Adobe Asset Link setup

Bring quick impact to your organization, by making it easier for creative and marketing teams to collaborate on assets in the content creation process. If you are in IT, learn how to quickly set up Adobe Asset Link at no cost, which connects your Creative Cloud apps including Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, and XD to Adobe Experience Manager Assets.

Learn how to set up Adobe Asset Link for AEM as a Cloud Service, configuring user entitlements and AEM as a Cloud Service, and how to install and use Adobe Asset Link.


And I’d like to start with showing you how Asset Link can be used with Experience Manager as a Cloud Service, how it can be configured so that end users have access to it and can start using it. This slide shows you all the required steps for Experience Manager Cloud Service to support this. Note that it also applies to Asset Essentials 'cause it’s also onboarded into AdminConsole and also selected managed services deployment can be onboarded into AdminConsole and IMS authentication, as I showed before, so then really this procedure applies to those as well. Cloud Service is definitely the most interesting case for a lot of our customers. So there are three major steps that you need to take, are relatively simply actually but just to understand what needs to be done where. First of all, you look at user entitlements in your AdminConsole and entitled Creative users to Creative Cloud and Experience Manager Cloud Service. Both products are there, so you can just add users.

And then it’s recommended that you create a special group in AdminConsole for Asset Link users. It’s helpful to then manage specific access patterns to assets in AEM that you can control for those users.

And optionally, you can also configure directory trusting. And it helps when you have Experience Manager in one Adobe organization, in one Adobe console, AdminConsole, and Creative Cloud in another one, or in cases where you want to add users from different consoles to have access to Asset Link and AEM. So we’ll show that directory trusted setup in our demo very soon so that you know how to deal with those situations. If you have everything in one console, that’s even simpler. You just add users and you’re done. In AEM, as a Cloud Service, the good news is it’s actually ready and pre-configured for Adobe Asset Link. So you just add users and connect. The only thing you have to care about, and usually, it’s just one step at the beginning for the AEM Admin is to ensure that your users will have access to the right content to everything that in them, and I’ll show you how to do it. Optionally, you can configure some services that Asset Link works with but again, documentation covers it, so no need to spend too much time on them here. And last but not least, installation and usage of Asset Link from the end user perspective. How do you give end users access to it? It’s either self-service installation that we’ve just introduced new this year. So they can do it themselves or Admin can do it by packaging Creative Cloud with Asset Link. And users just open Asset Link panel, and now what’s new for Cloud Service as a backend, the panel will automatically discover the digital asset management endpoint that you’re entitled to, and will connect you right there. So without further ado, I’d like to move over and show you a demo. In this demo, I’ll show you how to configure Experience Manager Cloud Service for Adobe Asset Link. We have an org with Creative Cloud deployed and another org with Experience Manager as a Cloud Service deployed. So the task is simple. To add the same user to both products. But if you have two orgs, you have to have something called directory trust established between those two orgs. So looking at the settings here for identity, and we can see that this org has an enterprise ID with a domain claimed in which the users are added.

Now, in order to be able to add the same user to the other org where Creative Cloud is deployed, we need to establish a trust relationship, which was done here, so you can see the directory’s trusted. And the domain is active here and linked to the other organization. And with this, we can proceed with adding users and entitling them to the right product. In this case, I have a Creative user already added and entitled, and this user, as we can see, has access to Creative Cloud All Apps. So now our task will be to add the same user to Experience Manager in the other org.

So first of all, what I’d like to do is I’d like to set up a user group in AdminConsole.

And add both the end user, as well as myself as an admin to that group. The reason for it is that this group will be available in Experience Manager when any of those users first logs in. So I’ll be able to use it for setting up access control to content, so it’s really useful.

So now the thing we have to do is go to products, Experience Manager as a Cloud Service, and add users to the right environment. As you can see, we have multiple environments here, which is typical of Experience Manager as a Cloud Service. You would want to add the user to the right one. And in order to make sure you’re using the right one, you use something called Cloud Manager, which is a deployment console for Experience Manager. So you just add yourself as an admin to that product and then when you log in to, or Experience Cloud home, you have access to Experience Manager. And as an admin, you also can access Cloud Manager.

And Cloud Manager packages those environments into something called programs, and we can dive into the program that we want to add users to. Identify the right environment. In my case, it’s a development environment. In the majority of cases, it would be a production environment that you want to add your Creative users to. And then to be able to add the users exactly to that environment, you can use that Manage Access Link that is available in Cloud Manager on that environment to go directly to the right place in AdminConsole.

So once I click it, I go back to AdminConsole and I’m located in the right product context. So I have two product profiles here are available to me. One for administrators and one for end users. So I’m going to add myself as the admin to the administrators group.

So basically, I want to be able to log in to that environment as well and check the content rights.

And then I want to switch to the AEM users product profile, which represents regular users and add my end user there.

Hence once it’s done, both myself and the users have access. So now as the admin, I can go back to Cloud Manager and click on that link to my environment to log into it.

So I’m already logged in with my account.

Let’s check what content is in that environment so that we can see.

So this one WKND Site public folder, and I’m logged in as an admin. So I see more.

But then I want to make sure that the security setup is correct for my users. To do that, I’m going to go to groups, and what I need to establish is that the groups that the user is a part of has the right access level to assets in them. And you can see that Asset Link users group was synchronized from AdminConsole here. So I just want to make sure it is a part of a group that has the right access level. And one of those default groups that you can use, at least as a starting point is really the group that is called DAM Users. It’s sort of a built-in default group that gives read, write access to all the assets. So as a starting point, it’s really useful for me to add the Asset Link users to this group so that they have the right level of access to content. And once I do that, and save it, they will, by default, have the same access level as DAM Users. I can, of course, make it different but this is a good starting point.

So now we’re switching gears to giving end users access to Asset Link. And there are two ways. One is the admin of the Creative Cloud organization.

Can go to packages and create a package that will contain Asset Link. So as you can see, you can name the package however you want.

Define the parameters, define the platform, et cetera, et cetera, and then important thing here is to click that link with include Adobe Asset Link as an option so that the extension itself is automatically installed for the end user.

Another way is for the end user themselves to go to their Creative Cloud desktop app, and we can see it here, logged in as the end user here, and they can jump over to Marketplace in their desktop app.

Go to all plugins, select Photoshop, and look for Adobe Asset Link.

When they do that, they need to scroll down to Extensions from Adobe Exchange, and in my case, I already downloaded it before, so I can just click on Install. A new user would see a link to learn more, which would take them to Adobe Exchange to that very page where they would be able to initiate that installation process that would then take back to their Creative Cloud desktop. So now the installation process has started. And it will continue for a couple minutes.

When it’s done, my Asset Link extensions is installed, and I can also see that in my manage plugins screen.

So now what I can do as an end user, I can start, let’s say Photoshop.

Let me just do it.

And when Photoshop starts, I can go to Window, Extensions, and I can see Adobe Asset Link there, right? And now it’s important that the Adobe Asset Link now discovers that I have access to this Experience Manager instance and it automatically connects me, which is great 'cause I don’t have to do anything else. I can learn more about the extension but I don’t have to, of course. And then I already have access to content from that Experience Manager instance directly from Asset Link panel. And I can search and browse for the right assets. Let’s find something nice.

Cycling Tuscany. Sounds great. Change view. And preview one of those assets. And if I like it, I can start working with this. I can download it and use it in my designs. So that’s really how simple it is for the end user to start working with Asset Link once they’re entitled to both Creative Cloud and Experience Manager. -

Not shown in the video above, Adobe Asset Link can be added via the Managed package option from Creative Cloud package manager:

  1. Choose Adobe Asset Link CEP in Choose Plugins step
  2. On the Option step select Enable self-service Install and Allow non-admins to update and install apps to enable non-admins to have privileges to manage Creative Cloud apps and plugins.

Learn how to set up Adobe Asset Link for AEM 6 running in Adobe Managed Services or On-premise, configuring user entitlements and AEM as a Cloud Service, and how to install and use Adobe Asset Link.

Now, let’s focus on how to configure AssetLink or Experience Manager that runs as managed services or on-premise deployment. And as you can see, we have three major steps in order to do that. And first of all, you’ll take care of user entitlements in Admin Console. You will entitle or make sure your creative users are entitled to Creative Cloud. And then there is a user group set up for AssetLink user. Optionally, you can set up directory trusting for special cases as well. And then there’s a major step in Experience Manager itself, where you have to configure it to understand login from Creative Cloud in addition to its native login, AM login. So you’ll have to configure the login module and ensure that permissions to them content are in place. There are some optional configurations described in the documentation as well. And then there’s the last step for the end user. You would make sure that they can have access to the panel itself, which can be done by a self-service installation or by the admin who can do the packaging flow in Creative Cloud. Then they open AssetLink panel. And then they’ll have to provide a URL to the Experience Manager to connect to the right repository or admins can also deploy a config file that will just do it for them. So without further ado, let’s have a look at a demo showing all these steps. In this demo, I will show you how to configure Adobe Experience Manager on-premise or managed services for Adobe AssetLink. We have Creative Cloud deployed in this Adobe Admin Console organization. And we just need to make sure that proper Creative Cloud users are entitled to Creative Cloud. It is recommended that you create a special group for those users of AssetLink. I call it Creative Team A here. And I already added a user that we’re going to use as a demo user to that group. This group will come handy when we configure access to AM. And the user has access to Creative Cloud, was entitled in a console, is a part of this group and uses a supported Enterprise ID login. Federated ID would work as well. Next step for us is to log into Adobe Experience Manager. This case, it’s an on-premise version running on my machine. To ensure I’ll know what to do as an admin, I’ll refer to our documentation for configuring Experience Manager 6 for Adobe AssetLink. And there are a few steps that you have to do. Ensure that the prerequisites are met. Step number two is configuring Experience Manager to accept logins from Creative Cloud. They’re manually or using a configuration package, which is what I’ll show. And then ensure that users have access to the right assets in your repository. There are some optional steps you can do later, but the first three ones are required. As for prerequisites, ensure that you’re running a supported version of AM. We always recommend the latest service pack. The next step is to download and install a configuration package that we provide here. By clicking, taking you to Software Distribution Portal, where after accepting terms, you can download this package to your local disk. I did that before, so we don’t need it. So let’s go to the Deployment Console where we can do the deployment. Selling tools in AM. You would go to Deployment, Packages, which opens our package manager UI and allows you to upload the configuration package that you’ve just downloaded. It is here, so I’m going to select it and click OK. When uploaded, you can click Install to get it installed. Once you’ve done this, you can close the console and check the documentation for next steps. Now we have to configure that login module, and there’s just one parameter that you have to add there. So let’s get to the console in Tools, Operations, Web Console. It takes it to the low-level configuration of the system, and then you need to find the right configuration parameter. So I’ll just copy it, paste it here, and find in Browser, and then click on that configuration package. You can see that some of the parameters are already pre-configured. That was done by this config package with stuff that’s common, and the thing that you need to add is the organization. This is the ID of the organization where Creative Cloud is deployed. So to get this, you get back to Admin Console, and you can simply copy-paste this first long number from the URL that identifies this specific organization. That way, AEM will know to accept login attempts from this very organization if a creative user attempts it. Group mappings is an advanced setting that you can also do, but you can also do it by manual configuration later, which I’ll show you, and group mapping is described in our documentation in more detail. So that’s really it for the simplest possible configuration, and I’m going to save it now. So with this, AEM is ready to accept logins from Creative Cloud using this Enterprise ID, in our case, from the very organization, and we’re ready to go forward. And next step is for our admin to provide access to asset links to their users, and there are two ways that they can do it. One is if the admin of the Creative Cloud organization goes to the packaging flow and creates a package of Creative Cloud. They give it a name, select the platform and other options, and then an important thing here is to click on this extension button and ensure that Adobe Asset Link is selected. When you build a package, it will contain Asset Link already, and when you distribute it to your users, they’ll have access to it immediately. Another way of doing that is for the users themselves to install the package from their Creative Cloud desktop. So I’m the user logged into my Creative Cloud desktop. I can go to Marketplace, All Plugins, type Asset Link to find it. It is in the Adobe Exchange section, and you can see the card here. Because I downloaded this package before, it’s already there, so I can just click here to install, but if you’re a new user, you’ll see the Learn More button that when you click it will take you to the Adobe Exchange website to that package, and from there you can click the button and initiate the installation. I will now click Install, and will wait for the plugin to get installed. When done, the package is installed, and I can manage it in Manage Plugins option. So now, as a creative, I can start Photoshop to get access to Asset Link. When Photoshop opens, my Asset Link is available through Window, Extensions, and I can click on it, and it opens a panel, and it asks me for the name and the URL to my AEM environment, or Adobe Experience Manager environment. So I’ll give it here, and the URL is simply the URL to AEM instance that we were working with before. So I’m just going to get back to the browser, copy and paste, and save this configuration. It will connect to AEM, AEM will allow me to log in because I was at it, and I can start using it. So I can go to Files, any of the folders I have access to. Let’s just choose one to see that indeed I can see all the assets that are there. I can preview them, see the metadata, and can start using Asset Link from there on. Now, as it’s loading, there might be a situation for the first user who logs in that they won’t have access to that Experience Manager instance that we’ve just configured. And why is that? We’ll see that in a second. The reason for it is that by default, users in AEM don’t have broad access to everything, just for security purposes. So to enable access for users from Creative Cloud to get access to assets, you need to properly configure the security in the system. You can see the Creative Team A group that was basically synchronized from Admin Console as this user logged in. And to enable that user or any other user in this group later to have access to AEM content to digital assets, you can use an out-of-the-box group that we have in the system that is called AEM Users. It just gives access to the right set of content to users of AEM. When I did that before, I added Creative Team A to that group as a member so that it inherits the rights that this gives that made the first user who logged in, second user who would log in, have access to that same content. So Asset Link Recognize, it’s a valid login attempt. So as an admin, you might want to either work with one of the creative users for them to try to log into AEM. And when they do and it fails, you can go into AEM and configure this access pattern. Or you can actually add yourself as an admin to Creative Cloud, if that’s possible, log in yourself, and then add this configuration, add this group to them users so that they have full access to AEM. And this is really what it takes to start using Asset Link with Experience Manager on-premise and managed services.

Learn what Domain Trust is, what it means for using Adobe Asset Link with Experience Manager Assets, and how to set up Domain Trust.
