Using Brand Portal with AEM Assets using-brand-portal-with-aem-assets
Video guides of Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) Assets Brand Portal integration.
Brand Portal September 2019 Feature and Enhancements
Brand Portal’s September 2019 most notably introduces Asset Sourcing, which increases content velocity and allows for easy and quick exchange of assets between Experience Manager authors and third-party creatives and contributors.
Brand Portal Asset Sourcing asset-sourcing
Brand Portal’s Asset Sourcing is used to collect assets from third-party agencies and teams, seamlessly syncing them back to Experience Manager Author for review and use.
Brand Portal Asset Sourcing allows digital assets to be uploaded by external agencies and teams to Brand Portal, and then seamlessly transported back to Experience Manager author, for review and use. Asset sourcing starts on the author instance, where a DAM user sets up contribution folders that will be used to collect assets from specially-permissioned Brand Portal users. Note that multiple contribution folders can be created throughout the DAM for different projects and use cases. When a contribution folder is created, Experience Manager automatically creates two sub-folders, shared and new. The shared folder is where baseline and reusable assets can be added for use by the external contributor. For instance, if the project involves creating branded marketing materials, an approved logo, templates, and UI kits might be added.
The new content folder is where the contributor on Brand Portal can add new files that will be synced back to Experience Manager author for review and approval.
Briefs, which are, in effect, asset requirement documents can be added to contribution folders that describe the scope of the work to the contributing user. Contribution folder properties define which Brand Portal users are entitled to add assets to the new folder.
These Brand Portal users receive an email, and notification in Brand Portal, when the folder is published, letting them know they can review the brief and shared assets, and begin sourcing assets to the new content folder.
Named Brand Portal contributors can log-in to Brand Portal and locate the contribution folder.
The brief can be reviewed.
And, any baseline reusable assets downloaded.
When new assets are ready, the Brand Portal contributor simply navigates to the new content folder and uploads the assets.
Once satisfied, the Brand Portal user syncs the new assets back to the Experience Manager author, via the publish to AEM action.
Over the next few minutes, Experience Manager author syncs back the assets from the new content folder on Brand Portal, making them available to the Experience Manager assets user for review and use.
From here, the contribution folder can be unpublished from Brand Portal as needed. And, the sourced assets can be put under review and moved to their final location in the DAM. Once finalized, these assets can be published back out to Brand Portal to be consumed by other Brand Portal users.
Experience Manager Author 6.5 SP2 (6.5.2) or greater is required to use Asset Sourcing
Review Enable Experience Manager Author for Asset Sourcing for instructions on how to configure and set up Asset Sourcing on Experience Manager Author.
Brand Portal February 2019 Feature and Enhancements brand-portal-features-and-enhancements-644
Hey everyone. In this video we are going to discuss several enhancements introduced in Brand Portal 6.4.4 and 6.4.3. Brand Portal helps you easily acquire, control and securely distribute approved creative assets to external parties and internal business users across devices. Let’s take a quick look at what has changed in this version. Brand Portal introduces several enhancements for admin and non-admin users. Non-admin users include editors, viewers and guest users. To demonstrate the admin and non-admin capabilities better, I have a Google Chrome window open, where I have logged in as an admin, and an incognito window, where I have logged in as a non-admin user. Let’s take a quick look at some of the admin enhancements introduced. Enable Folder Hierarchy. In the previous version of Brand Portal, when a folder is shared with a non-admin user, user gets to see the specific folder, and assets shared along with the folder. However, user cannot understand the hierarchy of the shared folder. There are cases where, folders for the same name are shared from different hierarchy and non-admin users do not have an easy way to distinguish between the two folders which has the same name. User might end up using the assets from the incorrect folder. To avoid this confusion, Brand Portal introduces Enable Folder Hierarchy option. Let’s navigate to our admin window, under settings, select General, and then Enable Folder Hierarchy option. Let’s revisit the incognito window for the non-admin user. It helps you to differentiate the folders by the same name by giving you the ability to see its virtual parent folder of the shared folder. To quickly identify the virtual parent folder of a shared folder, look for the lock icon on it. The lock icon indicates that it is a parent of a shared folder, and also the thumbnail of the virtual parent folder is a thumbnail image of the first shared folder image. Enable Folder Hierarchy provides a virtually similar folder navigation experience to non-admin users as well as admin users. Search Enhancements. Brand Portal introduces several search enhancements, to make it easy for users to find the right asset with fewer clicks. Some of the improvements include the addition of a path browser predicate, a Partial Phrase Search, and a Wild Card Search option. Path browser predicate. Brand Portal users can search for assets within a specific folder path and no longer need to start the search from the root folder. Path browser predicate can be added to the asset search rail form by an admin user. Click on the Adobe Experience Cloud Assets logo and select Search Forms option. Select the Assets Admin Search Rail form and open to edit it. The current Assets Search form does not include the path browser predicate. Select the path browser predicate from the list of predicates and drag it onto your Asset Search edit form. Under the predicate settings, click on the Path Finder option and set up your Tenant ID as the path. In our case, /content/dam/mac/aem-techmarketing, is the default, and the root path for Asset Search, but we now have an option to restrict our search to a specific folder, or a folder hierarchy. Let’s select the Wknd folder as the default Asset Search path, and then save your changes. Let’s navigate back to our Brand Portal page, and perform an Asset Search. Click on the Filter option and then perform a search for skating image within the default path. This particular search will search for all assets stored under your aem-techmarketing route note. You can notice that there are more than six images associated to skating under the aem-techmarketing route note. You can also notice that the Asset Search result consists of skating images from the Wknd and We-Retail Asset folders. Now click on the folder path predicate, and you can notice the Asset Search option is limited to only folders within the Wknd Asset folder. Redo the search for Skating and you can now see three images for Skating from the Wknd Asset folder. Admins can use the path browser to navigate to any folder within Brand Portal. Non-admin users can use the Path Browser Predicate to navigate to only folders that are shared with them. For example, /content/dam/mac, aem-techmarketing, Wknd, English, Skating, is shared with a non-admin user. The user can search for assets within Skating folder, using the Path Browser. This user can also navigate to English and Wknd folder, since they are ancestors of their folder that is shared with the user, which is the Skating folder. Partial Search. Another search enhancement is the Partial Phrase Search option for Asset property predicate. You can now search for assets by specifying only a part of the search phrase. For example, if an Asset has a title which consists of two or three words, and if you’re not sure of all three words for your Asset search, you can mention just one word for the Asset search, and get all assets related or associated with that particular keyword. Let’s do a quick search for all assets associated with the keyword “camp”, for all Assets under We-Retail folder. Without the Partial Phrase Search enabled, you do not have any results. But if you know the complete Asset title, you can definitely find the asset. For example, enter “camp summer night” and you should be able to get the image. At the same time, we search for this exact same image using just one single keyword, which is “camp”, and we never got any result. Let’s enable the Partial Phrase Search option for Asset Title Predicate under Asset Search Rail, and then save your changes. On selecting the Partial Search checkbox, Ignore Case is also selected by default. Repeat the search for camp under We-Retail folder, and now you can see a list of images which has the keyword “camp” associated with its Asset Title.
When we enable the Asset Predicate Property, with the Partial Phrase Search Option, we were able to get a list of images which has the correct keyword, or the camp keyword in all those images.
Another search enhancement is the Wild Card Search option. If you’re not sure of the exact keyword, you can perform a Wild Card Search using part of the keyword and an asterisk symbol. For example, specifying “climb” + asterisk returns all assets having words beginning with the characters climb in their title phrase. For example, specifying the “climb asterisk” symbol returns all the assets having words beginning with the character “climb” in their title phrase, if Search Form in Brand Portal uses Property Predicate for Partial Search on Asset Title. Similarly, let’s search for assets that have words ending with characters “climb” in their title phrase, by entering “asterisk climb”, and you can notice a list of images that gets displayed. Also do a search for assets having words comprising the characters climb in their title phrase by doing asterisk climb and then asterisk again. Notice the difference in the set of assets that gets displayed for each of your search. Wild Card Search gives you the ability to search for your Asset properties using different combinations. At this point, we introduced you to several search enhancements introduced in Brand Portal. Let’s take a look at some of the other enhancement introduced in this particular version. Dynamic Media Video rendition support. Users whose AEM or other instance is on Dynamic Media Hybrid mode, can preview and download the Dynamic Media renditions in addition to the original video files. To allow preview and download of Dynamic Media renditions on specific tenant accounts, administrators need to specify Dynamic Media Configuration, the DM Gateway URL, and registration ID to fetch the Dynamic Media in Video Configuration from Admin Tools Panel. Dynamic Media Videos can be previewed on Asset detail pages, Asset Card View, and link-share preview page. Dynamic Media Video encodes can also be downloaded from Brand Portal, or via a shared link. Scheduled publish to Brand Portal. Brand Portal also introduces the ability to schedule a publish for a later date and time from your AEM instance to Brand Portal instance. Similarly, published assets can be removed from the Portal at a later date and time, by scheduling the Unpublish from Brand Portal workflow. Organizations can get their Portal URL customized by having an alternate prefix in the URL. To get an alias for a tenant name in their existing Portal URL, organization need to contact Adobe support. Note that only the prefix of the Brand Portal URL can be customized, and not the entire URL. However, AEM author instance can be configured only with the tenant ID URL and not with tenant alias or alternate URL. Organizations can meet their branding needs by getting the Portal URL customized. With all this enhancement, you can easily acquire, control and securely distribute approved creative assets to external parties and internal business users across devices. With all this enhancement introduced in Brand Portal, a user can easily acquire, control and securely distribute approved creative assets to external parties and internal business users across devices.
Brand Portal’s February 2019 release focuses on enhancements to text search and top customer requests.
Search enhancements
Brand Portal enhances search with partial text search on property predicate in filtering pane. To allow partial text search you need to enable Partial Search in Property Predicate in the search form.
Read on to know more about partial text search and wildcard search.
Partial phrase search
You can now search for assets by specifying only a part—that is a word or two—of the searched phrase in filtering pane.
Use case : Partial phrase search is helpful when you are unsure of the exact combination of words occurring in the searched phrase.
For example, if your search form in Brand Portal uses Property Predicate for partial search on assets title, then specifying the term camp returns all the assets with the word camp in their title phrase.
Wildcard search
The Brand Portal allows using the asterisk (*) in search query along with a part of the word in your searched phrase.
Use case :If you are not sure of the exact words occurring in the searched phrase, you can use a wildcard search to fill the gaps in your search query.
For example, specifying climb* returns all the assets having words beginning with the characters climb in their title phrase if search form in Brand Portal uses Property Predicate for partial search on assets title.
Similarly, specifying:
- *climb returns all the assets having words ending with characters climb in their title phrase.
- *climb* returns all the assets having words comprising the characters climb in their title phrase.
Enable Folder Hierarchy
Administrators can now configure how the folders are shown to non-admin users (Editors, Viewers, and Guest Users) on login.
Enable Folder Hierarchy configuration is added in General Settings, in the admin tools panel. If the configuration is:
- Enabled, the folder tree starting from the root folder is visible to non-admin users. Thus, granting them a navigation experience similar to administrators.
- Disabled, only the shared folders are displayed on the landing page.
Enable Folder Hierarchy functionality (when enabled) helps you differentiate the folders with the same names shared from different hierarchies. On logging in, non-admin users now see the virtual parent (and ancestor) folders of the shared folders.
The shared folders are organized within the respective directories in virtual folders. You can recognize these virtual folders with a lock icon.
Note that the default thumbnail of the virtual folders is the thumbnail image of the first shared folder.
Dynamic Media video renditions support
Users whose AEM Author instance is on Dynamic Media hybrid mode can preview and download the dynamic media renditions, in addition to the original video files.
To allow preview and download of dynamic media renditions on specific tenant accounts, administrators need to specify Dynamic Media Configuration (video service URL (DM-Gateway URL) and registration ID to fetch the dynamic video) in Video configuration from admin tools panel.
Dynamic Media videos can be previewed on:
- Asset details page
- Asset’s card view
- Link share preview page
Dynamic Media Video encodes can be downloaded from:
- Brand Portal
- Shared link
Scheduled publish to Brand Portal
Assets (and folders) publish workflow from AEM ( Author instance to Brand Portal can be scheduled for a later date, time.
Similarly, published assets can be removed from the portal at a later date (time), by scheduling the Unpublish from Brand Portal workflow.
Configurable tenant alias in URL
Organizations can get their portal URL customized, by having an alternate prefix in the URL. To get an alias for tenant name in their existing portal URL, organizations need to contact Adobe support.
Note that only the prefix of the Brand Portal URL can be customized and not the entire URL.
For example, an organization with existing domain
can get
created on request.
However, AEM Author instance can be configured only with the tenant id URL and not with tenant alias (alternate) URL.
Use case : Organizations can meet their branding needs by getting the portal URL customized, instead of sticking to the URL provided by Adobe.
Brand Portal December 2018 Feature and Enhancements brand-portal-features-and-enhancements-642
Hi everyone. In this video we’re going to discuss enhancements introduced an AEM 6.4.2. Brand Portal helps you easily acquire control and securely distribute approved creative assets to external parties and internal business users across devices. Let’s take a quick look at what has changed in this version. Brand Portal will introduces several enhancements for admin and non admin users. Non admin users include the editors, viewers and guest users. Guest access: Brand Portal provides a wide range of capabilities for admin users. It is often a requirement to have a user authenticate to your Brand Portal Instance to access some of the public assets and collections. Some of the non-admin users don’t require a whole lot of permissions and maybe they want to check out some of the public assets. What happens in a normal scenario is: these guest users need to raise a ticket to create a Brand Portal account, admins then need to work on setting up a user account, close the ticket and then send the credentials to the Brand Portal guest user. Creating multiple guest user accounts for just one time use, makes it difficult and cumbersome for admins to maintain these accounts. However with the newer Brand Portal, admins can enable the guest access option. Let me show you how to do it. Note, that you need to have admin access to your Brand Portal instance to make these changes. I have logged into the We.Retail Brand Portal instance as an admin on one window and I have another instance of We.Retail Brand Portal open in an incognito window that I have not logged in yet. On the incognito window, you have an option to sign in with your account credentials. As we discussed earlier, it is a lot of work to enable account access for a one time guest user. Let’s switch back to a Brand Portal admin window. Click on the Adobe Experience Cloud assets logo and you can notice the navigation menu with different admin settings. Let’s select the Access Settings to manage your tenant access. Let’s use the allow guest access and save your changes. Switch back to your incognito window and refresh your screen. You can now see an option to log in as a guest user. Let’s select the guest access and log in. As a guest user, I was able to log into a Brand Portal instance without the requirement of any credentials. What generally take several emails, phone calls and account support is solved with just one click. Guest access will enable users to perform some of the basic functionalities like search for assets using omni search. For example I can search for all assets that relate to shoes. The guest user can select an asset and view its properties and can also download the files to a local machine. Can also add an asset to their private collection. You can access the asset added to light box under navigation and collections. You can also download the private lightbox created. However, using guest access limits the user from creating a private collection, sharing assets with others, saving your assets search etc. Each guest session expires after two hours and all lightboxes just gets deleted. For each instance of Brand Portal, multiple guest sessions are allowed. 10 percent of a total accounts on a Brand Portal instance could be used for guest access. Guest users can see all folders or assets that are public and published to Brand Portal from the AEM instance. For example, we have published the We.Retail summer collection folder to Brand Portal from my AEM instance. You can notice the globe icon that denotes it’s published to Brand Portal. However, this folder is a private folder and hence it is not visible to a guest user. Guest users can also download assets using the accelerated download option which we will be covering later. Need access: Brand Portal simplifies the process of getting users added to your organization. It reduces the process of writing emails to the admins to grant them access. Instead a user navigates to the Brand Portal homepage and click on the Need Access option, click on the Adobe Experience Cloud assets logo and you can notice the navigation menu with different admin settings. Let’s select the access settings to manage your tenant access. Let’s choose the allow users to request access and save your changes. Switch back to your incognito window and refresh your screen. You can now see an option to request access. Let’s select the Need Access option.
If you already have an Adobe ID, you can sign in and request access. Otherwise you have an option to create an Adobe ID and then ask for access. Login with an Adobe ID. Fill out the request form and submit it. Your access request submission along with your Adobe ID gets sent as a notification to Brand Portal admins inbox. Let’s switch to the Brand Portal admin window and click on the notification icon. You can notice the access request that we submitted in the last step show up on admin user’s inbox. Admins can click on the access request and grant access to this user by adding the user to the organization and assigning the necessary permissions. The user then receives an email with the steps to sign in. In this section we are going to cover the Brand Portal accelerated download capability. Before we get started, make sure you have admin permissions on your Brand Portal instance. An IBM Aspera connect is installed on your machine. Brand Portal allows users to download large asset files. Foster with the help of IBM Aspera connect install on demand application. From your Brand Portal homepage, click on the Adobe Experience Cloud assets logo and select general settings. You can notice an option to enable accelerated download. Toggle the switch and save your changes. Let’s navigate to another window where I have been logged in as a non admin user. Let’s select an asset from your Brand Portal asset folders and try to download it.
You can see a new option within your download dialog to enable download acceleration. Click on the information icon and note that the outbound port 3 3 0 0 1 should be open for your TCP or UDP connections. You can also read more about some of the pre-requisites and troubleshooting tips for accelerated download under the more resources section.
You can test if the TCP port 3 3 0 0 1 is open by accessing test page. Allow connecting to IBM Aspera Connect application if prompted and then click on the test your ports option. Give it a few seconds for the test to complete. If everything looks good you should receive a TCP or UDP port okay status. If the port number is not open, you can notice the following window and contact your network admin for enabling the port number. Let’s also check out some of the other general settings introduced which gives admin more control over asset creation and deletion by non admin users. Click on the Adobe Experience Cloud Assets logo and select general settings. Allow users to delete, enables admin users to delete assets from the Brand Portal instance. Allow public collections creation indicates if non admin users can create public collections. Allow public smart collection creations suggest: if non admin users can create smart collection. User log in report. Brand Portal allows admins to keep track of assets downloaded, expired, published, shared etc. Brand Portal 6.4.2 introduces a new option to track user logins. Let’s check it out. From your Brand Portal homepage click on Adobe Experience Cloud assets logo and click on Create or manage reports. Click on the Create button and select User Login Reports. Provide a name and title for your report and then click Next. By default it captures the following details about the user login. Click on the Create button to save your changes and then exit. Let’s open the report we just created and you can notice the login details for your Brand Portal instance. You can also download this report as a CSV file for offline viewing and sharing.
Access to original renditions. By default, when an Asset gets published to Brand Portal, users can access and download the original rendition of an asset. In the newer version of Brand Portal, admins can restrict the access of the original rendition of an asset to a specific group of users. From your Brand Portal homepage, click on Adobe Experience Cloud assets and select Users. Notice that the demo user is part of both AEM Brand Portal viewer and Assets Brand Portal group. Select the group step under user rules. You can notice a new checkbox option to enable access to original for groups. For a non admin user, if he or she belongs to any of the groups in which access to original is unchecked, the user will no longer be able to download the original rendition off the asset. Let’s navigate to the non admin window where I have logged in as a demo user and let’s select an asset and try to download it. You can notice a warning message that state’s admin has restricted access to original image files. However, the download continuous with other renditions. Other general enhancements. Let’s log into the Brand Portal as a non admin and check out some of the other enhancements. Non-admin users include editors, viewers and guest users. Let’s navigate to sub-folders of We.Retail.
In card view and list view, non-admin users can now see the content path for these folders within the folder tile in card view and as a separate column in the list view. This capability enables non admin users to understand the folder hierarchy and the asset that they are trying to use. There could be duplicate folders with the same name but with different folder hierarchy in a single Brand Portal application. Allowing Users to view the content hierarchy enables them to clearly distinguish the duplicate folders and lets them use the right asset for their marketing purposes. If the content path doesn’t fit within the folder type, a user can hover over the path to get the complete folder hierarchy. Non admin users can also get to know the properties of a folder or an asset by selecting the asset and clicking on the overview option from the top toolbar. The overview option allows users to view the metadata properties without having to open it. Currently it displays content path, title and date created for an asset or a folder. Brand Portal introduces several enhancements for admin and non-admin users that helps you easily acquire, control and securely distribute approved Creative Assets to external parties and internal business users across devices.
Guest Access
AEM Brand portal allows guest access to the portal. A guest user doesn’t require credentials to enter the portal and can access and download all the public folders and collections. Guest users can add assets to their light-box (private collection) and download the same. They can also view smart tag search and search predicates set by administrators. The guest session does not allow users to create collections and saved searches or share them further, access folder and collections settings, and share assets as links.
Accelerated Download
Brand Portal users can leverage Aspera based fast downloads to get speeds up to 25x faster and enjoy a seamless download experience irrespective of their location across the globe. To download the assets faster from Brand Portal or shared link, users need to select Enable Download Acceleration option in download dialog, provided download acceleration is enabled on their organization.
User Login Report
A new report, to track user logins, has been introduced. The User Logins report can be instrumental in enabling organizations to audit and keep a check on the delegated administrators and other users of Brand Portal.
The report logs display names, email IDs, personas (admin, viewer, editor, guest), groups, last login, activity status, and login count of each user.
Access to Original Renditions
Administrators can restrict user access to original image files (jpeg, tiff, png, bmp, gif, pjpeg, x-portable-anymap, x-portable-bitmap, x-portable-graymap, x-portable-pixmap, x-rgb, x-xbitmap, x-xpixmap, x-icon, image/photoshop, image/x-photoshop, psd, image/vnd.adobe.photoshop) and give access to low-resolution renditions which they download from Brand Portal or shared link. This access can be controlled at user group level from Groups tab of User Roles page in admin tools panel.
New Configurations
Six new configurations are added for administrators to enable/disable following functionalities on specific tenants:
- Allow Guest Access
- Allow users to request access to Brand Portal
- Allow administrators to delete assets from Brand Portal
- Allow creation of public collections
- Allow creation of public smart collections
- Allow Download Acceleration
Other enhancements
- Folder hierarchy path on card and list views — enables users to know the location of the folders stored within a Brand Portal instance. Helps users to differentiate folders having same name within different folder hierarchy.
- Overview option — provides non-admin users metadata about the asset/folder by selecting the asset/folder and then selecting the overview option from the toolbar. Currently, displays title, date created and path
Adobe I/O Hosts UI to configure oAuth Integrations
Brand Portal uses Adobe I/O interface to create JWT application, which enables configuring oAuth integrations to allow AEM Assets integration with Brand Portal. Previously, the UI for configuring OAuth integrations was hosted in
. To know more about integrating AEM Assets with Brand Portal for publishing assets and collections to Brand Portal refer Configure AEM Assets integration with Brand Portal.
Brand Portal February 2018 Feature and Enhancements brand-portal-features-and-enhancements-632
New features enhanced functionality oriented toward aligning Brand Portal with AEM.
Hey everyone. In this video we are going to discuss several enhancements introduced in Brand Portal 6.4.4 and 6.4.3. Brand Portal helps you easily acquire, control and securely distribute approved creative assets to external parties and internal business users across devices. Let’s take a quick look at what has changed in this version. Brand Portal introduces several enhancements for admin and non-admin users. Non-admin users include editors, viewers and guest users. To demonstrate the admin and non-admin capabilities better, I have a Google Chrome window open, where I have logged in as an admin, and an incognito window, where I have logged in as a non-admin user. Let’s take a quick look at some of the admin enhancements introduced. Enable Folder Hierarchy. In the previous version of Brand Portal, when a folder is shared with a non-admin user, user gets to see the specific folder, and assets shared along with the folder. However, user cannot understand the hierarchy of the shared folder. There are cases where, folders for the same name are shared from different hierarchy and non-admin users do not have an easy way to distinguish between the two folders which has the same name. User might end up using the assets from the incorrect folder. To avoid this confusion, Brand Portal introduces Enable Folder Hierarchy option. Let’s navigate to our admin window, under settings, select General, and then Enable Folder Hierarchy option. Let’s revisit the incognito window for the non-admin user. It helps you to differentiate the folders by the same name by giving you the ability to see its virtual parent folder of the shared folder. To quickly identify the virtual parent folder of a shared folder, look for the lock icon on it. The lock icon indicates that it is a parent of a shared folder, and also the thumbnail of the virtual parent folder is a thumbnail image of the first shared folder image. Enable Folder Hierarchy provides a virtually similar folder navigation experience to non-admin users as well as admin users. Search Enhancements. Brand Portal introduces several search enhancements, to make it easy for users to find the right asset with fewer clicks. Some of the improvements include the addition of a path browser predicate, a Partial Phrase Search, and a Wild Card Search option. Path browser predicate. Brand Portal users can search for assets within a specific folder path and no longer need to start the search from the root folder. Path browser predicate can be added to the asset search rail form by an admin user. Click on the Adobe Experience Cloud Assets logo and select Search Forms option. Select the Assets Admin Search Rail form and open to edit it. The current Assets Search form does not include the path browser predicate. Select the path browser predicate from the list of predicates and drag it onto your Asset Search edit form. Under the predicate settings, click on the Path Finder option and set up your Tenant ID as the path. In our case, /content/dam/mac/aem-techmarketing, is the default, and the root path for Asset Search, but we now have an option to restrict our search to a specific folder, or a folder hierarchy. Let’s select the Wknd folder as the default Asset Search path, and then save your changes. Let’s navigate back to our Brand Portal page, and perform an Asset Search. Click on the Filter option and then perform a search for skating image within the default path. This particular search will search for all assets stored under your aem-techmarketing route note. You can notice that there are more than six images associated to skating under the aem-techmarketing route note. You can also notice that the Asset Search result consists of skating images from the Wknd and We-Retail Asset folders. Now click on the folder path predicate, and you can notice the Asset Search option is limited to only folders within the Wknd Asset folder. Redo the search for Skating and you can now see three images for Skating from the Wknd Asset folder. Admins can use the path browser to navigate to any folder within Brand Portal. Non-admin users can use the Path Browser Predicate to navigate to only folders that are shared with them. For example, /content/dam/mac, aem-techmarketing, Wknd, English, Skating, is shared with a non-admin user. The user can search for assets within Skating folder, using the Path Browser. This user can also navigate to English and Wknd folder, since they are ancestors of their folder that is shared with the user, which is the Skating folder. Partial Search. Another search enhancement is the Partial Phrase Search option for Asset property predicate. You can now search for assets by specifying only a part of the search phrase. For example, if an Asset has a title which consists of two or three words, and if you’re not sure of all three words for your Asset search, you can mention just one word for the Asset search, and get all assets related or associated with that particular keyword. Let’s do a quick search for all assets associated with the keyword “camp”, for all Assets under We-Retail folder. Without the Partial Phrase Search enabled, you do not have any results. But if you know the complete Asset title, you can definitely find the asset. For example, enter “camp summer night” and you should be able to get the image. At the same time, we search for this exact same image using just one single keyword, which is “camp”, and we never got any result. Let’s enable the Partial Phrase Search option for Asset Title Predicate under Asset Search Rail, and then save your changes. On selecting the Partial Search checkbox, Ignore Case is also selected by default. Repeat the search for camp under We-Retail folder, and now you can see a list of images which has the keyword “camp” associated with its Asset Title.
When we enable the Asset Predicate Property, with the Partial Phrase Search Option, we were able to get a list of images which has the correct keyword, or the camp keyword in all those images.
Another search enhancement is the Wild Card Search option. If you’re not sure of the exact keyword, you can perform a Wild Card Search using part of the keyword and an asterisk symbol. For example, specifying “climb” + asterisk returns all assets having words beginning with the characters climb in their title phrase. For example, specifying the “climb asterisk” symbol returns all the assets having words beginning with the character “climb” in their title phrase, if Search Form in Brand Portal uses Property Predicate for Partial Search on Asset Title. Similarly, let’s search for assets that have words ending with characters “climb” in their title phrase, by entering “asterisk climb”, and you can notice a list of images that gets displayed. Also do a search for assets having words comprising the characters climb in their title phrase by doing asterisk climb and then asterisk again. Notice the difference in the set of assets that gets displayed for each of your search. Wild Card Search gives you the ability to search for your Asset properties using different combinations. At this point, we introduced you to several search enhancements introduced in Brand Portal. Let’s take a look at some of the other enhancement introduced in this particular version. Dynamic Media Video rendition support. Users whose AEM or other instance is on Dynamic Media Hybrid mode, can preview and download the Dynamic Media renditions in addition to the original video files. To allow preview and download of Dynamic Media renditions on specific tenant accounts, administrators need to specify Dynamic Media Configuration, the DM Gateway URL, and registration ID to fetch the Dynamic Media in Video Configuration from Admin Tools Panel. Dynamic Media Videos can be previewed on Asset detail pages, Asset Card View, and link-share preview page. Dynamic Media Video encodes can also be downloaded from Brand Portal, or via a shared link. Scheduled publish to Brand Portal. Brand Portal also introduces the ability to schedule a publish for a later date and time from your AEM instance to Brand Portal instance. Similarly, published assets can be removed from the Portal at a later date and time, by scheduling the Unpublish from Brand Portal workflow. Organizations can get their Portal URL customized by having an alternate prefix in the URL. To get an alias for a tenant name in their existing Portal URL, organization need to contact Adobe support. Note that only the prefix of the Brand Portal URL can be customized, and not the entire URL. However, AEM author instance can be configured only with the tenant ID URL and not with tenant alias or alternate URL. Organizations can meet their branding needs by getting the Portal URL customized. With all this enhancement, you can easily acquire, control and securely distribute approved creative assets to external parties and internal business users across devices. With all this enhancement introduced in Brand Portal, a user can easily acquire, control and securely distribute approved creative assets to external parties and internal business users across devices.
Navigational Improvements
- Upgraded User Interface that aligns with the AEM and uses Coral3 UI.
- Quick and easy access to administrative tools through the new Adobe logo.
- Product navigation through an overlay
- Quick Navigation to parent folders from a child folder.
- Omnisearch option to navigate to administrative tools and content.
- Card View, List view, and Column View help you to easily browse through nested folders.
- Asset sorting in List View is no longer restricted to the number of assets being displayed on the screen. All assets in a folder are sorted.
Search Improvements
- Omnisearch capability lets you perform a quick search for assets and files within Brand Portal.
- Omnisearch also provides an option to search for assets within a specific folder or location
- Automatic keyword suggestions to make search easier
- Improve your Omnisearch with additional filters. Option to save the search result into a Smart Collection for you to re-visit your search at a later time.
- Supports smart tagged asset search
- AEM Smart tagged assets can be shared from AEM to Brand Portal and use smart tags for asset search within Brand Portal.
File Sharing Improvements
- The user can share an asset using the link share option.
- While sharing assets, the user gets to set an expiry date for each asset. Provides users more control over the assets shared.
- An external user with Asset share link can download the image and view its properties.
- The original nested folder hierarchy is preserved for downloaded asset folders.
Reporting and Administrative Capabilities
- Metadata schema from AEM Assets can now be published from AEM to Brand Portal.
- Administrators can create and manage three types of reports—assets downloaded, expired, and published
- Ability to configure the column that needs to be included in the report.
- Create Image Presets for assets within Brand Portal.
- Ability to modify Admin Search Rail Form or Search Forms to include additional filtering options.
- Update and preview custom wallpaper for your brand
- Usage report to know about the number of users, storage space used and total assets.