Using Dynamic Media 3D with AEM Assets
Dynamic Media 3D support for Adobe Experience Manager lets you easily customize and deliver interactive 3D-powered experiences at scale.
Hi there in this video, let me walk you through some of the Dynamic Media 3D Features and Capabilities in AEM Assets. Marketers thrive on delivering a vibrant and unforgettable experience to their customers. Adobe solutions to help with various stages of 3D content creation, 3D models are used with Adobe substance to create and apply high quality materials and textures. Adobe dimension helps you stage and produce 3D assets with preset views, lighting and backgrounds. Adobe Experience Manager and dynamic media allow dimension files, and other code 3D formats to be cataloged, stored and published to power immersive experiences at scale. In this video, we are going to cover how to deliver 3D assets in Adobe Experience Manager, with the help of dynamic media. Dynamic Media, 3D support, enables customers to provide interactive 3D experiences to web properties and applications with simple one-click publishing and proven global scale. Let’s get started, from the AEM Homepage. Let’s navigate to Tools and then select Cloud Services to configure a dynamic media configuration, select the appropriate folder and create a new Cloud Service Configuration. Enter your Dynamic Media credentials, and then save your changes. Please give it a few minutes for your Dynamic Media to sync all necessary files to your instance, 3D capabilities available out of the box in Dynamic Media and does not require any additional configuration. From the AEM homepage let’s navigate to an AEM Assets folder and upload a sample 3D file using the create file option. The 3D asset that we are using is created with substance by Adobe and compost with Adobe dimension. Any asset that we upload to AEM Assets will now be processed by Dynamic Media to have a 3D rendition generated. AEM Assets supports a wide selection of 3D file formats for file uploads. Once the asset is processed, let’s open the asset to view it.
Using the content only select the original asset rendition. Let’s make sure to publish the asset file before we use the 3D asset file on your site features, please select the file and publish it. After successfully publishing the asset, you can notice a URL button that gets generated on the bottom left side of your screen. You can share this URL with other non AEM users and they can download a copy of the original 3D asset file to their local machine. From the content overtly select viewers and click on the dimensional viewer. In AEM Assets, we now have a web viewer in the dynamic media. Viewer library powered by Adobe dimension for interacting viewing of 3D assets. The dimension 3D web viewer has been integrated and deployed as part of Dynamic Media Viewer Library. Let’s explore the 3D assets viewer and some of it’s elements. If a 3D asset contains one or more camera presets, these are displayed as thumbnails in the lower left corner of the viewer. These presets can be saved with different names, setting a specific camera preset would reset the asset view to a predefined camera angle. On the other side of the viewer, there is a reset button to reset the view off it’s initial camera angle. The dimensional viewer also provides a help icon with the set of user instructions to interact with the viewers 3D asset. You can change the view by clicking on the object and rotating it. You can perform assuming or Sumo operation. The viewer also provides a full screen option for a better experience. Now let’s take a look at how to use our published 3D asset. On the bottom left corner of the screen. You can notice options to either share via URL or use the embed option, select the URL option and let’s open the URL in a new tab. URL button for an asset is only available for a published asset.
A published asset can also be embedded onto a page using the embed code option. Copy the embed code onto your site page for non AEM Sites to add 3D assets to their website. The shared URL and the embed options comes in handy, for AEM hosted sites. Dynamic media 3D Assets can be added using a new dynamic media WCM component called 3D media that leverages the asset delivery and the 3D viewer together to enable an interactive 3D experience on your site pages. Lets opened up a sample page from AEM Sites and open to edit it. For 3D media components to be enabled in your page editor UI. You need to make sure that the dynamic media component group is added to your page template under component policies.
Using the component finder filter search for 3D components, and then drag drop the 3D media component to your page. Let’s configure the component to use the dimensional viewer as the viewer preset, now using the asset finder, let’s search for our 3D asset. To make your search easier. You can now filter assets using the new 3D asset type. So lets add over assets to the Dynamic Media 3D Component. After adding the component using page editor UI, you can resize the component to a decide width and height. If everything looks good, you can go ahead and publish the page.
Let’s preview the site page to understand how it would look for an external user.
But in the dimensional viewer preset, we have the control visibility for the camera thumbnails and the helper UI options. These options can be customized or hidden. Let’s take a look at how to edit the dimensional viewer preset. From AEM homepage, click on tools, select assets, then select the viewer presets option. Open the dimensional viewer preset to edit it. We have a sample 3D asset that can be used to customize the preset. The camera thumbnail sometimes hides longer camera angle names, using the total switch for camera titles. You can hide the title from the camera thumbnail. If you want to hide the camera thumbnails and UI options from the viewer preset, you can toggle the Chrome less option. If everything looks good, make sure to save your changes. A new dimensional viewer preset gets created. And can we use for rendering 3D assets as Chrome less, make sure to publish your viewer presets and select a new viewer preset within 3D media component, Dynamic Media 3D support, enable customers to provide interactive 3D experiences to vet properties and applications with simple one-click publishing and proven global scale. -