onto the T-shirt design. Without extra work, more assets are now available to teams delivering customer experiences.
Adobe Photoshop cloud service can automatically apply powerful Photoshop actions to assets in Adobe Experience Manager at scale. Actions is a powerful tool enabling designers to create repeatable sequences of operations by recording them in Photoshop. My design team created a few actions for me, let’s see how they work. This one turns an image into a banner with a logo. I can save these actions to files and then upload them to assets.
I configured the images folder here to apply these two Photoshop actions to each asset app loaded and to place generated assets into the same folder.
I can now upload selected images from a photo shoot into that folder.
Asset processing starts. And in addition to adding renditions and metadata to the original images, it also leverages Photoshop cloud services to apply two Photoshop actions to each of the files.
When processing finishes in addition to the original images, I now have beautiful, automatically generated banners available as well, already placed into my central repository for me.
Teams creating customer experiences now have more choice of digital assets for engaging customers with less organizational effort to have them create it.
We saw how Adobe Experience Manager assets can now apply a range of creative operations to assets powered by native Adobe Photoshop cloud services. They enable content automation at scale and increased content velocity. Thanks for watching. -