Description and usage of the app.config.yaml file app-config-yaml
This file determines the configuration for the application.
Who is this video for?
- Developers new to Adobe Commerce with limited experience with Adobe App Builder who are learning about the
in the sample application.
Video content
- The
file discussed - How are definitions link to other
In this video, we’ll talk about the app.config.yml file. This file is used to configure the application and declare actions and triggers. The sample extension is configured as seen in this screenshot. It points to the actions folder in line 2 and the web source folder for the front-end components on line 3. Actions are declared in line 9. As you can see, we have one action in our example called commerce-rest-get that codes a main function under actions-commerce-index.js file. This action is a web action that requires several inputs that are retrieved from the .env file. Here, the commerce URL, consumer key and token, and access token and token secret are required to connect to the commerce instance. Some annotations are also added and you can find more details about this accessing the link you can see on the screen.
Code Sample
# Specify your secrets here
# This file must not be committed to source control
## Adobe I/O Runtime credentials
## Adobe I/O Console service account credentials (JWT) Api Key
# You can also include commerce OAuth credentials, our sample module will use the following example credentials:
You can see these static values being used in the sample module in file actions/commerce.index.js
const oauth = getCommerceOauthClient(
url: params.COMMERCE_BASE_URL,
consumerKey: params.COMMERCE_CONSUMER_KEY,
consumerSecret: params.COMMERCE_CONSUMER_SECRET,
accessToken: params.COMMERCE_ACCESS_TOKEN,
accessTokenSecret: params.COMMERCE_ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET
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