Code Samples
* <license header>
const utils = require('./../actions/utils.js')
test('interface', () => {
expect(typeof utils.errorResponse).toBe('function')
expect(typeof utils.stringParameters).toBe('function')
expect(typeof utils.checkMissingRequestInputs).toBe('function')
expect(typeof utils.getBearerToken).toBe('function')
describe('errorResponse', () => {
test('(400, errorMessage)', () => {
const res = utils.errorResponse(400, 'errorMessage')
error: {
statusCode: 400,
body: { error: 'errorMessage' }
test('(400, errorMessage, logger)', () => {
const logger = {
info: jest.fn()
const res = utils.errorResponse(400, 'errorMessage', logger)
expect('400: errorMessage')
error: {
statusCode: 400,
body: { error: 'errorMessage' }
describe('stringParameters', () => {
test('no auth header', () => {
const params = {
a: 1, b: 2, __ow_headers: { 'x-api-key': 'fake-api-key' }
test('with auth header', () => {
const params = {
a: 1, b: 2, __ow_headers: { 'x-api-key': 'fake-api-key', authorization: 'secret' }
describe('checkMissingRequestInputs', () => {
test('({ a: 1, b: 2 }, [a])', () => {
expect(utils.checkMissingRequestInputs({ a: 1, b: 2 }, ['a'])).toEqual(null)
test('({ a: 1 }, [a, b])', () => {
expect(utils.checkMissingRequestInputs({ a: 1 }, ['a', 'b'])).toEqual('missing parameter(s) \'b\'')
test('({ a: { b: { c: 1 } }, f: { g: 2 } }, [a.b.c, f.g.h.i])', () => {
expect(utils.checkMissingRequestInputs({ a: { b: { c: 1 } }, f: { g: 2 } }, ['a.b.c', 'f.g.h.i'])).toEqual('missing parameter(s) \'f.g.h.i\'')
test('({ a: { b: { c: 1 } }, f: { g: 2 } }, [a.b.c, f.g.h])', () => {
expect(utils.checkMissingRequestInputs({ a: { b: { c: 1 } }, f: { g: 2 } }, ['a.b.c', 'f'])).toEqual(null)
test('({ a: 1, __ow_headers: { h: 1, i: 2 } }, undefined, [h])', () => {
expect(utils.checkMissingRequestInputs({ a: 1, __ow_headers: { h: 1, i: 2 } }, undefined, ['h'])).toEqual(null)
test('({ a: 1, __ow_headers: { f: 2 } }, [a], [h, i])', () => {
expect(utils.checkMissingRequestInputs({ a: 1, __ow_headers: { f: 2 } }, ['a'], ['h', 'i'])).toEqual('missing header(s) \'h,i\'')
test('({ c: 1, __ow_headers: { f: 2 } }, [a, b], [h, i])', () => {
expect(utils.checkMissingRequestInputs({ c: 1 }, ['a', 'b'], ['h', 'i'])).toEqual('missing header(s) \'h,i\' and missing parameter(s) \'a,b\'')
test('({ a: 0 }, [a])', () => {
expect(utils.checkMissingRequestInputs({ a: 0 }, ['a'])).toEqual(null)
test('({ a: null }, [a])', () => {
expect(utils.checkMissingRequestInputs({ a: null }, ['a'])).toEqual(null)
test('({ a: \'\' }, [a])', () => {
expect(utils.checkMissingRequestInputs({ a: '' }, ['a'])).toEqual('missing parameter(s) \'a\'')
test('({ a: undefined }, [a])', () => {
expect(utils.checkMissingRequestInputs({ a: undefined }, ['a'])).toEqual('missing parameter(s) \'a\'')
describe('getBearerToken', () => {
test('({})', () => {
test('({ authorization: Bearer fake, __ow_headers: {} })', () => {
expect(utils.getBearerToken({ authorization: 'Bearer fake', __ow_headers: {} })).toEqual(undefined)
test('({ authorization: Bearer fake, __ow_headers: { authorization: fake } })', () => {
expect(utils.getBearerToken({ authorization: 'Bearer fake', __ow_headers: { authorization: 'fake' } })).toEqual(undefined)
test('({ __ow_headers: { authorization: Bearerfake} })', () => {
expect(utils.getBearerToken({ __ow_headers: { authorization: 'Bearerfake' } })).toEqual(undefined)
test('({ __ow_headers: { authorization: Bearer fake} })', () => {
expect(utils.getBearerToken({ __ow_headers: { authorization: 'Bearer fake' } })).toEqual('fake')
test('({ __ow_headers: { authorization: Bearer fake Bearer fake} })', () => {
expect(utils.getBearerToken({ __ow_headers: { authorization: 'Bearer fake Bearer fake' } })).toEqual('fake Bearer fake')
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