Learn about the test folder test-folder
The test
folder for this sample app contains a single JavaScript file, which is used when running unit tests on the application.
This is a simple example and can be expanded to create comprehensive tests for your specific applications.
Who is this video for?
- Developers new to Adobe Commerce with limited experience using Adobe App Builder who wants to learn about the
Video content
- Why use the
folder? - A brief explanation of the unit test file and its components
- Introduction to end-to-end testing
This video will talk about the test folder. In the context of the sample extension, we have a folder called test. Those tests are unit tests that are based on JST Framework. In our case, we have only one test for now in the context of this application called utils.test.js in which we run test upon the functions that we declared in our utils.js file.
Kindly note that you can add also some end-to-end test to make sure that your actions are working fine. For this, we recommend the creation of an e2e folder in which you can add all your end-to-end tests.
Code Samples
* <license header>
const utils = require('./../actions/utils.js')
test('interface', () => {
expect(typeof utils.errorResponse).toBe('function')
expect(typeof utils.stringParameters).toBe('function')
expect(typeof utils.checkMissingRequestInputs).toBe('function')
expect(typeof utils.getBearerToken).toBe('function')
describe('errorResponse', () => {
test('(400, errorMessage)', () => {
const res = utils.errorResponse(400, 'errorMessage')
error: {
statusCode: 400,
body: { error: 'errorMessage' }
test('(400, errorMessage, logger)', () => {
const logger = {
info: jest.fn()
const res = utils.errorResponse(400, 'errorMessage', logger)
expect(logger.info).toHaveBeenCalledWith('400: errorMessage')
error: {
statusCode: 400,
body: { error: 'errorMessage' }
describe('stringParameters', () => {
test('no auth header', () => {
const params = {
a: 1, b: 2, __ow_headers: { 'x-api-key': 'fake-api-key' }
test('with auth header', () => {
const params = {
a: 1, b: 2, __ow_headers: { 'x-api-key': 'fake-api-key', authorization: 'secret' }
describe('checkMissingRequestInputs', () => {
test('({ a: 1, b: 2 }, [a])', () => {
expect(utils.checkMissingRequestInputs({ a: 1, b: 2 }, ['a'])).toEqual(null)
test('({ a: 1 }, [a, b])', () => {
expect(utils.checkMissingRequestInputs({ a: 1 }, ['a', 'b'])).toEqual('missing parameter(s) \'b\'')
test('({ a: { b: { c: 1 } }, f: { g: 2 } }, [a.b.c, f.g.h.i])', () => {
expect(utils.checkMissingRequestInputs({ a: { b: { c: 1 } }, f: { g: 2 } }, ['a.b.c', 'f.g.h.i'])).toEqual('missing parameter(s) \'f.g.h.i\'')
test('({ a: { b: { c: 1 } }, f: { g: 2 } }, [a.b.c, f.g.h])', () => {
expect(utils.checkMissingRequestInputs({ a: { b: { c: 1 } }, f: { g: 2 } }, ['a.b.c', 'f'])).toEqual(null)
test('({ a: 1, __ow_headers: { h: 1, i: 2 } }, undefined, [h])', () => {
expect(utils.checkMissingRequestInputs({ a: 1, __ow_headers: { h: 1, i: 2 } }, undefined, ['h'])).toEqual(null)
test('({ a: 1, __ow_headers: { f: 2 } }, [a], [h, i])', () => {
expect(utils.checkMissingRequestInputs({ a: 1, __ow_headers: { f: 2 } }, ['a'], ['h', 'i'])).toEqual('missing header(s) \'h,i\'')
test('({ c: 1, __ow_headers: { f: 2 } }, [a, b], [h, i])', () => {
expect(utils.checkMissingRequestInputs({ c: 1 }, ['a', 'b'], ['h', 'i'])).toEqual('missing header(s) \'h,i\' and missing parameter(s) \'a,b\'')
test('({ a: 0 }, [a])', () => {
expect(utils.checkMissingRequestInputs({ a: 0 }, ['a'])).toEqual(null)
test('({ a: null }, [a])', () => {
expect(utils.checkMissingRequestInputs({ a: null }, ['a'])).toEqual(null)
test('({ a: \'\' }, [a])', () => {
expect(utils.checkMissingRequestInputs({ a: '' }, ['a'])).toEqual('missing parameter(s) \'a\'')
test('({ a: undefined }, [a])', () => {
expect(utils.checkMissingRequestInputs({ a: undefined }, ['a'])).toEqual('missing parameter(s) \'a\'')
describe('getBearerToken', () => {
test('({})', () => {
test('({ authorization: Bearer fake, __ow_headers: {} })', () => {
expect(utils.getBearerToken({ authorization: 'Bearer fake', __ow_headers: {} })).toEqual(undefined)
test('({ authorization: Bearer fake, __ow_headers: { authorization: fake } })', () => {
expect(utils.getBearerToken({ authorization: 'Bearer fake', __ow_headers: { authorization: 'fake' } })).toEqual(undefined)
test('({ __ow_headers: { authorization: Bearerfake} })', () => {
expect(utils.getBearerToken({ __ow_headers: { authorization: 'Bearerfake' } })).toEqual(undefined)
test('({ __ow_headers: { authorization: Bearer fake} })', () => {
expect(utils.getBearerToken({ __ow_headers: { authorization: 'Bearer fake' } })).toEqual('fake')
test('({ __ow_headers: { authorization: Bearer fake Bearer fake} })', () => {
expect(utils.getBearerToken({ __ow_headers: { authorization: 'Bearer fake Bearer fake' } })).toEqual('fake Bearer fake')
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