Generating URLs and Embed Codes for AEM Dynamic Media assets

This video walks through the steps to generate public URL or Embed code for an asset.

Hello everyone. In this video, we will demonstrate how to generate a public URL or embed code for an asset in AEM Dynamic Media.
Click on the Assets option, and then choose the Files option.
Select the folder you want to work on.
Select a file, or create a new one using the Create option. Choose the Files option, and select the file you wish to upload.
After the file is uploaded, select the file, and then click on the Renditions option at the top left.
Choose the Renditions option from the drop-down. In the DYNAMIC section, choose the layout. The URL button will appear.
Copy the URL, and paste it in the search bar. The image will be available for previewing. This happens only if the image is published. To unpublish an image, click on Manage Publication. The Unpublish option appears, click on it, and select the Next button.
Select the image, and click on the Unpublish option. The image is unpublished now, and the URL disappears.
If the height and width of the image is not set, a response type image appears. Select the image, and you will find the URL along with the RESS button.
This is the responsive image embed code. Copy the image code, and use it. Thank you for watching this video. For more updates, please visit: -