Using Dynamic Media Viewers with Adobe Analytics and tags using-dynamic-media-viewers-adobe-analytics-tags
For customers with Dynamic Media and Adobe Analytics, you can now track usage of Dynamic Media Viewers on your website using the Dynamic Media Viewer Extension.
In this video, we’re going to take a quick look into the Dynamic Media extension and its capabilities. For customers who have Dynamic Media and Adobe Analytics, you can now track usage of Dynamic Media viewers on your website using the Dynamic Media extension. For integrating Adobe Analytics and the Dynamic Media extension to our sample site, we will be using Adobe Experience Platform Launch as our tag manager. Adobe Experience Manager needs to be integrated with Launch before we get started. You can find the link to the set up instructions below this video. Here, we have a sample site hosted on Adobe Experience Manager in Dynamic Media Scene7 run mode and we have Launch added to our site. Run this command on your browser to make sure Launch script is added to your site. Within the satellite object, you can find a property name. I have a property created for this video, and let’s navigate to our Launch instance. A property is a container that you fill with extensions, rules, data elements, and libraries as you deploy text your site. Our goal here is to capture how users interact with Dynamic Media assets that gets loaded on our website. To capture Dynamic Media Viewer insights, you need the following extensions added to your Launch property. Adobe Analytics captures insights from your site pages and sends it to a report suite. You can create a new report suite within Adobe Analytics or choose one from the dropdown. If you are planning to track video assets on your site pages, under the General tab, you need to specify the Tracking Server URL. Adobe Media Analytics gets added on top of the base analytics, offering additional metrics for videos used on a page. The tracking server for the media analytics is different from the tracking server we use for Adobe Analytics. Dynamic Media Viewer extension provides a list of Dynamic Media Viewer events and actions. Check the Enable Adobe Media tracking analytics for audio and video. Also, let’s install the Core and Experience Cloud ID services. At this point, we covered all the extensions that are required to track Dynamic Media viewers. In this video, we are going to capture analytics information for a Dynamic Media carousel set and a Dynamic Media video. For capturing Dynamic Media viewers insights from a page, we need to create data elements and rules. Data elements and rules are the basic building blocks of Launch. Data elements store the attributes you want to send to your marketing and advertising solutions, while rules fire the requests to these solutions under the right conditions. Libraries are the JavaScript files that load on the page to do all of the work. In the next section, you will use all the three to capture and track Dynamic Media Viewer insights. Under the Data Element tab for our property, let’s add a new data element. Select the extension as Dynamic Media Viewers and data element type as Viewer Event. Dynamic Media Viewer extension does provide a list of events, thus making it easy for users to configure a data element without writing any code. Select the LOAD viewer event and you can see a list of parameters associated with this event. Select the viewer version for the LOAD Viewer Event.
This data element will now capture and store the Dynamic Media Viewer version number when loaded on a page, but doesn’t send the information yet to the Adobe Analytics report suite. That’s when the Launch rule comes into the picture. Let’s take a quick look at some of the other data elements that I have created for this video before we move to Launch rules. For capturing viewer insights associated with a Dynamic Media video, I have created the following data elements. DynamicMediaPauseTimeStamp captures a timestamp for a video at which a user pauses a video. This value will be zero for the initial load. DynamicMediaPlayTimeStamp captures the timestamp for a video at which a user plays a video. This value will be zero for the initial load. Dynamic Media Video Name captures the asset name or video file name. For capturing viewer insights associated with the carousel set, I have created the following data elements. Asset Frame provides details about the banner position in a carousel set. Asset Name provides the name of the Dynamic Media asset used in the current banner. HREF corresponds to the HREF value associated with the hotspot inside an interactive banner image. Dynamic Media Viewer Type, Viewer Version, Company name, Source, and Application Name captures the other essential details for each Dynamic Media Viewer event. Now that we have the data elements in place, let’s take a look at the Launch rules. Dynamic Media Load rule gets fired when a viewer loads on a page. This rule captures the viewer type, viewer version, company name, and application name for the Dynamic Media Viewer into eVar1, 2, 3, and 4 respectively. This rule then triggers an analytic beacon to the report suite. DynamicMediaVideoTracking rule gets fired when a Dynamic Media PLAY event or PAUSE event gets triggered for Dynamic Media Viewer. This rule captures the video play time, video pause time, video file name, and the source from the Dynamic Media Viewer into props 20, 21, 22, and 23 respectively. This rule then triggers an analytic beacon to the report suite. Dynamic Media Carousel Banner rule gets fired for each carousel banner on a page. This rule captures the carousel banner number, asset name, associated hotspot HREF, and the source values into eVar 31, 32, 33, and 34 respectively. This rule then triggers an analytic beacon to the report suite. Make sure that all the changes are added to a build and deployed to the respective environment. Let’s navigate to our AEM author instance and open the We.Retail site page in edit mode.
Drag-drop the Dynamic Media component onto the Layout Container and add a Dynamic Media video to this component. Similarly, let’s add a Dynamic Media carousel set to the Running equipment page.
To add a Dynamic Media component to a page, make sure that the Dynamic Media component group is enabled within the page template policies.
Let’s publish our changes from the author instance to a publish instance and verify the changes. Navigate to the We.Retail homepage and open your browser console. We can see two rules that gets fired.
Dynamic Media Load rule captures the Dynamic Media viewer type, version number, company name, source, and application name associated with the Dynamic Media Viewer. DynamicMediaVideoTracking rule gets fired for video PAUSE event with the video pause time and video play time at zero for the initial load. This rule also captures the video file name and fires an analytics call. Let’s clear the console logs and play the video for a few seconds and then pause it. We can see two analytics calls that gets fired. One for the PLAY event, another one for the PAUSE event. Let’s navigate to the We.Retail Running equipment page and you can see the Dynamic Media carousel set that gets loaded on this page. Let’s check the browser console for this page. For each carousel banner, the Dynamic Media Carousel Banner rule gets fired, capturing information about the asset name, frame number, source, and the HREF associated with each asset hotspot. This insight gets then sent to Adobe Analytics.
Let’s check the Adobe Analytics Hits using the Adobe Experience Cloud Debugger plugin. We can notice the Analytics tracking call for the Dynamic Media video and the carousel set.
Using this analytics data, you can create an analytics report on where and how Dynamic Media assets get consumed and how users interact with the Dynamic Media viewers. For customers who have Dynamic Media and Adobe Analytics, you can now track usage of Dynamic Media viewers on your website using the Dynamic Media extension.
With the introduction of the Dynamic Media Viewer extension, Adobe Experience Manager now offers advanced analytics support for assets delivered with Dynamic Media viewers (5.13), providing more granular control over event tracking when a Dynamic Media Viewer is used on a Sites page.
If you already have AEM Assets and Sites, you can integrate your tags property with your AEM author instance. Once your launch integration is associated with your website, you can add a dynamic media components to your page with event tracking for viewers enabled.
For AEM Assets-only customers or Dynamic Media Classic customers, user can get embed code for a viewer and add it to the page. Tags Script libraries can then be manually added to the page for viewer event tracking.
The following table lists Dynamic Media Viewer events and their supported arguments: